Angel's Secrets

Angel Poll Archive   

What is your favorite episode of Angel and why?

What do you want to happen on the show during season three?

What is your favorite Angel quote?

Which Angel character are you most like?

Which Angel character should have a spin-off series?

What do you think of Cordelia?

Should Angel and Cordelia date?

Angel should date . . . ?

What do you think of Fred?

What is your favorite season of Angel so far?

What should happen in Season 4?

If you were Angel, what would you do?

Should Fred and Gunn be together?

What do you think of Season 4 so far?

Should 'Buffy' - the series - return next season?

What do you think of Connor?

What is your favorite season so far?

What do you think of Spike joining
the cast of 'Angel'?

How long have you watched 'Angel the Series'?

What did you think of the Series Finale?

Would you watch a movie about the Buffyverse if
neither Angel nor Buffy was in it?

Angel Quotes Poll Results

Buffy Quotes Poll Results

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