Thursday, February 24, 2005
It is my Duty to Update. I said "Duty". Tee-Hee

Part 12 of the Dimension's ULTIMATE BUFFY Episode Countdown is up! Go read! It's like fundamental and stuff.

Chew -

Articles: The Dimension - Buffy Episode Countdown.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.
2 new announcements are up in the scroller.

Poll Me -

Last week we asked, "We're back to All Mutant Enemy! Are you happy about this?" Here are the results...

Yes! Thank Joss! - 41.6%
Hell no, I like those other shows! - 32.9%
I'm not wearing pants. - 14.2%
I don't care either way. - 11.3%

Total votes: 310

Ok, so 41% are happy, and 32% wanted us to cover those other shows. Well, too bad! This feels right...ohhhh yeah. Why must I make everything sound like a Barry White song? Anywho, the comments...

"Who were those wankers anyway? Nancy boy fops all survivored and scrawny red headed elektars - foo! Gimme some Gina Torres!"
- Dr Furious

Matt: I would disagree if I understood what any of that meant.

"Thank you all from for giving me the funniest comments and other stuff. I really like ur web site. Thnx...."
- Josh

Matt: Ur welcome. thnx u, u type really nyce. Gr8, now he has me talkin N IM-speak.

"Pants are for WWIIIIIIIIMPS!!! *ahem- feeling better now* Wouldn't it be sweet if Joss served us up some fresh M.E.?? C'mon, Great and Wise Joss, reward your esteemed servant Pooh-Bah with fresh material so Pooh doesn't have to do all the creating himself!!"
- Life's A Show

Matt: Yes, that would be nice. Originality hurts my brain.

"You put me out of a job!.....that I was procrastinating on :-p"
- Danny

"I liked LOST. You should've kept that! That's an awesome show that a lot of BUFFY/ANGEL fans love."
- Mike

"I can understand the desire to make this a Joss-only site again, but since Joss and the defunct Mutant Enemy aren't actually making any shows any more, what are you going to update the site with? Every episode of M.E. televison has already aired and been released on DVD - are you thinking of making this more of a static Jossverse reference site (with message board)?"
- Lazy Dolphin

Matt: We weren't really ever just news. We're more entertainment than anything. I mean, we make stuff up a lot, and we're funny. At least that's what my mom says.

"Since I'm a big giant loser and didn't watch either of doesn't matter either way. But YAY for All Joss!!"
- Voltage

"I'm glad it's back to just Mutant Enemy. I like Lost, but I've never seen Alias (and I never really plan to) and I found it kind of annoying to go through things and wonder what the heck it was because it wasn't Mutant Enemy related. So thank you for staying true to our Joss and canning everybody else."
- Vampire Lady

New. Poll. Up. Vote. Now. Hoebags.

Check It Out -

The Poobah Interviews Samwise Gamgee and Illyria. CLICK HERE to read this EXCLUSIVE Interview!

- Matt

[Posted @ 12:24 p.m.]

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