"The Deal"

Author: Pamela
Thanks to Andra for all her help with the medical stuff. She loves to share her knowledge. Sometimes too much.....













"Buffy told me about your talk last night," Joyce told Riley as they waited outside the room they were moving Buffy into.

Riley looked at the woman, his expression serious. He had no idea how the woman felt about the idea of him being with her daughter… as more than a friend. There was the incident when he had been completely out of line with Buffy and she'd wanted her to leave... So he didn't hold much hope for her being enthusiastic about it.

"So you know that I don't want to divorce her. I want to be her real husband and the baby's father," he replied.

The woman nodded and gave him a small smile, "Don't look like you're afraid I'm about to eviscerate you."

"Sorry, it's just… Buffy and I have had our problems in the past and I wouldn't blame you for thinking I don't deserve her. *I* kind of doubt I deserve her… but I love her… and I'd be a fool to let her go when she wants to be with me."

"One could say that," Joyce replied, thinking of Angel and their conversation before he'd made the decision to go to LA. Despite the fact that she'd never liked her daughter dating him, and he had been the one to get Buffy pregnant, she'd always felt a pang of guilt when she remembered that day.

"I've hurt Buffy in the past, I know that... every time I think about it… I hate myself for it. I know that I *never* want to do it again," Riley told her, "I'm going to prove to her and you… everyone… that she won't regret her decision to be with me."

"I have a feeling you will," she smiled, "I can't honestly say I was happy with you the other day, what mother would be happy with the man who was hurting her daughter? Still… I can't help but feel there is something intrinsically good about you. You're human and you make mistakes… but I am impressed by how you handle the effects of those mistakes. Besides, Buffy seemed happier than I had seen her in a very long time when she told me. Keep making my daughter happy and I'll be your biggest fan."

He grinned, relieved that he wouldn't have to deal with a mother-in-law that hated him, "Thank you."

"Mr. Finn?"

They both turned and saw a nurse standing in the doorway of Buffy's room. She smiled at them and said, "Your wife can have visitors now… but make sure she gets her rest."

"You've got it," he promised as he moved into Buffy's room.

The slayer looked much happier and more comfortable in the room, mostly because after a long night and morning in the ICU, she was finally going to be able to hold her daughter and get visits from the rest of her friends.

"They promised to bring the baby soon," Buffy informed them as Joyce and Riley sat down in chairs on either side of the bed.

"Good… I've got my camera," Joyce announced, holding up a small camcorder.

"Mom, I look horrible!"

"No, you don't," she assured her daughter.

Buffy looked to Riley, who knew there was no right response that he could provide, just a bad one and a really wretched one. He went for bad, "You're gorgeous."

"You're biased."

He shrugged, grabbing Buffy's bag that she had packed weeks earlier, "Why don't you get all made up, then?"

"Ooh, good idea," Buffy grinned.

They spent the next ten minutes making small talk as Joyce did Buffy's hair and helped her do her make up so she could look perfect on the video of her first meeting with her daughter.

All of a sudden, Giles rushed in the room, relief obvious on his face, "Oh thank God you're all right!"

"Is something wrong?" Riley asked.

"I went up to Buffy's room in the ICU and she wasn't there… I got terribly worried, but luckily one of the nurses informed me she had been moved," Giles explained, catching his breath.

"Oh, I'm sorry… I did call you to let you know, though," Joyce told him, "I left a message with Anya."

"That's basically the same thing as not calling, Mom. Or the same effect, anyway," Buffy smiled wryly, "Speaking of... did you call your mom, Riley?"

"Yes," he sighed, "Of course, she insists that if she had been here, none of this would have happened. You would have had a normal delivery and never would have been in Intensive Care."

"What does she have to do with Buffy's placenta detaching?" Joyce asked.

"The fates didn't approve of her absence and made it happen," he explained, "Mom has a flair for the drama."

Before anyone could discuss the topic any further, a nurse came in the room with a plastic crib on wheels. Buffy sat up straighter, her heart being rapidly as she realized it was finally time to see the baby. They weren't through the door before Joyce had her camera recording the scene as it unfolded.

As soon as the newborn was placed in Buffy's arms, the young mother began to cry tears of joy. Despite the fact that everyone had assured her the baby was beautiful… despite the picture she had seen herself... She couldn't believe that this perfect creature in her arms was a part of her… that she had carried this being inside of her for nearly nine months as she grew into what she was.

