"The Deal"

Author: Pamela
The song "Amazed" belongs to Lonestar, not I.













"Oh good, there you are," Claire said as she saw both Riley and Caleb in the hallway, "Why don't you go ahead and take the suitcases upstairs?"

"Sure, we were going up anyway so I can show Riley a magazine," Caleb replied.

"It's not a dirty magazine, is it?" she asked.

Both her sons rolled their eyes and Riley answered, "No, he wants to show me some sports car."

"Okay, good boys."

"Where's Buffy staying?" Riley asked as he started grabbing suitcases.

"In your room, of course!"

"Then where am *I* staying?" he responded, fearing the answer.

Caleb grinned, "You don't know? The only people who know the truth is Mom, Dad, Rach, Noah, Ariel and me."

"Yeah, so?" Riley said, then saw where he was going, "It's not like Grandma will notice if we're sleeping in separate rooms. It's a big house."

"Maybe, but didn't Mom tell you that Uncle Larry and his family are coming tonight and will be staying with us too?"

Riley realized his mother had disappeared and shook his head, "I can't believe this."

"Please, like it's so bad? I mean, I know she's preggers, but I can tell Buffy is a pretty cute chick. How's she look when she's not pregnant?"

"What does it matter?" Riley muttered as they trudged up the stairs,

"Well, I was just thinking, maybe after you two get divorced... I mean, Noah told me about his theory that she and the kid are a part of the family whether you're married to her or not, so she's still be around…"

Riley stopped and turned around to give his brother a look, "Don't even *think* about it!"

Caleb laughed, "Man, that just said it all!"

"So… tell me to shut the hell up if I am going somewhere you don't want me too… but how *does* the father look?" Rachel asked Buffy as she sat beside her in one of the many lawn chairs in the backyard, "Like, is Grandma right about your daughter having two good-looking parents?"

Buffy gave her a small smile, "He is extremely good-looking. I mean, his name is Angel and it *fits*. He's not at all like Riley, though. I mean, Riley's really good-looking, but in a completely different way. Angel is the epitome of tall, dark and handsome. You probably think I'm exaggerating, but believe me, he had… still has, I'm sure, women throwing themselves at him."

"I believe you," Rachel replied, "So… is that why he's your ex? He's got women throwing themselves at him?"

Buffy shook her head, "No… it's a lot more complicated than that. The two of us… we love each other a lot, but it's hard… and he's decided that it does more harm than good for us to be together. He decided that before I got pregnant, though… so, to be fair, he didn't get me pregnant and then have this revelation."

"Yeah, but I have the feeling you aren't exactly adoring him, right? Aren't you a little bit angry with him, even if he isn't just flaking out on you because he doesn't want to be a daddy?"

"Oh, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to wring his neck a great majority of the time. I love him and I know that his reasons aren't just an excuse… but I knew his reasons before I found out I was pregnant… and I still went to him and told him about the baby, thinking he'd change his mind."

"But he didn't," Rachel concluded.

"Nope," Buffy shook her head, "I mean, he didn't just blow me off… at first he thought I would want to have an abortion but I made it clear right away that it wasn't an option for me… and he accepted that. I suppose in his way, he is still being responsible. Uh… do you promise not to tell Riley about this?"

Rachel nodded, the fact that she was agreeing to keep a secret from her own brother for basically a stranger not bothering her, "Sure."

"Well, right away, Angel told me he would give me money. He'd do everything short of being in our lives. I was hurt and angry, though, and told him I didn't want his help. Riley knows about that part," she said, taking a deep breath, "What he doesn't know is that Angel set up a checking account for me, without my consent, and gave a mutual friend of ours the ATM card and stuff… to give to me. My friend talked me into taking it for emergencies, since I still refuse to take Angel's help. I guess it's wrong, but I never told Riley. I don't like the idea that Riley thinks I have no money besides what I earn, but I never have taken any from him. Well, besides when we bought all the stuff for the house, but that was before… anyway, I just thought that it would be best if he didn't know. I don't think he'd receive it well because he kind of..."

"Hates Angel?"

"He never said it, but I have the distinct impression that he's not Angel's biggest fan."

"If I know my brother, and I do, he hates him."

"Really? I mean, I know from Riley's point-of-view, Angel is a jerk, but hate is such a strong emotion."

Rachel smiled, realizing Buffy was oblivious to the fact that Riley loved her. She considered enlightening her sister-in-law, but thought better of it… for the time being.

"So… Uncle Larry is your mother's brother?" Buffy asked, leaning her head close to Riley's as the two of them sat together at one of several tables that had been set up out in the yard for the big barbecue.

Riley nodded and explained, "He's a lot younger than her, I think about twelve years, because they have different fathers. My mom's dad died when she was five or so, and Grandma remarried Uncle Larry's dad a few years later, hence the big age difference."

"Ah, I see," Buffy replied.


"A little… but I think I can handle it," she grinned, "I'm not used to having so many people around. My mom has a sister, but she lives pretty far away, so I never got in the habit of having aunts and uncles and cousins running around."

"Just wait until Grandma's party when *everyone* is here," Riley warned her, "You'll probably end up pulling your hair out."

"Hey Buffy, have you picked a name for the baby yet?" Riley's little ten year old cousin, Ashley asked her.

"How do you know *Riley* isn't picking the name?" her younger brother, Jason, asked.

"Because she's the one who has to carry around the baby for nine months," Ashley retorted, as if it was the most obvious reason in the world.

Buffy smiled at the both of them, "I keep picking names, but I always either change my mind or Riley hates them and makes fun of me."

"See, Riley has final say," the eight year old smirked at his sister.

"He doesn't even get to pick the names… she just *lets* him give his opinion," Ashley said, then grinned at Buffy, "Do you like the name Britney?"

"Um… sure."

"Oh good! Britney Spears is my favorite singer, and she's so pretty and can dance so well! You should name your daughter that!"

"Okay, I am exorcising my fatherly rights and saying that you, Woman," Riley grinned, pointing at Buffy, "are absolutely *not* allowed to name our daughter, Britney!"

Buffy tried not to laugh and gave Ashley a helpless look, "I'm sorry, but what can I do?"

Ashley shook her head mournfully, "I hope *I* never fall in love and let *boys* win."

Feeling rather awkward, Buffy and Riley focused on their food as Ashley and Jason bickered about something else. He wasn't sure how they were going to be able to manage a week of this, especially with his nosy family surrounding them. It had been bad enough before, when they'd lived in Lowell House… but now, after they'd slept together… to sleep next to Buffy and act like they were completely in love when they… well, *she* wasn't.

It certainly wouldn't aid his efforts to stop feeling the way he did for her.

Buffy yawned as she climbed in the bed, eager to get to sleep. It had been a long day and she was so exhausted, she didn't even care that she was sharing the bed with Riley. The thought of doing anything besides sleeping didn't even enter her mind.

Riley, on the other hand, was all too aware of the fact that the woman he loved would be sleeping beside him. However, he could tell by Buffy's blasé body language that she obviously wasn't thinking of being tempted to have sex. That helped, he supposed... all he had to worry about was not touching her.

As he sat down on his side of the bed, he watched her lying on her back with her eyes closed, wondering if she was already asleep. He discovered she wasn't when she opened her eyes and smiled, putting her hand on her stomach.

"Kicking?" he asked, immediately remembering that night weeks earlier when the baby had kicked for the first time. Buffy had been so excited and placed his hand on her belly to feel it. It was absolutely amazing.

Buffy nodded and looked at him, "As soon as I'm ready for bed, she's ready to dance."

"Can I feel?" he asked, holding out his hand. Even after what they'd done, he felt awkward just touching her without her permission.

"Of course," she replied, taking his hand and placing it where the baby was kicking.

They were quiet for a moment, content to feel the baby as she moved inside Buffy's womb. When she calmed, Riley reluctantly pulled his hand away and told her, "You know, judging by the way she kicks, I am thinking she'll be just like her mom."

"Oh God, why do you hate me?" she joked.

"Come on, lets go to sleep."

Yawning again, she nodded, "That sounds heavenly."

Riley turned his bedside lamp off and quietly said, "Goodnight, Buffy."

"'Night Riley… thanks."

"For what?"

"For being you."

Riley wasn't sure how to respond to that, so he didn't. Instead he just sat in the dark, listening to the sound of her breathing grow more even as Buffy fell asleep.

