when love is more than a triangle
(Because sometimes things get complicated)

In the Still of the Night
Xander's thoughts after Becoming.

Becoming and its aftermath from Willow's perspective.

And The Rest is Silence
Willow is dying and needs to make amends.
**Nominated for the 1999 Golden Frog Awards**

Near Perfection
Willow thinks about her life a year ago and how it's changed.

Wind Chill
Willow says goodbye.
**Nominated for the 1999 Golden Frog Awards**

How Does Your Heart Beat
Willow and Xander define their relationship.
**Nominated for the 1999 Golden Frog Awards**

She Cries At Night
Oz pov. He has to deal with something he doesn't like over the summer.
**Nominated for the 1999 Golden Frog Awards**

My Little World
Willow's getting married to Oz, but Xander still has feelings for her.
The sequel is My Little Heaven
the Honeymoon....Rated NC-17

No One is to Blame
What Xander realizes about his relationship to Willow.

You Reach for Me
Xander's pov during "Wild at Heart."

Remember Me
Two of the Slayerettes watch the future unfold.

The Future in Your Eyes
A few years in the future, someone contemplates the coming changes.

Go away.

If you want to send feedback, Amy's new email address is slvrbttn2@aol.com.

Graphics edited by Rebecca. Please do not redistribute.