Everyone watched Buffy in silence as she studied the baby's face, as the infant stared back up at her, as if she just knew that this was her mother. Buffy counted toes and fingers and inhaled the sweet scent that only a baby could possess. Her heart swelled and she realized she loved this baby more than she ever thought it was possible to love another human being. Every hardship she'd encountered, every ounce of pain she had felt since she'd gotten pregnant… it was worth it. This baby was worth it.

When the child began to fuss, Buffy worriedly tried to calm her. She had a big case of first time mother nerves and worried that the baby could cry for hours and she'd never know how to make her stop. When she looked up at Joyce pleadingly, the other woman quietly suggested the baby might be hungry.

Giles and Riley immediately excused themselves, the latter not minding the idea of seeing Buffy topless… but not wanting to do it right in front of her mother. While they sat outside, Joyce began instructing her daughter how to breastfeed. As the baby nursed from her, Buffy felt even more wonderment… she was nourishing her child. All the things she had read and learned in Lamaze were becoming real, whereas before they had just been things she'd read about or been told of. She was a mother now and had never felt more blissful.

Once her daughter was full, Buffy burped her with Joyce's help and the infant fell asleep. Joyce decided to get herself some coffee and left the two of them alone to bond. Buffy was content to study the baby's face. She truly was breathtaking, and deserved a name to reflect that.

After a few minutes, Riley grew weary of sitting in the hall and staring at the wall with Giles and peeked his head in the room, "Everything okay?"

Buffy looked up at him and smiled warmly, "Couldn't be better. Come in here, though."

"Okay," he complied, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I think I picked a name."

"Yeah? Good, your mother can rest easy now," Riley grinned.

Buffy laughed quietly, so she wouldn't wake the baby, "What do you think of Madasyn?"

He was silent for a moment, pondering the name, before he slowly nodded, "I think our daughter, Madasyn, is one very beautiful little girl."

Angel slowly approached the hospital, his legs feeling like jello, partly because of the long drive he'd just made from LA, but mostly because he was about to see his daughter. His *daughter*... never in a million years would he have ever thought he could use those two words about himself.

Giles had called the night before, after agreeing to be the one to give Angel all important information regarding the baby, as a favor to Buffy. As soon as he'd told Angel that she'd had the baby, the vampire had wanted to visit them, despite the fact that he knew it was better if he stayed away, like his original plan. But he doubted he could function day after day, aware that he had a daughter out there and not even knowing what she looked like.

Still, Giles had asked him not to come, because there had been complications. That the baby was fine, but Buffy hadn't done so well. She'd most likely fully recover... but she didn't need the added stress that would come with a visit from Angel. He'd reluctantly agreed, but as the day wore on, he'd gotten more and more antsy. At dusk, Angel had decided that it wouldn't do anyone any harm if he were to sneak a peek at the baby. Giles had mentioned they were keeping her in the nursery, so he could easily avoid Buffy. Nobody would have to know.

As he reached the doors, Angel spotted a group of young men laughing and smoking cigars. They didn't seem to be up to anything of the evil variety, but he still felt compelled to pay attention to them as he passed. Quickly, he deduced that one of them was a new father and the cigars were just traditional celebration.

He was almost in the doors when a single word reached his words and made him pause.


One of the men was laughing and teasing another about something... and he'd called him Riley.

Angel turned and looked to see the boy he recognized from talking to Buffy outside the coffee house just before Thanksgiving the year before… the boy she had married... And now was apparently reveling the birth of the baby as though it really was his daughter. He frowned, this didn't appear to be at all what Buffy and Riley planned.

He proceeded through the doors and went in search of the nursery. It was funny, he'd been to Sunnydale General countless times... but he had no idea where the nursery was. The one time newborns had been involved with the forces of evil, he'd been too weak from his stay in Hell and had only heard about it afterwards from Buffy.

After twenty minutes of following signs and making wrong turns, Angel found himself in front of the large window, looking at all the babies in plastic cribs. He quickly found a problem in that he had no way of knowing which was his baby. As her father, wasn't he just supposed to just *know*?

Someone walked up to the window next to him and as he glanced over, Angel realized it was Riley. If his heart had been beating, it would have stopped as he feared he'd been discovered. However, the younger man just smiled at him.

"Which one is yours?" Riley asked.