"Mom, leave her alone!"

"Oh, knock it off, Riley. I'm not doing anything horrible to her!"

As she opened her eyes, Buffy smiled, wondering exactly what Riley and his mother were arguing about. Seeing that they had woken her up, the two of them smiled sheepishly down at her.

"Hi Buffy… I'm sorry I didn't get to wake you in a more pleasant manner," Claire apologized, giving Riley a pointed look, "but I wanted to ask you if you'd like to join the family for church."

"She's not religious, Mom."

"I know that, but she might want to come with us anyway."

Buffy saw the hopeful look on Claire's face, and the way Riley shrugged his shoulders, telling her he didn't know what she ought to do. Smiling, Buffy nodded at her mother-in-law, "I'll come. How long do I have to get ready?"

Claire clapped her hands together, "Wonderful! Breakfast will be on the table in half an hour."

She left the two of them alone, a bounce in her step from having gotten her way. Riley shook his head and sighed as he watching his mother shut the door.

Flopping down at the foot of the bed, he gave Buffy a lopsided grin, "Sorry she put you on the spot like that. If you want, I can tell her you aren't feeling well and changed your mind."

"No, it's fine," Buffy told him, sitting up and climbing out of bed, "I really like your family."

"They like you too," he replied. It was a shame, really. His family loved her, she loved them, *he* loved her *and* the baby. It would be perfect… except she didn't love him.

"Oh, I can't wait to show you off," Claire exclaimed, turning her head and smiling at Buffy in the backseat.

Her daughter-in-law just gave her a polite smile as she rubbed her stomach and willed it to stop aching. Claire and shoved so much food down Buffy's throat when she'd shown up for breakfast that she had to wonder if she would ever get hungry again. The woman hadn't been kidding when she'd said she wanted to fatten Buffy up.

"Are you okay?" Riley asked her quietly, seeing her discomfort.

Buffy nodded, "Just very very full."

He chuckled, "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

"Gwen and Wanda are going to think you're so adorable!"

"Oh, I bet you're ecstatic about that," Caleb said sarcastically in his spot on the opposite side of Buffy.

The three occupants in the backseat smiled at his joke as Claire went on and on about what people would think of Buffy. Nobody even bothered reminding her that she shouldn't make too big a deal since Buffy wasn't going to be a permanent part of the family.

"Claire, you have to let me go home with you," Eulalie begged her daughter as they moved up the path to the church. She loved all her grandchildren, but Ashley and Jason were on her last nerve after bickering the entire way to the church.

"Alright, I'll make Caleb ride with Larry, then," Claire replied, then beamed as she saw her longtime friend standing in front of the entrance, "Gwen!"

Gwendolyn Pierce saw Claire approaching and rushed over to her, excited to meet the daughter-in-law Claire had talked endlessly about for months, "Hello Claire!"

"Mom, you remember my friend, Gwen, right?"

Eulalie smiled and nodded, "It's good to see you, Dear."

"You too," Gwen smiled, "Now where is she, hmm?"

"She's coming," Claire assured her, looking behind her at the rest of her family ten yards away. Rachel, Brian and the kids had arrived soon after they did and everyone else was talking to them.

"Oh, you're a vision," Gwen exclaimed when at long last Buffy and the rest of the family joined them in front of the church. Since she was already very familiar with Claire's family and Buffy was the only pregnant one, it was obvious to her right away that she was the one Claire always spoke so fondly of.

Buffy smiled shyly, "Thank you."

"Buffy, this is Gwen," Claire said, "And Gwen, this is my new daughter."

Riley felt himself pale. Daughter. Not even daughter-in-law anymore. Caleb elbowed him in the ribs and grinned. In that moment, Riley realized Noah was absolutely right. Buffy was a part of their family for good now. It wasn't a matter of always having to face the woman he'd married and divorced, only to help her out... he *loved* her.. and for the rest of his life, he'd have to see her. Every major family event, there she'd be. What if she got married? He'd have to see the man who won her heart for the rest of his life too.

He was shaken from his thoughts as Gwen hugged him tightly and told him how proud she was to see him being a family man. Nodding politely, he asked about her health and family until she went back to talking to his mother as they all entered the church.

Since they were the Finns and not some normal family, they couldn't just show up at church right before mass began, sit down and listen, then leave when it's over. No, they had to arrive early, socialize, then hang out afterwards for a while before they all headed to a restaurant for lunch. It was their Sunday tradition.

Inside the church, they found that Noah and Ariel were already there, holding seats. They'd all settled in, taking up an entire pew with the seventeen of them. Soon after, Wanda Douglass came up to them, led by Gwen, and beamed down at Buffy, who sat at the end of the pew with Riley beside her.

"Oh my, you must be Buffy!"

Buffy looked questioningly at Riley before smiling up at the woman, "Yes… Hello."

Riley stood up and cordially kissed the woman on the cheek, "Hi Wanda."

Buffy also stood and shook the woman's hand, "It's very nice to meet you."

"Oh, this is so wonderful. When's the baby coming?"

"August," she answered, "The 19th."

"Claire, you are so lucky, this baby's going to be a beauty, I just know it!" Wanda grinned, "Claire says it's a girl."

"Yes," Claire said proudly, standing up as well, "She might be named Abigail."

"She might?" Riley asked his mother, surprised, since he'd never heard Buffy mention that name. Looking at Buffy, he repeated, "She might?"

Buffy shrugged, since she'd never even considered the name. She actually liked it, now that she thought of it… so maybe she would name her that.

Gwen laughed, "You two better watch out or Claire will be naming your baby. I wonder how Rachel avoided that."

"She's stubborn as a mule," Claire said, "But not my sweet Buffy."

"So when will you start spoiling this baby?" Wanda asked.

"Tomorrow," Claire laughed, "I *have* to take Buffy to Southridge Mall!"

At long last, it was ten o'clock. Wanda and Gwen retreated to their own seats and Buffy, Riley and Claire settled in. Just as the reverend approached the pulpit, Claire leaned her head close to Riley's so she could whisper in her son's ear.

"Just so you know, I wouldn't have been at all upset had I found you and Buffy in bed without a stitch on this morning."

Riley blushed furiously as his eyes widened in disbelief that she could ever say such a thing. He was utterly speechless, so Claire was able to sit smugly as the reverend began speaking.

"Riley, come look at this," Rachel said, tugging her younger brother towards the kitchen door.

Riley sighed, but followed. He had been enjoying just hanging out in the backyard with his father, brothers and various other family members, so he really hoped whatever Rachel had to show him was important.

"It's absolutely adorable, and I just had to show you," she explained, grinning at him as she led him to the living room so that they could peer into the room from the doorway.

Riley immediately saw what she meant. Buffy was sitting on the couch with Nadia half-leaning on her and Randy on her lap. Nadia was reading the three of them a story with a little help from Buffy. Riley couldn't help but smile at the sight, as well as indulge in a little fantasy where he could come home from work and find her like this, only instead of it being his niece and nephew, it was their own children.

Rachel took a few steps away from the door so that they could talk without being discovered, "See what I mean?"

Riley nodded, "They're all getting along famously."

"It's more than that, they're my kids, I can tell. She's going to be a great mother, Riley," Rachel told him.

"I have no doubt of that," he replied wistfully.

"I know I am being *such* an intruding family member here, but is this arrangement as simple as it seems?" she asked, "Do you really not have any reservations about divorcing Buffy and disappearing from her life come January?"

Riley looked down, "It doesn't matter what I feel… *Buffy* wants this."

Rachel was left with a surprised look on her face as Riley brushed past her, not giving her a chance to ask any more questions. Moving back to the doorway to see that Randy was rapidly falling asleep on Buffy, she decided that if she wanted answers, she'd have to go through Buffy to get them.

"So this is where everyone is," Riley grinned, entering the crowded kitchen the next morning.

Claire looked up at him from her spot at the counter with the large grill in front of her and smiled, "Hi Sweetheart, how do pancakes sound?"

"Delicious," he told her, kissing her on the cheek.

"Hi Riley, you sure slept a long time," Jason said.

On the stool at the counter next to him, Ashley nodded, "We were going to wake you up, but Mom said you needed your sleep. Buffy said that when we get to be as old as you, we'll need to sleep a lot too."

