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Virginia Bryce | Landok | Gavin Park | Groo
Virginia Bryce Virginia Bryce is the over-protected daughter of wealthy sorcerer Magnus Bryce. Magnus is approaching his 50th birthday and, unbeknownst to Virginia, is planning to sacrifice his daughter to the Goddess Yeska on that day. In order for the ceremony to work, the sacrifice must be a virgin and, believing Angel to be a eunuch (a misconception of the gypsy curse), Bryce hires him as a bodyguard for his daughter. Angel, however, has taken a little trip away to 'find himself' and Wesley takes the job in his place. Virginia and Wesley grow close and soon the inevitable happens and the pair end up in bed. Despite Wesley's convincing portrayal of Angel, Bryce discovers the truth and kicks him out of the house. When the celebrated day arrives, Angel Inc turn up to save the day but it is too late, Yeska has already been summoned, but the sacrifice being 'impure' Yeska turns Virginia down and Wesley is much relieved to hear that it wasn't him that took Virginia's virginity.

Wesley and Virginia continue their relationship until Wesley getting shot in the line of duty opens Virginia's eyes to the danger of his job and, when he refuses to change his occupation, she breaks up with him.

Last updated
13 December 2005
Landok Landokmar of the Deathwok Clan is Lorne's cousin and still resides in Lorne's home dimension of Pylea. When Cordelia receives a vision of a young girl, Fred, who has been sucked through a portal, their search for the girl leads them to the library where she worked and the last book she checked out. Cordelia attempts to read from the book and inadvertently opens a portal herself, out from which pops Landok. After defeating the Drachen beast, which has popped through a similar portal, team Angel send Landok back to Pylea but unfortunately, Cordelia gets sucked through with him.

Of course Angel and co find their way to Pylea where Landok welcomes Angel as a hero and slayer of the Drachen beast, and invites him to tell stories of his heroics. As the conquering hero, Angel gets the rare pleasure of beheading a runaway slave, the very girl from Cordelia's vision. Angel and co save both Cordy and Fred and head back home leaving Landok in a much improved Pylea

Last updated
13 December 2005

Gavin Park Gavin park, young, up and coming lawyer at Wolfram & Hart, is brought into the Special Projects to replace Lindsey. His arrival sparks a rivalry between him and Lilah as they both try to please their boss, Linwood

Gavin's first job as Wolfram & Hart seems innocent enough, visiting the Hyperion Hotel, he finds no less than 32 building code violations, however, his real task is to install several 'bugs' that will transmit everything that goes on at Angel Investigations in full and glorious colour straight back to his bosses at Wolfram & Hart. The only place missed apparently, is the toilet. His ingeniousness leads to Wolfram & Hart's discovery of Darla's pregnancy. Round one to Gavin.

Not to be out done though, Lilah is soon in secret consultations with the Senior Partners and their rivalry ends when she takes over as department head. Things go from bad to worse when The Beast attacks Wolfram & Hart and kills all the employees, including Gavin, and turns them into zombies.

Last updated
14 December 2005
Groo Cast from his village in Pylea due to the 'cow blood' in him and wanting to end his suffering, Groo tries to kill himself by entering every battle he can. But no matter how dangerous the battle or how fearsome the opponent, he wins every battle and the covenant is forced to name him The Groosalugg meaning "the brave and undefeated" As Pylean legend would have it, one day a princess will come to the land cursed with the vision, The Groosalugg must 'Com Shuk' or mate with the princess and then the visions will pass to him. Cordelia plops through a protal into Pylea and finds herself a 'cow' slave until the covenant of Pylea discover she is 'cursed with the visions' and quickly make her a princess. The Groosalugg is summoned, and despite her fears, Cordy finds him very attractive and is all set to 'Com Shuk' 'til dawn until she learns that she will lose her visions.

When Cordy has a vision of Groo fighting (and losing) to a vicious beast, she begs him not fight, but the covenant persuade Groo that the beast (Angel) will defile his princess if he does not kill him and the two fight, but Cordy steps in before Angel can kill Groo. In the meantime, Wesley and Gunn have seen to the death of the evil head priest and Cordy announces the abolishment of slavery, among other things, and hands over the rule of Pylea to Groo.

With Cordy gone, however, things don't go so well in Pylea and soon there is a Dance of Revolution and Groo is deposed and finds himself in LA and back in the arms of his princess just as Angel is about to declare his love for her. Cordy sets to work giving Groo a make over, (nice short hair that sticks up, leather jacket, no, she's not modeling him on anyone we know) and asks Angel to helpfind a potion that will allow them to Com Shuk without her losing her visions. Unable to deal with Groo stepping into his shoes in more ways than one, Angel sends the pair off on vacation where they can cum shuk to their heart's content.

On their return they find things very different at Angel Investigations and Groo slowly begins to realises that it is not him that Cordy loves but Angel. His final gift to his Princess is to make her realise this too, then he leaves.

Last updated
14 December 2005


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