"Uh… none. A friend of mine just had a baby, but I don't know which it is."

"Oh," Riley replied as he tapped lightly on the window to get the attention of Jean, the nurse he'd manage to charm earlier that day when she'd come to pick up Madasyn after Buffy had fed her. With a few innocent looks and sweet words, he'd managed to get her to feel rather maternal towards him.

Riley gave Jean a pleading look, making the woman roll her eyes before shaking her head and smiling. However, she still went over to a crib in the back of the nursery and carried a bundle wrapped in pink over to the window.

"This is my daughter," Riley announced proudly.

"She's beautiful," Angel replied, amazed that this tiny little baby girl was a part of him. He saw she'd inherited his dark hair, and, when she opened them just enough, Buffy's eyes. A perfect combination of light and dark, vampire and slayer… the two of them. As he stared at her he realized that this child was his and Buffy's love in physical form… it made her all the more gorgeous. Without tearing his gaze from her, he asked, "What's her name?"

"Madasyn Katherine Finn."

Angel was surprised… and touched. Buffy must have remembered that Katherine was his sister's name from the few times he had told her about his life before he became a vampire. "I like it."

"Yeah, me too… my wife named her. Drove us all nuts, because she wouldn't do it until after she'd gotten to spend some time with the baby."

Angel couldn't help but smile, since it was such a classic 'Buffy' thing to do. They continued staring at the baby for a few more minutes before the nurse put her back in the crib. Riley smiled politely at Angel and excused himself. After a few seconds of contemplation, Angel followed, hoping Riley would lead him to Buffy.

He got his wish, as he watched from a safe distance as Riley walked into a hospital room. Furtively, Angel crept closer to the door, thankful that it was slightly ajar. He heard the sweet sound of Buffy's laughter and began to really wonder what was going on.... the picture he'd been painted of Buffy and Riley only being friends obviously wasn't true. He'd had his suspicions beforehand, from the way Buffy had sounded when she'd mention Riley… and the way Giles had made it clear that his presence would have a negative effect when he'd told him of Madasyn's birth. Angel had written it off as jealousy, but it appeared that he was right. However, he *was* extremely jealous, despite the fact that he'd told Buffy time and again that he wasn't right for her.

Stopping just outside the door, but being careful to remain hidden, Angel spied on Buffy and Riley. The younger man was lying next to Buffy in her hospital bed, his arm around her as he told her some of the funny things his friends had said that day. Buffy was looking up at him and giggling, and Angel could tell by the look on her face that they were far from just being friends.

Buffy was in love… with another man.

For the next few minutes, he watched, his face etched in pain. When Riley leaned over and planted a kiss on Buffy's lips, Angel felt as though his heart was being ripped from his chest, yet he couldn't tear his eyes away. Despite his pain, he saw a look of happiness on Buffy's face that he knew had to at least partially be attributed to this boy. He reminded himself of all the reasons that had led him to LA and had been enough to keep him there throughout Buffy's pregnancy.

Yes, Angel loved Buffy and Madasyn more than anything… but if he was in their lives, no matter how much he gave them… it wouldn't be everything that this other man could. Besides, it wasn't fair to put Buffy in the position to make a decision like that, not after all he'd said. He'd made his choice… now he had to live by it.

"Her fingers are so little," Mike said as he had his turn holding Madasyn.

From his spot beside him on the couch, Chris laughed, "Of course her fingers are little! So are her hands and everything else! She *is* only three days old."

Mike ignored his friend and looked at Buffy, sitting on the other side of him, "Do you think she'll end up being bigger than you since Riley is so big?"

"Probably… she started out two pounds bigger than I did," Buffy smiled.

"Don't worry, tall chicks are cute too," Mike comforted her.

She couldn't help but laugh, as Chris looked at Mike like he had two heads. Sometimes he said the strangest things.

Riley leaned over the back of the couch so he could whisper in Buffy's ear, "Are you feeling okay? If you want to rest, I can kick the guys out."

Buffy shook her head, "I like having them here."

"Okay," he agreed, planting a kiss on her cheek before heading to the kitchen to get another can of soda. He kind of wished she would have said she did want him to kick the guys out, as he could see she *was* tired and he felt like a nap himself… plus they'd barely had two minutes alone all day. Joyce had accompanied them home from the hospital and had enjoyed several hours as the doting grandmother. As soon as she'd left, though, a bunch of the guys from the fraternity had arrived with balloons, stuffed animals and other little gifts for the new mother and baby. If he wasn't so sure that Buffy really did love being around the guys, he'd have tossed them out much sooner so that maybe the two of them could take a nap together.