"Oh she did, did she?" Riley asked as his mother started laughing.

Riley glanced over at Buffy sitting at the table next to his grandmother. The older woman was obviously deep into some tale from her past and Buffy appeared to be engrossed. Uncle Larry and Aunt Eileen were also at the table, reading separate sections of the paper as they ate breakfast as well.

"Why don't you sit next to Buffy, Honey? I'll have some pancakes made up for you in a minute."

Riley sighed, but complied with her request. After what Rachel had said to him the day before, he'd made a conscious effort to not give her or his mother any more encouragement. He didn't want the people who didn't know the truth to get suspicious, but he still made sure not to sit too close to her, whisper in her ear, smile too much… anything that would give Rachel and his mother the impression that they could play matchmaker.

"Good Morning, Grandma," Riley said, bending down to kiss the woman on her head as he moved past her to sit next to Buffy, whom he merely smiled at before taking his seat.

Buffy returned the smile, a bit apprehensively, since things between the two of them definitely appeared to be strained and she had no idea why, "Did you sleep well?"

"Like a rock… I can't believe you managed to get up and dress without waking me."

"I made a point to be quiet, you seemed to need the rest."

"You'd both best get all the rest you can *while* you can," Eulalie advised, "Once that little girl comes into the world, you'll both be exhausted."

Riley's Uncle Larry looked up from the paper and grinned at him, "I suggest you do what I did- become a *really* deep sleeper. You know, so deep that you don't hear the baby and you don't even feel it when your wife tries to nudge you awake. After a few nights she gives up on you, because it's easier just to take the baby herself."

Buffy and Riley laughed as Eileen playfully elbowed her husband and scolded him for not only his 'deep sleeping,' but encouraging his nephew to do it as well.

"Here we go," Claire announced, setting a plate with a high stack of pancakes in front of her son. Setting the butter and syrup in front of him, she added, "If you want more, just tell me."

"Okay, Mom," he said, practically drooling at the food in front of him. He'd forgotten how much he'd missed his days at home, where every day started with a delicious meal, "So what's on the schedule for today?"

"You are spending quality time with your niece, nephews and cousins," his mother grinned.

"And me," Larry added.

"What?" Riley asked, a little worried.

"Your mother wants to do a little shopping, so she thought it'd be nice if all of us girls went. You wouldn't enjoy it, besides, we can't leave Uncle Larry by himself with all the kids," Buffy explained.

"I'm a girl! Why do I have to stay with the boys?" Ashley complained.

"You wouldn't enjoy yourself, Ash," Eileen told her daughter, "We won't be shopping for anything you'll be interested it. Just women's clothes, maternity clothes, and baby stores."

"Besides, Nadia will be here soon," Claire smiled.

"But Nadia's only six, I'm ten!"

"You'll still have fun," Eileen assured her, "Daddy will take you kids somewhere."

"I will?" Larry asked, then looked at Riley, "Where are we going?"

Riley shrugged, "No clue."

"The waterslide park!" Jason exclaimed, a wide grin spreading on his face.

"Yeah!" Ashley agreed, jumping off her stool so she could hop up and down.

"Good morning everyone," Rachel greeted as she and her three children entered the kitchen.

"We're going to the waterslide park," Ashley informed them.

The five children began cheering, although Randy didn't appear to know what was going on and just cheered because the big kids did, before they ran out of the room to expend some of their endless energy in the backyard.

Larry looked at Riley again, "I guess we're going to the waterslide park."

Riley left Caleb's bedroom after finally waking him at ten so that he could go with them to the waterpark. He jumped in surprise when he found Buffy waiting in the hallway for him.

"Sorry," she said, giving him an apologetic smile, "I just wanted to talk to you alone… and it's kind of hard to be alone around here."

"I know what you mean… what did you want to talk about?"

"Um, well, I have noticed you seemed to be acting kind of… angry with me," she told him. It had been bothering her since the day before, but she'd thought he might just be in a bad mood. However, he was still acting that way, she decided to confront him about it, "I can't think of what I might have done to make you mad, so could you clue me in?"

"I'm not mad at you at all," Riley said, shaking his head. Sighing, he continued, "I'm sorry I gave you that impression. It's just that… well you see how my mother is so into this whole thing about us being married. She knows the truth, but she prefers the lie… I don't want to encourage her, so I'm trying to act kind of cool around you so she can't misinterpret anything as romantic."

"Oh… okay, that makes sense. It's a good idea," Buffy said quietly, even as a part of her was a little sad. She realized she'd very much gotten into pretending to be a couple around Riley's family, even though she always knew it was all an act. If he was really her husband, there were many occasions where she would have kissed him, hugged him… done all sorts of things to him that she really wanted to do, but knew better. Despite the fact that she had been the one to insist they remain only friends... she *really* wanted more.

"Well, you'd better get downstairs, right? Mom wants to leave soon."

"Yeah… she has a full day planned."

"Don't let her wear you out," Riley warned, "I know you're in fabulous shape, but you *are* pregnant and you *do* get tired easier than you used to."

Buffy smiled and rolled her eyes, "I think I can keep up with your mother. Besides, your grandmother will be there too. Claire has to keep it slow enough not to wear her out."

"There you are! What did I tell you, Buffy? Call me Mom," Claire ordered as she came down the hallway towards them with Eulalie trailing behind.

"Sorry, I forgot," Buffy apologized.

"We'd better get going," Claire replied, then kissed her son on his cheek, "You have fun. Don't worry, I'll take good care of her."

"She takes good care of herself," Riley said, winning a smile from Buffy.

"Don't you make eyes at any girls in swimsuits at that park," Eulalie teased.

"Please, Mother, it's obvious Riley only has eyes for Buffy," Claire said as they headed towards the stairs.

Buffy and Riley shared an amused look before she turned and followed the two older women down the stairs.

"Just the same, I'm having Larry look after you, Riley, just in case you forget you have a beautiful, sweet wife," Eulalie warned her grandson.

Claire frowned, "How do you think you are making Buffy feel, acting like Riley's going to be looking at other women just because she's not around? She's going to get very insecure."

Buffy tried her hardest not to laugh out loud as the two of them argued the rest of the way down the stairs. Shopping that day was sure to be different than it had ever been before. But she *really* didn't mind.

"Why can't we just go to the food court so everyone can get what they want?" Rachel tried to reason with her mother as they led the other three women around the mall.

"Because I don't like fast food for meals and you know that, Rachel," Claire replied, "I especially don't want that when Grandma is with us. She likes a nice, sit-down meal."

Rachel rolled her eyes, "Fine, if you want to waste time we could spend shopping."

"We're making great time," Claire assured her before turning around, "Buffy, do you like Mexican?"

"I love Mexican," Buffy nodded, hoping the two of them would just stop arguing and agree, she and Eulalie had admitted to each other that they were starving while they sat outside the fitting rooms at the last store, waiting for the other women and offering opinions on the clothes they tried on.

"Good, we'll go to Ricardo's," she said triumphantly and led them into a small restaurant.

Luckily, they were immediately seated at a table and brought a basket of tortilla chips and some bowls of salsa to munch on while they perused the menu. A few moments later a young man approached their table and smiled.

"Hi, my name is Sean, I'll be your waiter. Were you all ready to order drinks?"

Claire nodded and smiled, "Actually, I think we all know what we want to eat too, right girls?"

Everyone nodded, so Claire went ahead and put in her order, followed by Eileen and Rachel. Buffy ordered her chicken enchiladas and requested extra jalapenos, ignoring the amused look Rachel shot her way. At last it was Eulalie's turn. Unfortunately, ordering food that wasn't exactly in English proved to be difficult for her.

"Let's see, I'd like these… que… que… Buffy, dear, do you know what this is?"

Buffy leaned over and glanced at the menu where Eulalie was pointing, "Quesadillas."

"Yes, thank you… I'd like those, with chicken in them."

"All right," Sean replied, writing down her order, "And to drink?"

"Just a water, I think," Eulalie told him, then smiled widely, "Oh, and could I get a... a marijuana?"

Everyone at the table stared at her, their jaws dropped.

"*What* do you want, Mother?"

"You know, the fancy drink with all the salt."

"Uh, do you mean a margarita?" Sean guessed.

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

"Okay, then, I can do that," he told her, a very amused look on his face.

