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Fiction By Title
You Always Hurt The One You Love by Crazy_Girl_Mary (FR-21) Angel(us)/Buffy Angel dies, but Buffy isn’t ready to lose him yet. There’s only one way to stop his death, to go back in the past and kill his murderer, but that also means encountering her worst enemy, the devil who wears her lover’s face and his three companions Darla, Spike, and Drusilla at the height of their madness.
You Can't Go Home Again by Paradox761 (FR-15) Willow/Xander Xander’s frustration about being the Zeppo finally comes to a head mid season 4, so he takes off intent on proving himself to those he feels don’t believe in him. He comes to some realizations on his own, and he makes some new friends in the FBI. But a series of murders in Sunnydale forces Xander to come home sooner then he would have liked. Can he use his newfound wisdom to patch things up with his old friends while keeping the secret truth about vampires from his new friends, all while trying to catch a killer? Crossover with The Profiler
You Forgot To Mention Hell, Horatio by JR (FR-18) Willow/Angel(us) The Scooby Gang meets a different kind of Immortal. Crossover with Highlander
You May by Moonloon (FR-15) Wesley/Connor Drabble. Dialogue only
You're Joking Right? by Jinni (FR-13) Willow/Spike Willow discovers something about Spike and herself
You're My Temptation by Kylia (FR-21) Angel(us)/Willow Angelus makes a claim... things happen
Your Sleeping Friends by Starla (FR-7) Buffy/Angel(us) Willow's POV about Buffy and Angel
You Should Have Listened by Mac (FR-21) Faith/Angel(us) Set in alternate universe, around season 3. Angel's demon has been unleashed and Faith wants to sort things out. But she makes it worse.
You Want by SpiderQueen (FR-15) Willow/Spike Spike notices that Willow likes him and decides to heat things up. 2nd in the Frustrations Series
No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.