"Hey Riley?" Waylon asked quickly as he came into the kitchen.


"I was wondering... Like, I know you guys wouldn't want to right away, because Madasyn is so little and we don't have all that much experience… but do you think after a while if Buffy shows us how to do stuff, we could take care of her?"

"What do you mean?" Riley asked.

"Like… we could baby-sit. We… we really like her. It's kind of like she's our baby too… and then you and Buffy can have time to yourselves," Waylon explained.

He couldn't help but smile, "I'd have to ask Buffy... but I think that would work. I'm sure she'll be very touched that you guys want to baby-sit."

"Yeah, can I ask her then?" Waylon asked, eager to earn points with Buffy.

Riley nodded and followed Waylon out of the kitchen, watching with amusement as he sat on the arm of the couch next to Buffy so he could ask her what she thought of his idea. A moment later, Buffy smiled up at Waylon and Riley knew she'd made his day. He became aware of how lucky he was to have such great friends... not only were they good to him, but they treated his wife like a queen.

His wife... Riley realized it was the first time he'd thought that to himself. Before, he'd always said it for appearances... but Buffy really was his wife now. He couldn't wait until that night, when they could cuddle together in bed. Even though it was far too soon for them to *do* anything… that would be enough to make him the happiest man on Earth.

When there was a knock at the door at half past nine, Riley was surprised, but reluctantly got off the couch where he had just sat down. His plans to enjoy a nap with Buffy that afternoon had been shot to Hell since Madasyn had apparently enjoyed all the attention she'd received from their visitors because as soon as they'd left, she had begun screaming as loud as her little lungs would allow until Buffy had finally managed to calm her down. However, as soon as the newborn was sleeping, Riley's mother has called. Claire was positively blissful since her son had informed her that he and Buffy had finally decided to act on their feelings, so she'd talked to the both of them for nearly an hour each before she'd let them go... And then Madasyn had woken up again. So... it had been five hours, but they were finally going to get some quality time together, unless whoever was at the door was *really* important.

He was surprised to find Forrest on the other side of the threshold, since they hadn't said two words to each other since Riley had found out his friend was sabotaging Buffy when she was in labor, but Forrest was a friend he'd had for years and one he didn't want to lose if he could help it, so Riley stepped to the aside and allowed the other man to enter his home.

"Thanks," Forrest said quietly, walking into the living room that was filled with balloons declaring'It's a girl!', toys, diapers and tons of other baby paraphernalia.

Riley nodded and shut the door, walking past his friend into the room. Cracking a smile, he said, "This is the mess the guys left, can you believe it? They actually got all fascinated with the Pampers… and left them all over the place."

"Yeah, everyone who isn't me tends to act… well, completely out of character when it comes to Buffy and this kid," Forrest replied, turning to face Riley, "So, now that she popped out the bastard, are you willing to leave so that we can all get back to our normal lives?"

"Don't you dare come in my home and talk about my wife and daughter like that!"

"What the Hell are you saying?"

Enraged, Riley opened the door and grabbed Forrest by the lapel of his jacket, dragging him outside, "What I am saying is that I love Buffy and Madasyn and I am beginning a new life with them… a life I think you have merited exclusion from!"

With that, he shut the door and leaned back against it, trying to catch his breath and calm down. Buffy walked into the room and it became evident from the look on her face that she knew something had occurred.

"What's wrong, Riley?"

He shook his head and caressed her cheek lovingly, "Nothing, Buffy… everything is great."

Buffy gave him her 'I don't buy this for a second' look, "I heard Forrest's voice."

"He was here," Riley admitted with a sigh, "He's… he's not my friend."

"Yes, he is. Forrest has done some not so nice things, but he only did them because he was looking out for you. He just needs time to accept us."

"I love you," he responded, before leaning over to kiss her softly.

Buffy returned the kiss and smiled at him when they pulled back, "I love you too."

"That's what I like to hear," he grinned, "So, Madasyn's sleeping?"

"For now."

"Good… what does Mommy want to do?"

"Honestly? I'm sorry, Riley, but sleep sounds better than anything at the moment."