Rachel and Buffy, on the other hand, weren't doing as well. The both of them had their hands over their mouths as they laughed hysterically. Eileen managed to only grin, while Claire blushed furiously.

"What did I do?" Eulalie asked innocently.

"Mother, you ordered an illegal drug!"

"I didn't mean to."

Claire sighed and smacked Rachel on the arm when tears of laughter actually began streaming down her daughter's face, "Knock it off."

After a few more moments, the two girls were finally calm enough to stop laughing completely. As the other woman made polite conversation, Rachel leaned over and whispered in Buffy's ear, "Are you *sure* you're going to want to divorce Riley and miss out on stuff like this?"

Buffy looked down, not responding, even though she wanted to assure Rachel that the thought of losing Riley and his wonderful family broke her heart. As great as staying married sounded… it was inevitable that they'd end up divorcing. It was just that if she tried to disillusion herself into believing they could be what everyone thought they were, she'd end up with a broken heart… something she didn't think she could live through again.

"Ah, here we are. Finally a store for *you*, Buffy," Eileen said as they walked into Mother Goose's Clothiers, a maternity and baby store, "Poor thing, you've spent hours watching the rest of us shop."

"Oh, I didn't mind… I actually had fun," Buffy told her as she looked the store over.

"This is the *best* store to get maternity clothes," Rachel told her, "I swore I would wear overalls the entire time I was pregnant with the twins until I found this place."

"Oh Buffy, come here! This is *so* you!" Claire called, holding up a light blue sundress.

"Do me a favor?" Rachel asked Buffy quietly, then continued as her sister-in-law nodded, "Let her spoil you? I know I whine a lot, but it's really not so bad as long as she doesn't want to buy you something you hate. So as long as you like whatever it is… let her buy it… it'll make her happy."

Before Buffy could respond, Claire was holding dresses up to her and talking to anyone who would listen about how well it went with whatever and how wonderful her coloring was. The woman became a machine as she grew excited about dressing her new daughter up… sort of like she was a doll. Buffy didn't mind, though… it was nice to be mothered.

Before she knew it, Buffy had been shoved into a fitting room where she had tried on countless outfits picked by Claire that Buffy had to admit didn't look bad as far as maternity clothes went… and was standing in line with her mother-in-law, who way going to pay for a large pile of clothing.

"Claire… sorry, Mom… this really isn't necessary for you to buy me these things. I have plenty of clothes."

"Nonsense! I don't live near you so I can't buy you a little something here and a little something there… I have to buy it all at once."

"You don't have to buy me anything at all, though," Buffy protested, feeling bad about taking advantage of Claire's generosity.

"I want to. Make me happy, Sweetie?"

Buffy sighed and nodded, "I have no idea how I am going to fit all this in my suitcase, though."

"You can use one of ours… we'll get it back someday, it'll be fine. Or maybe I can ship these… don't worry about it."

"Wait until the next store… baby stuff… she's going to go completely insane," Rachel grinned as she walked up to them.

"Buffy, oh my God, look!" Claire exclaimed, pointing at a pretty little pink dress with all sorts of ruffles.

"It's adorable," Buffy smiled.

"I bet you can't wait until you can put the baby in things like this," Claire commented as she took a closer look.

"Yeah, and she only has a three year wait until the baby can wear it," Eileen grinned.

"Have you picked a theme for the nursery yet?" Rachel asked.

Buffy nodded, "Looney Tunes… I already have all the bedding for the crib and everything. There's a cute mobile in that design, but my friend made me wait on it. She thinks it's a good gift idea."

"Oh, that really frustrated me when I was pregnant," Rachel replied, "I am into instant gratification so I wanted my baby shower when I was about four months along so that I could have everything I needed. I hate waiting."

"But baby showers are so fun," Eileen said, "You'll love it, Buffy."

"I don't think I'm having one," Buffy told her quietly.

"Why not?"

She shrugged, "I don't have many close friends… and really only about three *female* close friends. My mom's not exactly excited about the baby and she's sort of not speaking to me, so I don't think there's a great interest for anyone to throw me a party."

Eileen frowned, "Well that's just awful! I'm so sorry, Buffy, I had no idea."

"Oh, it's not your fault. Besides, I'm doing just fine. I can take care of myself and the baby."

"Of course… besides, it's not like you're all alone, you have Riley too."

"Yeah… I have Riley.." Buffy nodded half-heartedly.

"Come on, let's go shop," Eileen said, putting her hand on Buffy's back and leading her further into the store.

Buffy soon forgot all about how sucky her life was in reality as soon as she saw the tiny Skechers with little pink shoelaces. Grinning, she picked them up and turned to Claire, "These are absolutely adorable."

"Let's get them," Claire responded enthusiastically.

"Oh, I don't know… they're forty dollars. That's a lot of money for something she really won't need. I mean, I don't want to deprive her or be cheap… but I can get her some other little sneakers cheaper."

Claire waved her hand, "You like *these* sneakers, and so do I."

"Well, to be fair, I haven't actually looked at any other sneakers. I think I can probably like some that won't cost me so much."

"These won't cost you anything. I want to buy my granddaughter some shoes."

Buffy looked and saw Eulalie was safely out of hearing distance, "But she's not your granddaughter… I wouldn't feel right."

Claire took Buffy's hand and looked her in the eye, "I know that biologically, she isn't my granddaughter, but here," she said, putting Buffy's hand on her heart, "she *is*. And here is all that matters to me."

Buffy felt tears well in her eyes, "You're so sweet… but you make me feel so bad."

"What for, Honey?"

"Because I was extremely lucky to have met Riley and for him to do what he did for me… but then I also got to meet you and the rest of the family… you all are so good to me, and it's not like I'm some great person. I made a huge mistake and now my daughter will grow up without a father… I'm a big screw-up… I don't deserve all this."

"Yes you do," Claire assured her, "Honey, we're all human and we all make mistakes. Sure, it's best for a child to have two loving parents, but that's not always possible. However, it *is* possible for a child to grow up with just one parent who loves them and turn out just great. You made a mistake. One mistake. From what I understand, the father of this baby isn't begging you to let him be a part of it's life. You're doing your best with the hand you've been dealt."

"I suppose that's true," Buffy said, wiping at a few stray tears that had spilled from her eyes.

"Besides, you never know what might happen. Maybe you won't be raising her by yourself. A girl like you probably has quite a few suitors."

Buffy laughed, "Before, sure, I could get dates… now, I may be able to get *Shamu* to ask me out… and after I have this baby… well, most guys aren't interested in girls with kids."

"*Most*, not *all*," Claire pointed out, having a particular example of such a guy in her mind. She knew, without a doubt, that Riley loved Buffy, baby and all.

All she had to do was get *Buffy* to see it.

"Oh my God… please tell me only one of those bags is Buffy's," Riley said as he watched the women enter the house with their arms filled with bags.

"Sorry," Buffy apologized, giving him a bright smile.

"Are you kidding? You think Mom is going to go shopping with her and let her leave with only one bag?" Rachel asked, "As it is, Buffy *tried* to argue, which led to a knock-down, drag-out fight between them. It was pretty nasty."

"What? She's kidding, right?" Riley asked his mother, "You're too old for that and Buffy's *pregnant*!"

"Old! Don't call me old," Claire scolded him as Buffy laughed.

Both of them passed without answering his question, leaving him with a frown until Eileen patted his arm and smiled, "Don't worry, she was kidding."

For the second morning in a row, Riley awoke in bed alone. Glancing at the clock on his nightstand, he saw it was half past nine. He was generally an early riser, but there was a three hour time difference, so he really wasn't doing that bad. What he wanted to know was how was *Buffy* waking up and getting ready without waking him as well.

Rolling out of bed, he stretched and walked into the attached bathroom to shower. Twenty minutes later, he was clean, dressed and ready to face the world. Wandering down to the kitchen, he was surprised to find it empty as well. He began to wonder just where everyone was and started looking around. They wouldn't have all left him alone in the house, would they?

Entering the living room, he found his niece, nephews and cousins planted in front of the television, watching cartoons. Hearing him enter, Aiden looked up and grinned.

"Uncle Riley!"

"Hi guys… where's everyone else?"

"Grandpa and Uncle Larry are in the garage, Grandma, Mom, Aunt Eileen, Aunt Ariel and Aunt Buffy all went out for breakfast and to go to the spa," Nadia informed him.

