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- Bottom to Top: The BUFFY Episode Countdown
by Matt -2.19.05
[ mlee@blkswan.com ]

#93 - Blood Ties
[episode 5.13]

Whine, whine, whine. More of the whinemeister. Dawn finds out what she is with a little breaking and entering help from Spike. Then she cuts herself to see if she's real. Either that or she wanted to make a really interesting entrance in the living room. Sheesh, attention hogs.

#92 - Dead Man's Party
[episode 3.2]

I secretly love this episode, but I couldn't seem to get it any higher up on the list. Don't ask me how that happens. Hell, there's a ZOMBIE CAT named "Patches" (well, according to Oz that's his name). We also get the "shindig, ho-down, hootenanny" scene, and the ending where Buffy and Willow name-call each other. But we do have to put up with Pat the nosey somewhat ambigiously gay "friend" of Joyce.

#91 - Same Time, Same Place
[episode 7.3]

So Willow can't see the gang, and the gang can't see Willow. Can anyone say irritating? At least there's pose-able Dawn, and Anya being absolutely hillarious - especially the scene with her and Willow doing the locator spell. But Gnarl is just....well, he eats skin. Eck.

#90 - Showtime
[episode 7.11]

Be prepared to listen to what seemed to be 5 speeches, and a really long fight scene. If you watch Showtime, you've basically seen what the next 11 episodes are going to be like. Now I'm not saying this is a horrible thing, it's just that Buffy seems to get repetitive on the speech-ifying. Meanwhile, Willow is unsure she can control her abilities, and Kennedy is thinking she can just make pencils float. News to Kennedy: Willow isn't a magician, she could skin you alive. Last I checked, David Copperfield can't do that.

#89 - The Harsh Light of Day
[episode 4.3]

Basically everyone without a penis is having a crappy day. Buffy was just used by Parker, Harmony is being Spike's buttmonkey, and Anya doesn't think Xander wants to have a relationship with her. These gals are sad. But hey, Spike can go out in the sun! You know, the gem of amara could've been used for a lot more plot than what it got. One episode of Buffy, one episode of Angel....and then Broody pants destroys it. He's such a buzzkill.

Parts -> [9]     [8]     [7]     [6]     [5]     [4]     [3]     [ 2]     [1]


Atalanta: Showtime's in about the right place, but all the others should be much higher.. they're all pretty good episodes.
(07.05.2005, 13:37)

UnpluggedCrazy: Same Time, Same Place was pretty clever, and The Harsh Light of Day was one of my favorite episodes...how many eps of Buffy do you genuinely like? :-D
(05.05.2005, 13:37)

Amber: I think Same Time, Same Place was one of Buffy's better episodes. Very clever - your list makes me cry!
(21.02.2005, 13:40)

Spike_And_Angel: I like Same Time, Same Place and Harsh Light Of Day! We got willow back in one, and Spike back in another, how could that be bad?
(20.02.2005, 08:59)

Lucky: i personaly thought Gnarl was a GREAT beastie
(19.02.2005, 22:59)

I HATE NORMAL AGAIN: I am not feeling the love for Season 7 from you. And why the hell has Normal Again lasted this long. It should have fallen to the count on the first page.
(19.02.2005, 20:29)

Lisa: I liked Harsh light of Day because i liked it when Vamps do things they normally can't do. I do think they should have kept the ring longer but oh well. I agree with the rest. While I liked Showtime her speeches were getting annoying. Matt are you a hottie? You sound like a hottie? That was just a side note. Obviously.
(19.02.2005, 13:48)

Rebecca: I meant ... in "Blood Ties," Dawn had a realistic and interesting reaction to the news that she was artificially creative, with all-natural ingredients. If Dawn had been less of a stereotypical teen, she would've been more sympathetic. Secretly cutting, shoplifting, sneaking out with demons like Spike, that's kinda interesting.
(19.02.2005, 13:08)

Rebecca: Still happy that "Lies My Parents Told Me" was low on the list ... "Blood Ties" deserves to be higher. If Dawn had cut herself more, I would've liked her better. ...that came out wrong.
(19.02.2005, 13:05)

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