"Don't be sorry… you are supposed to be tired. Besides, I could use some rest too. I haven't slept well with you in the hospital. Now that you're back, I know you can protect me from the monsters under the bed and I can sleep soundly," he joked.

Buffy rolled her eyes, "Wuss."

"Eh, you love it."

"Hey, ready for bed?" Riley asked quietly from the doorway of what was soon to be formerly Buffy's room and Madasyn's nursery. They had gone ahead and changed into pajamas in the separate rooms, since Buffy hadn't the time nor energy to move all her clothes out that day.

Buffy turned to look at him from her spot next to Madasyn's crib, "I just can't seem to stop looking at her."

He smiled and moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissed the side of her neck, "That's how I feel about you."

She laughed and looked up at him again, "I was thinking... I kind of don't want to have to be so far away from her… even if it is just down the hall… so I'd like to sleep in here, at least for tonight."

"Oh," he replied, trying not to look disappointed. After all, they had just agreed to stay married, it would be unfair on his part to assume she'd want to share his bed right away.

"But, do you mind? Because I know my bed isn't made for two… but we could cuddle," she suggested, her lips curving in a sanguine smile.

Realizing that she actually wanted him to sleep with her, just in the daybed, Riley nodded enthusiastically, "Cuddling sounds very pleasant."

"Good," she said quietly, stealing a quick kiss before pulling out of his arms and taking him by the hand to tug him to the bed.

The two of then climbed in, with Buffy on her side and Riley spooning her back. She turned off the light and cloaked the room in darkness as Riley moved his arm around her waist again to hold her to him. Buffy took his hand and entwined her fingers with his.

Content, the young couple fell deeply asleep.... until Madasyn started screaming for nourishment at midnight...

"So Waylon was all proud because he managed to get the diaper on her… but it was backwards," Buffy giggled.

Riley laughed, "Are you serious?"

"Yes, poor guy, he really tried."

"And you're going to let him be the sole person responsible for taking care of our daughter?" Riley asked, idly stroking his fingers up and down her arm as she sat between his legs with her back against his chest in the recliner.

"Well… not for a while. Mom gets to be the first babysitter… and I am content to not ask her to do it for quite a while… so he has time to learn. Plus, they agreed it would be a group job, not just Waylon, but several guys at once," Buffy explained.

"You'd think that if you got them all together, things would work better, but it usually just creates chaos."

"Hey, maybe I should get them to come over and help you tomorrow while I go to the doctor," Buffy teased.

"Aww… why do you hate me?" he joked.

"I don't hate you, Silly," she smiled, tilting her head to kiss him. They relaxed in comfortable silence for several moments before Buffy remembered that she had wanted to talk to Riley about something, "Willow reminded me today that the new semester begins September 18th, so if I'm going to go, I should get registered as soon as possible."

"Oh," he replied, "Have you decided what classes you want to take?"

"Actually... I was thinking I really don't want to leave Madasyn that much. I mean, I know school is important and that I'm not going to love spending 24/7 with an infant… but right now, I can't bear the thought of being away from her... besides, I would feel kind of guilty, just dropping her off with this or that person. I was considering taking the semester off... but what do you think?"

He smiled down at her, "I think that sounds fine by me. I'll support whatever you want to do."

"You're so wonderful."

"Yeah… you're very lucky to have me."

"Smart ass!"

Buffy glanced in the backseat and smiled as she saw her daughter was still sound asleep. Nothing was more stressful than when she was trying to drive and Madasyn was crying. Now, if they could just make it the rest of the way home without the baby awakening, Buffy would be home free.

Unfortunately, it was right then that Buffy began having difficulty controlling the car. Realizing she probably had a flat tire, she slowly applied the brake and pulled to the side of the road. Cursing her luck, she climbed out of the car to examine the tires, one of which turned out to be quite flat.

Sighing, Buffy opened up the trunk and pulled out the spare and a jack, hoping she could wing this, since the closest she'd come to changing a tire was watching Xander do his when they'd all been on the way to a fair in Santa Barbara. She got the hubcap off easy enough, but the lugnuts were a much bigger problem. It wasn't strength, since she had plenty of that... Buffy just couldn't seem to grasp the technique.

"Uh, you're going to ruin the lugnuts that way."

Buffy jumped at the unexpected voice and turned to find Forrest standing behind her.