"Ah, I see," Riley replied, shaking his head. His mother sure was going all out with Buffy… in fact, he had to wonder if she actually did want the two of them to get together. After all, she wasn't giving them much time with one another.

He walked back through the house to the garage to find his father and uncle tinkering with the engine of John's classic 1969 Mustang, "Morning."

"Morning, Riley," John replied.

"How'd you sleep?" Larry asked.

"Great, although I'd prefer to not have to wake up and wonder where Buffy and everyone else is."

"Ahh, yes, your mother did quite a good job of waking her without waking you, now didn't she? They just left a while ago..."

"For breakfast and a day at the spa. Nadia filled me in."

John nodded, "Claire says every pregnant woman needs pampering. Apparently you aren't coming close to cutting it."

Larry laughed, "Boy, you better get your act together or your Mama's going to have to straighten you out and teach you some things."

"I treat Buffy just fine," Riley said defensively.

"Just fine doesn't cut it, especially when they're pregnant. You have to *dote*," Larry advised.

John nodded and grinned, having heard all about how Riley and Buffy just *had* to get together, Claire refused to let them divorced as they had planned. Since he had to agree… he thought he'd join in the effort.

"Don't worry, we've booked a sitter, so tonight the adults are all going out and you can start being romantic," he told his son, then went back the Mustang's engine. Larry soon followed suit and Riley gave up on them, deciding to find some other way to entertain himself in the house. He couldn't believe how horrible his family was. It would almost had been better if they had been furious with him about marrying Buffy. At least then he wouldn't have to endure them trying to force him to do something he already wanted more than anything… but knew it could never happen because Buffy loved some *vampire* instead of him.

"See, this is what it's all about."

"What?" Buffy asked Rachel, her voice heavy as she relaxed under the skilled hands of her masseuse.

"Being pregnant… it's supposed to be nine months of pampering, not just one day at the spa."

Buffy chuckled, "Maybe when you are surrounded by family members and have a husband, but I am preparing for the sometimes lonely life of a single parent whose mother and father aren't speaking to her."

"Ugh, that sounds so depressing," Rachel wrinkled her nose.

"It's not that bad. My mom's a single mother. Ick… do you know how awful it feels to realize you are becoming your mother?"

"You're totally off on this. Okay, I'll give you the part about your parents, but Riley says you have friends that are just like family to you and you *do* have a husband. I'm telling you, they are all waiting for you to milk sympathy from them."

Buffy rolled her eyes, "Rachel, your brother did me a huge favor marrying me. I'm not going to now make the poor guy wait on me."

"Buffy, you are absolutely clueless and I am tired of letting you try to figure this out yourself. Riley *wants* you to make him cater to your every whim. Nothing would make him happier."

"Why do you say that?" she asked, lifting her head and ignoring the fact that a moment earlier she'd been about to fall asleep.

Rachel was about to blurt out the fact that Riley was hopelessly in love with Buffy when both their massages ended.

"If you ladies are ready, I believe it's time for your hair appointments," Carla, Rachel's masseuse informed them.

Whimpering, Rachel sat up and climbed off the bed as Buffy's masseuse helped her get on her feet.

"You know, Miss, if you come visit me in a few months, I actually have a few techniques that can help induce contractions… when the time comes," Buffy's masseuse told her.

"Oh, well that's very nice, but I live in California," she told her.

"However, if my mother's dreams come true, she'll be moving here shortly, so you may see her again after all," Rachel grinned before pulling a wide-eyed Buffy out of the room.

"What are you talking about?" she hissed.

"Oh come on, you can't tell me you'd be surprised to hear my mom would love having you and Riley here in Iowa where she can see you both all the time."

"Well… no, now that I think about it, but still…"

"I'm going to give it to you straight, Buffy. My mom loves you like a daughter… and I have to wonder if she could love this baby any more if it *was* really Riley's. She doesn't want you guys to get divorced... nothing would make her happier than if you and Riley told her that you guys were in love and planning on staying married and raising this baby together."

Buffy couldn't seem to summon up a response, but it didn't matter because Rachel tugged her into a large room where they were to have their hair done. She was soon distracted as Claire and a stylist tried to figure out what they could do with her hair since she was pregnant and not much would hold well. Buffy just prayed that if they decided to try and dye it, Claire wouldn't want it some way different color... Since Buffy didn't want that and had yet to win an argument with her mother-in-law.

"Riley!" Claire screamed upon entering the house, "Get over here this instant! You have to see your beautiful wife!"

Buffy blushed furiously and turned to Rachel, "Why is she doing this to me?"

Rachel shrugged innocently before leaving Buffy in the foyer, eager to show off her new highlights to her husband, who was supposed to be waiting in the living room. Riley passed her upon entering the foyer, wishing his mother would shut up, until he saw Buffy...

"Wow," he uttered, taken aback by her appearance.

"Do you like it?" she asked, gesturing to her hair.

"I love it… I mean, there was nothing wrong your hair before, but this is a really nice cut."

"Isn't it?" Claire grinned, "No matter how nice a girl looks, change is always good. I would have loved to add some highlights to her hair, but pregnant women have awful hair. So I had Dante give her a bob."

"She's not a doll, Mom," Riley said, not taking his eyes off of Buffy. She really did look fantastic. Even though he'd always thought she'd had beautiful hair, now that it was shoulder-length with the ends flipped, she looked more gorgeous than ever.

"Oh, I don't know, she certainly looks as cute as a doll to me," Claire joked, giving her daughter-in-law a hug, "Why don't you two go sit down, relax for a bit? We're going out for dinner tonight."

"Do you really think it looks nice?" Buffy asked as she and Riley were left alone in the foyer, "I've had it this short before, and I liked it, but I always thought I looked better with long hair."

"You look great with long hair… but you look even better with shorter hair," he assured her.

"Good," she smiled, "Plus, your mom pointed out that shorter hair is good when you have a baby."

"She's right… just wait until… what's the baby's name now?"

Not offended, since she *did* tend to change her mind about the baby's name a little too frequently for Riley to be able to keep up, Buffy said, "Priscilla."

Riley made a face, but continued, "When Priscilla gets old enough to start grabbing things, you do *not* want her to get a death grip on your hair."

"Sounds painful," she smiled.

"Hey, want to go watch TV or something in the living room? Last time I checked, it was deserted so we can have some of that rare quiet time."

"Absolutely," Buffy laughed, following Riley down the hall.

Luckily the living room was still unoccupied, so the two of them were able to sit on the couch alone. Riley grabbed the remote and turned on the television, hoping something more exciting than the news was on. It was strange, when he was at home, living his normal day to day life, he enjoyed keeping up on all the news of the world. However, when he went on vacation, he liked to take a vacation from it all.

"Um, I don't think your plan to not encourage your mother is succeeding," Buffy said after a few minutes.

Riley turned his head and gave her a lopsided smile, "I *know* it's not. What tipped you off?"

"Well.. I know she has to act for your aunt and grandmother's benefit, but I still get this feeling that even if they hadn't been around, she'd still talk and behave like I'm really her daughter-in-law," she told him, "Plus, I think Rachel's in on it."

Riley rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry, I'll talk to them."

"Don't worry about it," she said, reaching for his hand and squeezing it without thinking. Awkwardly, she pulled back and averted her eyes, "It's not hurting me, I just wanted to let you know."

"Am I interrupting?" Eulalie asked, smiling warmly at them from the foyer.

Buffy grinned, "Not at all. Did you need something?"

"No, and if I did, I wouldn't ask you. Sweetheart, you are in no condition to be helping me," Eulalie told her as she walked into the room and settled on the loveseat, "Riley, you've done well. You married a good woman, I'm proud of you."

Riley smiled shyly, "Thanks Grandma."

"You know, I mentioned this to your mother and she said I shouldn't push you two, but it's really bothering me. I'm turning seventy-five tomorrow, and I think that entitles me to say what I want. I'm old and us old people get to poke their noses where they don't belong, say rude things… do whatever we want."

Buffy couldn't help but smile, despite the fact that she was a little worried about what Eulalie might say.