"Sorry… I was just… jogging by… and thought I'd stop," he apologized

"Oh, it's okay… you just caught me by surprise."

"Would you like some help? I've changed a lot of tires."

Buffy wanted to refuse, because she didn't want Forrest, of all people, to be able to say she was some dumb blonde that couldn't take care of herself, but the fact of the matter was Madasyn could wake up at any moment and the thought of breastfeeding her daughter in the middle of nowhere was wholly unappealing. Giving him a smile, she nodded, "I would really appreciate it."

Ten minutes later, Forrest put the hubcap back on and gave Buffy a satisfied smile, "Done."

"Wow, you're good. Thank you so much, Forrest, really. I don't know if I ever would have gotten it done," Buffy replied gratefully. Seeing Forrest looking at his dirty hands, as if trying to figure out where he could wipe them, she opened the back door of the car and pulled a package of Wet Ones out of Madasyn's diaper bag, "Here, you can use these."

Forrest took the wipes she was offering and quickly cleaned off his hands, "Thanks."

"So… you jog a lot?" she asked, hoping to make polite conversation. She definitely didn't like some of the things Forrest had done, she'd wanted to wring his neck when he'd intercepted her calls to Riley when she had been in labor... but she knew he wasn't a bad guy, just misguided. After all, she couldn't imagine Riley being friends with someone hateable.

"Every day.. you used to do it too, right?" Forrest replied, "I thought Riley mentioned it."

"Yeah, before I got too huge. I'm hoping to start doing it again, but I figure I'd better wait a while. They say you're supposed to wait six to eight weeks after a cesarean, but with my special healing…"

"Hey, that really does come in handy."

"Yeah," she said, wanting to casually ask if they could jog together sometime, because that would definitely be a good step towards being friends, but was scared it would be too much too soon.

"Uh, what time is it? I forgot to put my watch on this morning," Forrest asked, remembering he had to be in uniform at noon.

Buffy glanced at her watch, "A quarter after eleven."

"Oh, man, I gotta get moving… it's going to take me at least twenty minutes to get back to the house and I have to be at work by twelve."

"Let me drive you. I know it defeats the purpose of jogging, but if you're in a hurry…"

"You don't mind?" he asked.

"Of course not! Besides, you are only late because you helped me," she smiled, "Get in and I'll take you."

"Thanks," Forrest said, getting in the passenger seat.

Buffy put on her seatbelt, sparing a glance at the still-sleeping baby, before putting the key in the ignition and starting the car up. A moment later what little luck she'd had ran out when Madasyn awoke and started crying.

"Shh, Sweetie," Buffy soothed her, carefully reaching back so she could try to rock the carseat and calm the baby down until she got to Lowell House.

"Uh, let me," Forrest offered, taking over the rocking, "How should I do it?"

"Oh, kinda slow… there's this certain rhythm that placates her for a while… I just haven't gotten it down pat, just yet. But she's probably hungry, so there may be no quieting her."

"You… don't bottle-feed her?" he asked, not feeling really comfortable with asking her if she breastfed.

Buffy shook her head, "Nursing is healthiest."

"Yeah, it really is. It can make your baby more intelligent and can reduce her chances of getting asthma, ear infections… even obesity and leukemia," Forrest agreed, then explained when he saw the surprised look on her face, "My sister is a nurse… when she had her son, I had to hear all about the benefits of everything."

She smiled, "Well, that has to be good to have a medical professional in the family."

"Mostly it's just annoying the way she talks endlessly about every little medical thing… it's pretty boring."

The two of them laughed and Buffy replied, "Trust me, I can relate. My mom owns an art gallery. All my life, I've had to see her get all excited about Monet, Picasso… all these dead guys. Plus, I got dragged to tons of places where I had to see gigantic phallic symbol statues."

"Ooh, sounds like a nice traumatic childhood," Forrest joked, then smiled as the baby stopped crying. Careful not to stop rocking the carseat, he said, "I think I found the rhythm."

Shocked, Buffy replied, "Seems you have the magic touch."

They had a comfortable conversation for the next few minutes until Buffy pulled up in front of Lowell House.

"We're here."

"Great, thanks for the ride."

"Well, thanks for changing my tire... If not for you, I would still be sitting there."

"Um… do you want to come in?"

"You want me to come in?"

"Well, you need to feed Madasyn… and the guys would love to see you."