"Anyhow, what I wanted to talk to you about was your wedding. Claire told me you two eloped in Las Vegas," Eulalie sighed, "I know that you got Buffy in trouble, Riley, so you two were in a hurry, but I really wish *I* could have been at your wedding. And I know it's actually breaking your mother's heart that she wasn't there. Also, I know you two have your difficulties right now, Buffy, but I just know your mother will always regret missing her own daughter's wedding."

Riley nodded, "It would have been nicer to do it the right way, but we *were* in a hurry. Besides, in the grand scheme of things, what does it really matter? We just don't have the memories of a big wedding, but I still.. love Buffy… and she loves me… and we love our baby."

Buffy felt tears well in her eyes, wishing it was as simple as Riley said. Nothing would have made her happier in that instant than to be able to believe in the fantasy… to not know Riley was lying.

"Riley, they may just be memories, but memories are important. You don't think Buffy would love to get all dressed up in a wedding gown and have a special day that every girl dreams of? She *deserves* it," Eulalie said, then stood back up, "I know this is something you two need to think about and discuss… that's all I am asking you to do."

"But Grandma, we're married. We can't go back and change that."

"No… but you can remarry! It would make me so happy… and your mother… Buffy… everyone."

"I, uh… I don't think I'd be anything but miserable waddling around in white," Buffy said, "Besides, the whole wearing white thing is supposed to be symbolic… but being pregnant kind of makes it ridiculous."

Eulalie smiled, "I didn't say it had to be right away. I would completely understand if you two waited until after the baby came. She won't be born out of wedlock. Promise to consider it?"

The both of them reluctantly nodded, remaining silent as a satisfied Eulalie left them alone again. After a moment, Buffy looked sadly at Riley.

"What are we going to do?"

He shrugged, "Nothing. Besides what we already have planned, anyway. We go back home, live like we've been living, you have this baby in August, we get divorced in January… or, actually legally separate in January. We won't be officially divorced until July."

"You honestly don't think she'll ask again before we leave, or pester your mother until she gets on our case about it too? She'll just drop this and never bring it up again for seven months when we tell her we were wrong and don't love each other and don't want to raise this baby together?"

"We'll lie… pacify her. She said it herself, she'd understand if we waited until after the baby is born. We can tell her we'll remarry after… we can say that you need some time because babies are so tiring and you want to get back to your fighting weight, so we'll get married, like, six months after you have the baby. But then two months before that, we decide it's not working out and file for divorce."

"What if she thinks it's just stress from the baby and planning a wedding? I can just imagine her not accepting it and making me feel really guilty," Buffy sighed.

"Don't worry about it," he said.

"I can't stop myself. God, this is really insane. It's one lie on top of another and now it's getting to the point where it's hard to separate fact from fiction."

"I've got it straight," Riley assured her, gently massaging her shoulder, "We'll be fine. Don't you trust me?"

Buffy nodded slowly, "I feel really crappy about this, though."

Before Riley could continue promising her that this was the right thing to do and everything would work out, Nadia skipped into the room and smiled widely at Buffy, "Wow, you look real pretty Aunt Buffy."

Buffy returned the smile, "Thank you, you really like my hair?"

"Yeah, I do," the little girl nodded, "Grandma says you gotta go change."

"I do?"

"For dinner, you have to change clothes."

Buffy frowned at Riley, "Are we going somewhere really nice?"

Riley shrugged, "I have no idea."

"Well, how am I supposed to dress?"

Nadia crossed her arms over her chest and gave them a smug look, "Don't worry about it, Grandma's picking your clothes out for you."

Riley burst out laughing, "My God, she *does* think you're a doll."

"She's picking clothes out for you too, Uncle Riley."

Buffy smirked as she pushed herself up off the couch, "I wonder what she thinks *you* are..."

"Buffy, I'm so glad you had that steak. You need meat, real meat, none of that chicken," Claire smiled at her daughter-in-law as the family finished up their meals.

"Too bad there aren't any vegetarians around let Mother know that chicken *is* meat," Riley muttered to Buffy.

Buffy smiled, but managed not to laugh out loud.

"Why do you care what she eats?" John asked his wife.

"Do you want her to be anemic? Do you want our grandchild to be ill before she is even born?"

Buffy and Riley were at the point of wanting to laugh so much, it was painful not to. Luckily, John knew better than to argue with Claire when she was feeling melodramatic and dropped the subject.

"So Buffy, have you chosen a birth method?" Rachel asked her sister-in-law.

"Yeah, she's planning on having the kid pop out," Caleb smirked.

Rachel kicked her younger brother under the table, "That's not what I meant."

Buffy smiled and shrugged, "I haven't really picked anything."

"You should look into Lamaze," Rachel told her.

"Oh, well, that requires a partner and…" Buffy froze as she realized quite a few of the people at the table thought Riley was her daughter's father and they were a real couple, so she needed a reason he couldn't help her with Lamaze, "And, um… with Riley's job and my bad timing, I'll probably go into labor when he's out of town, so why drag him to childbirth classes?"

"What?!" Claire exclaimed, "Riley, you had better *insist* on being your wife's Lamaze coach!"

Knowing what was good for him, Riley nodded, "In my defense, Buffy never even mentioned this to me. I didn't tell her I *wouldn't* be her Lamaze coach."

"Well you better not have, because you are *going* to!" Claire insisted.

Riley nodded again and went back to his dinner. Buffy leaned closer to him and whispered as softly as possible, "I am so sorry… don't worry, I think she's just saying it for everyone else's benefit."

Riley smiled and whispered back, "No, she's not. She means it."

"Well, she'll never know. I don't expect you to be my coach."

Riley turned his head and looked at her seriously, "No, I want to do it. Please?"

Buffy was still for a moment before she smiled and nodded, "If you're sure."

"I am," he assured her.

Everytime our eyes meet, This feelin' inside me,
Is almost more than I can take, Baby when you touch me,
I can feel how much you love me, And it just blows me away,
I've never been this close to anyone or anything, I can hear your thoughts,
I can see your dreams,

A song came on from the jukebox that Buffy actually knew and she smiled upon hearing it, since she actually liked it. The steakhouse had a definite country theme, which she wasn't a big fan of, so it was nice to hear something familiar.

"This is a nice song," Eulalie commented to Buffy.

Buffy nodded, "It's very romantic."

"Yes, it is!" Eulalie agreed enthusiastically, "You know what would be wonderful?"


"If you two would go dance to this!"

Buffy and Riley paled and shared a look, trying to figure out a way to get out of it. Turning back to Eulalie, Buffy shook her head, "I'm huge and clumsy… I can't dance."

"Plus, I have always hated dancing," Riley added.

Eulalie waved her hand, "You may hate dancing, but you won't hate dancing with *Buffy*. It's different when you love your partner."

"Grandma, we really don't want to."

"Riley, would you take your wife and dance and make *me* happy?" Eulalie pleaded.

Claire jumped in, knowing at this point, she couldn't be blamed for matchmaking, "It wouldn't kill you… and don't you want to make Grandma happy?"

Sighing, Riley reluctantly stood and pulled Buffy's chair out for her before leading her to the area where a few other couples were dancing.

I don't know how you do what you do, I'm so in love with you,
It just keeps gettin' better, I want to spend the rest of my life,
With you by my side, forever and ever, Every little thing that you do,
Baby I'm amazed by you.

Almost nervously, the two began to slowly sway together to the beat of the music. Buffy looked up at Riley and gave him a small smile, "This isn't so bad, right?"

Riley shook his head, "Nah… easy to dance to. It's just that I don't like encouraging them. If I didn't know better, I'd think Mom actually had Grandma in on this."

"Don't be paranoid," Buffy laughed, "I don't think your grandmother could ever be even slightly dishonest. She seems so sweet and kind and… wonderful."

The smell of your skin, The taste of your kiss,
The way you whisper in the dark, Your hair all around me,
Baby you surround me, You touch every place in my heart,
You know it feels like the first time, Everytime,
I want to spend the whole night in your eyes,

"Don't underestimate them," Riley warned her, "I doubt Grandma knows the truth, but my mom wants us together and she's not afraid to manipulate to get what she wants. I wouldn't put it past her to try and make us feel guilty about tricking Grandma to do it."

Buffy shrugged her shoulders, "Well, it doesn't matter. She can try, but you and I know how it is, and nothing can change that. I feel bad about hurting your grandma, but what can we do?"

"Exactly… there's no going back now, so we just have to deal. Just remember not to let her get to you."

I don't know how you do what you do I'm so in love with you,
It just keeps gettin' better, I want to spend the rest of my life,
With you by my side, forever and ever, Every little thing that you do,
Baby I'm amazed by you.

As the song ended, the two of them took a step apart and Buffy smiled up at him, "It's a deal."

"How's this?"

"A little higher, Caleb" Buffy replied from her position on the ground.

Riley kept his side of the big 'Happy Birthday' banner in position while his younger brother lifted the other end a bit and asked, "Better?"

"Perfect!" she smiled, clapping her hands together, "Your grandmother is going to be so happy when she sees this."

"That's right, we're doing this for *Grandma*," Riley said as he and Caleb secured the banner and climbed down their respective ladders, "In all her ordering everyone around, I thought it was for Mom."

Caleb smirked, "Being so far away hasn't been good for you, Ri, you've forgotten that Mom always orders everyone around."

"You guys are mean," Buffy protested, knowing Claire *was* a bit bossy, but she was also quite endearing.

"No, in this instance, they aren't," Rachel told her as she passed by with a half dozen balloons.

"You are just getting off easy, the rest of us have to do work while you stand around and tell us if things are straight," Riley teased.

Buffy frowned, hating the feeling of being the only one not pitching in, "I want to help, but your mom thinks I'm totally incapacitated because I'm pregnant. But I *will* help if you give me a job."

He smiled and patted her arm affectionately, "I was just kidding, we don't want you overexerting yourself."

"Riley, I'm pregnant, not an invalid!"

"I wouldn't feel right making you do work… besides, I think the decorating is about done."

"Yeah, lunch break!" Caleb grinned and rushed past the two of them to the back door.

"Boy, I never thought I'd see anyone more excited about a meal than you, but there ya go!" Riley exclaimed.

"Jeez, is it pick on Buffy day?" Buffy asked rhetorically before turning and following Caleb.

Confused, Riley followed her. Was she honestly upset? And why?

After they'd all had lunch, Claire directed Riley to go look for some old photo album in the attic. Begrudgingly, he headed up the stairs, hoping that maybe his absence would help Buffy forgive him. She'd hardly said two words or even looked at him all through lunch. Who knew she'd ever get so mad about a little teasing?

Soon after Riley had left the room, Claire had presented Caleb with a list and ordered him to take Buffy along with him to the grocery store to pick up all the last minute items. Eager to get out of the house, the both of them quickly obeyed.

"So, why are you mad at Riley?" Caleb asked Buffy as soon as they had backed out of the driveway.

"He made fun of how much food I eat," Buffy frowned.

"Well, that's rude. You're pregnant, it's supposed to affect your eating habits," Caleb replied, "Plus, you're around my mother and she can be really pushy about eating more, so you're just saving your sanity. Besides, from what I've seen, you don't eat that much. I can't believe Riley had the nerve to be mean to you about it!"

Buffy sighed, "Well, you know, now I realize he wasn't actually mean… it was more of a verbal jab… teasing, really. I don't know, it just made me mad at first. Poor Riley… he's a victim of my raging hormones," she chuckled.

Caleb grinned, "He'll survive."

"Yeah, but... sometimes I feel really bad because he doesn't deserve this, you know? He's not the one who got me pregnant, it's not his fault. The father of my baby should be the one dealing with my crap."

"True," Caleb nodded, "He's not around at all?"

Buffy shook her head, "He lives in Los Angeles."

"But he *does* know? I mean, don't get mad, I just wanted to be sure that it wasn't just that you know that the father isn't responsible enough or something. I'm kind of missing the details."

"He knows… he's the first one I told. He's almost excessively responsible at times, and I love him. A part of my heart is always his. But when we were together, there were problems… problems that would go away if we were apart, so he moved to LA. When I got pregnant, though, I thought we ought to deal with those problems so that we could raise our child together."

"But he didn't."

"Nope," she smiled sadly, "He thinks the problems are too great, that the better solution if for him to never know our daughter. To his credit, he's very willing to support us financially… but without him there emotionally, it's still hard."

"Man… I'm really sorry, Buffy. I don't know you all that well, but I can tell that you're a good person… you deserve better than that."

"Thanks," she said, then added, "Don't think he's a bad guy, because he really isn't. I just don't agree with his decision… and I'm a little mad at how he makes his decision the final one."

"Well, don't kid yourself into thinking that it won't make his ass grass if he ever does come to town and runs into Riley," Caleb told her.

"You really think so?"

"Yes! Come on, you don't think Riley doesn't care about what this guy did?"

"Well, no... Riley doesn't agree with what he did, but he's so... together. I can't imagine Riley getting in a physical fight with anyone unless it was life or death… or something a lot more important than some guy who hurt me."

"You really don't see that Riley's in love with you?"

Buffy paled, "What?"

"He *loves* you. Don't tell me you can't see it."

She tried to come up with a response, but was really at a loss for words. First Rachel and now Caleb… plus Claire continually hinted that Riley a lot more than friendship for her. But still… despite all that and despite Riley's own admission, she still couldn't accept that Riley was truly in love with her. Buffy and love added up to gut wrenching pain and heartbreak, so she had to avoid this at all costs.

"He doesn't, you're mistaken."

"Buffy, he's my brother. I know Riley very very well. I see how he looks at you and how he acts around you. It's love, trust me."

"We're good friends."

Caleb laughed, "I've seen him with friends. Trust me, he doesn't act the same way around them as he does you."

"I don't think he loves me."

Caleb was silent for a moment before he asked, "You don't love him back? I mean, like I said, I don't know you that well, but I thought maybe…"

"I love him in my own way, I guess… but it doesn't matter if I love him like a friend or I love him like a husband… it's very complicated, Caleb, and we can't be... what we pretend to be."

Caleb knew that there was a whole big story that he didn't know about, but it was probably best to let it drop… for the time being. At least now he was positive Buffy did love Riley. Once they got to the bottom of things… hopefully she'd stay his sister-in-law.

He couldn't help it if he had his mother's prying genes!

"Where did Buffy go?" Riley asked as he handed his mother the dusty photo album.

"Oh, I sent her with Caleb to pick up a few things from the grocery store," she told him as she began wiping off the album and smiled widely at him, "They'll probably be back in a while. Do you miss her?"

Riley rolled his eyes, "No, I was just wondering."

"It would be alright if you missed her."

"Thanks, that's good to know."

"I bet she misses you!"

"No, Mother, she doesn't. She's actually mad at me right now."

Claire gasped, "Why? What did you do?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "All I did was tease her, and that doesn't usually bother her, but she got all mad today."

"You shouldn't tease her! Poor Buffy!"

"I'm sorry, okay? I'll apologize when I see her."

"You'd better," Claire said, "Oh, and don't you really love her new haircut?"

"It's very nice."

"Yes, and she looks so beautiful, doesn't she? She looked beautiful before, but even more now! I think you need to tell her how beautiful she looks."

"Mom, I can't go around telling Buffy she's beautiful and rocks my world and all that. No matter how much you wish it was true, we're not a real couple and it's not appropriate."

"Riley," Claire pleaded, grabbing her son's hand, "I'm at the end of my rope. Please, why can't you two make me the happiest mother on Earth and realize that you're meant to be together? I'm practically *sick*, I am so stressed out about this."

"Because, Mother, we can't just decide to spend the rest of our lives together to make you happy. We need to be happy too!"

"You don't think Buffy could make you happy?"

Riley sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "I can't say... But I can say that Buffy doesn't think I can make her happy. She doesn't want this, so it doesn't matter."

Before Claire could ask why he thought that, he was gone.

"I don't believe this," Caleb lamented as he attempted to start the car one more time.

"I don't understand, it seemed fine before," Buffy said.

Running his hands over his face, Caleb replied, "It *was* fine before. I have no idea what's wrong with it!"

"Do you know anything about cars? Maybe you could look at the engine or something."

"No… my dad taught my brothers a ton of stuff about cars, but I was never interested. Riley is going to be in his glory… I'm going to have to call him so he can come get us."

Buffy was quiet while Caleb pulled out his cell phone and explained their situation to his mother. After he hung up, he turned to her and said, "It'll be probably twenty minutes before someone gets down here. They're bringing a truck to tow my car."

"Well that's good. Isn't this car pretty new?"

"Yeah, it was a graduation gift! Anyway… want to go grab an ice cream? There's a great place around the corner."

Buffy smiled, "I love ice cream."

Riley tried to force himself to stop grinning as he drove down the street where Caleb was supposed to be parked. It really wasn't funny that his wife and brother were stranded… but after all the times Caleb had made fun of Noah and him, it would be nice to really rub it in.

However, Buffy was already mad at him. If she saw him being amused at her bad luck, she would only get angrier.

Seeing Caleb leaning against the back of his Camaro, Riley went ahead and double parked the truck. Jumping out, he asked, "Where's Buffy?"

"She had to use the restroom. Uh, I bought her a banana split and she's still eating it… I suggest you don't comment."

Riley sighed, "She told you how I teased her?"

"Yeah… man are you a doofus," Caleb laughed.

"Oh, you're one to talk. You know shit about cars and got yourself and Buffy stuck."

"It's not my fault the stupid car isn't working."

Before Riley could retort, Buffy came around the corner with a plastic container holding her banana split. He made a point not to look like he even noticed the food and gave her a tentative smile, "Hi Buffy."

"Hi… good, you made it here fast."

"Yeah, I didn't want you overexposed to Caleb's bad influence. Um… I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean."

Buffy waved her hand absently, "Don't worry, I was being flaky. Sorry I got crabby at you."

"I'm sure he deserved it, can we get to work now?"

Riley rolled his eyes at his brother, but nodded, "Buffy, I need you to go get in the Camaro and put it in neutral and steer so that Caleb and I can push it out of the spot and I can hook it up to the truck, got it?"

Buffy nodded and climbed in the driver's side of the car. The guys stood in front of the car, ready to push when they got a signal, but instead Buffy leaned her head out the window and asked, "Um, isn't it like your car won't start if it's not in park or neutral?"

"Yeah…" Riley answered slowly.

"Oh, then maybe the problem is just that Caleb left it in drive."

Riley shot his brother a murderous look. Feebly, Caleb handed Buffy the keys so she could see if that was a problem. Sure enough, a moment later the car started right up.

Trying not to laugh, Caleb looked at his brother and said, "I'm sorry, Man, I totally didn't notice."

"You're such an idiot," Riley shook his head, then helped Buffy out of the car, "Want to ride home with me?"

"Go with him, Buffy, then you guys can neck," Caleb joked as he climbed in the driver's seat.

They hardly had a chance to give him a dirty look before Caleb was zooming out of his parking spot. At six months pregnant, getting up in the rather high truck cab proved to be difficult for Buffy, especially while she clutched her banana split. Riley practically lifted her into the seat, but she was in.

Once they started heading home, Buffy broke the silence by confessing, "I'm a little nervous about tonight."

"What for?"

"Well, I'm going to be meeting your whole family and *lying* to them. It just seems so… nerve-wracking."

"It'll be fine, don't worry."

"Don't you think after… we get divorced… when you come home and see people who didn't know the truth, it'll be weird?"

"Nah… it's not like I am the first person in the entire family to get divorced. Crazy Aunt Lillian, who you'll meet tonight, she divorced her husband fifteen years ago when he cheated on her."

"Why do you call her crazy?"

Riley tried to think of why he did call her that, then remembered, "It's because her husband begged her to take him back and she refused."

"And you think she's crazy for *that*?"

"No, actually, now that you mention it. I've just heard my dad and uncles call her crazy all my life."

"Well, it's wrong. You shouldn't call her crazy anymore."

"Okay, I won't," he conceded, happy that he had at least gotten her mind of her nervousness. He really didn't want to go on about what life would be like after Buffy. Just the idea of Buffy not being his wife anymore made his heart hurt.

"Oh, you must be so excited. A new husband and a baby!" Riley's Aunt Joan smiled as she patted Buffy's belly.

Rachel pasted a smile on her face, "All her dreams have come true!"

Joan put her hand to her chest, oblivious to the fact that Rachel was making fun of her, and sighed, "It warms my heart!"

"Yes... Why don't you have some punch, Aunt Joan? I really should introduce Buffy to everyone."

"All right, but Buffy, I want to talk to you later."

"I look forward to it. Nice meeting you," Buffy replied before she and Rachel were out of earshot and able to giggle.

"God, some of my family is *so* old fashioned," Rachel groaned.

Buffy nodded, feeling somber as she remembered the fact that while she was the little pregnant wife right now, she'd be that horrible woman who was divorced from Riley in a matter of months. Rachel sensed the change in Buffy's mood, but opted not to comment. Instead, she'd just try to make Buffy feel better through family love… which she fortunately had plenty of.

"Oh, here's Stacey," Rachel announced as the two of them approached a brunette in her mid-twenties, "Stacey, this is Riley's wife, Buffy. Buffy, this is our cousin, Stacey. Don't worry, she won't tell you how great it is that you're barefoot, pregnant and you caught a man."

Stacey laughed, "I see you met my mother, Joan."

"Yes, she was… sweet."

"And clueless, but what are you going to do," Stacey replied, gently hugging Buffy, "I've heard so much about you for months now, it's great to finally meet you."

"I feel sorry for you," Noah told his brother as he sat down on the couch next to him."

Riley frowned, "What for?"

"Because after you divorce Buffy, I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few members of the family end up mad at you. She's a big hit," Noah explained, then continued when he saw Riley's exasperated expression, "Don't get all mad… I'm not participating in Mom's matchmaking scheme… just making an observation. Although, for the record, I don't see why you don't stay married to her. I find married life preferable to being a bachelor and from what I have seen, you could do a lot worse than Buffy. Of course, I don't live with her, so it's possible she's a total freak. Is she a total freak?"

"No, she's very unfreakish," Riley admitted, "There's absolutely nothing wrong with her."

"Then why not?"

Riley looked down, "Because it's the year 2000. I can't just decide to stay married to Buffy and not care about what *she* wants."

"Oh… so you two have discussed this?"

"Something like that. She knows that I am not adverse to a real romantic relationship… but she loves the father."

"She can't love you both?"

"Apparently not."

Noah frowned, since he'd seen the way Buffy had looked at his brother. She certainly played the part of loving wife well, if Riley was correct. Hell, she should move to Hollywood because as far as he was concerned, she could win an Oscar for her performance as Mrs. Riley Finn.

"Buffy, come sit with me," Eulalie said, patting the couch beside her.

Buffy sat down and smiled at the older woman, "Are you enjoying your party?"

"Yes… it's so nice seeing everyone. Especially the young people, like you and Riley. When I look at the two of you, it reminds me of myself, so many years ago. You make sure you enjoy this time, Buffy. Before you know it, your baby will be all grown up and on her own and you'll wonder where the years went."

She nodded, "I'm making a point to cherish every stage of my pregnancy. I kind of enjoy how close I am to her, with her inside me. But that doesn't make me any less excited for when she's not inside me anymore and I can see my daughter."

"You'll make a wonderful mother," Eulalie told her, "You're already a wonderful wife. I'm so glad Riley found you. I always worried about him. He's so giving... it would be easy for a lot of people without much integrity to take advantage of him… but he found you and you're not like that. You're deserving of him. I'd even say he's lucky to have found you."

Buffy felt tears in her eyes, she was so touched by the woman's words, "That's so kind of you to say."

Eulalie tenderly touched the girl's cheek, "It's the truth. When you live as long as I do, the truth is easier to see. You have no idea how happy I am to see Riley all settled with a good woman… having a child of his own. I feel so… content."

Buffy's heart began to ache as she once again thought how this was only temporary and all an act. She'd made this woman happy by *lying* to her. What kind of horrible person was she? Looking around, she found so many friendly faces. Everyone had been so kind to her, welcomed her into their family with open arms... and she'd *lied* to them.

"Well, I'd better go find Claire. I want her to enjoy this party, not worry about having everything perfect the whole time," Eulalie said as she stood.

Buffy managed a weak smile, grateful for the woman's departure. She'd developed a burning desire to get away from everyone and now she wouldn't have to be rude to one of the sweetest people she'd ever met.

Pushing herself up off the couch, Buffy moved quickly through the room, grateful that nobody seemed to notice her and try to start a conversation. She felt like she was suffocating with all these people she'd deceived surrounding her.

Heading up the stairs, Buffy entered the room she was sharing with Riley, sat on the bed, and burst into tears.




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