"Okay," she replied, still surprised that he didn't want her out of his sight as soon as possible. She got out and unstrapped the baby from her carseat, grabbing the diaper bag before she and Forrest walked up the path and into the front door of Lowell House.

Instantly, the residents descended upon them, excited by the presence of Buffy and the baby.

"Buffy, what are you doing here? Is everything okay? Do you need Riley?" Mike asked.

Seeing that Buffy probably wouldn't have been able to get a word in edgewise, Forrest explained, "She had a flat tire, I was jogging and saw her, changed the tire and she drove me home so I wouldn't be late. She needs to feed the baby, so she came in with me."

"Oh, you want to use my room?" Mike asked.

"No, let her use mine!" Nathaniel argued.

"She can use mine," Joseph offered.

"Or she can use the room Riley used to stay in, since it's still unoccupied," Forrest broke in.

"Yes, that sounds good," Buffy smiled, relieved that she didn't have to make a choice.

"Alright, but will you have lunch with us?" Nathaniel invited, "We'd really love it."

"Okay… that sounds fun," she smiled, still amazed at how well-received she was when it came to the frat guys.

"Riley, did anyone tell you about Buffy?" Waylon asked his friend as he walked into the office Riley was using.

Riley looked up from his pile of paperwork and frowned, "What about Buffy?"

"She's upstairs… no big emergency or anything… Forrest brought her in and she's going to have lunch with the guys, so should we take our lunches now too so you can eat with her?"

He nodded and stood, a look of concern on his face. There was no way in Hell Forrest would just drop by the apartment and invite Buffy over… something was up.

He and Waylon got into the elevator and headed up into the fraternity house sitting atop the military base. All the way up, Riley tried to imagine what Forrest had done now and how upset Buffy may be.

They reached the hallway on the second floor of Lowell House and started walking towards the stairs when Riley saw Forrest coming out of his room. Putting his hand on Waylon's shoulder, he said "Go on without me, I'll be there in a minute."

"Okay," Waylon replied, continuing on down the stairs.

Riley approached Forrest, his jaw clenched, and said, "So… Buffy came in with you."

"Yeah, she did," he replied.

"And? What did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything!" Forrest said defensively, "God, when did you become so paranoid?"

"When my *friend* started betraying me," Riley retorted.

Forrest sighed and shook his head, "I don't have time for this, I'm supposed to be reporting to Major Barry in two minutes. Go see Buffy, she's fine!"

Riley watched as the other man passed him and stood in front of the elevator before he did just as Forrest said and descended the stairs to find his wife. He found her sitting at the dining room table with Chris holding Madasyn next to her. Giving her a smile he sat in the seat beside her and leaned over to tenderly kiss her on the lips.

"How are my girls today?"

"We're great," she replied.

"Good… I hear you came in with Forrest," Riley said, trying to be casual, "Is everything okay?"

"It's fine," she assured him, "Actually, I'm a little embarrassed. I was on my way home after Madasyn's one-month checkup and I got a flat tire. I was trying to change it myself, and failing miserably when Forrest happened along. He fixed it for me and I drove him home so he wouldn't be late. We got to talking… and we really got along."



"Good… I'm very happy to hear that," he grinned, "So, what did the doctor say?"

"Madasyn is in perfect health. She's growing just as she's supposed to, sleeping the right amount and her belly button looks good. Like I said, perfect."

"Well, she's been nothing less than perfect since she was born," he said, half-jokingly.

"True," she agreed, giving him another kiss before Chris started tapping her on the shoulder.

Turning, she saw him grinning excitedly, "I think she made a stinky!"

Buffy leaned down to smell her daughter's diaper before grimacing and nodding, "She sure did."

"Great, can *I* change her diaper this time? I discovered it," Chris asked.

"Duh, of course you discovered it, you're holding her! You shouldn't get to hold her *and* change her diaper!" Thomas complained.

"You guys have both had a turn to do it, what about me?" Andy spoke up.

Sighing, Buffy looked at her husband helplessly, hoping *he* could decide who to let change the baby's diaper.

"I'm home," Riley announced upon entering the kitchen and seeing he didn't have to whisper so as not to wake Madasyn. He'd spent the afternoon playing basketball with Forrest as their first act of being friends again. After Riley had found out the actual story of how Forrest had helped Buffy a few days earlier, he'd apologized to his friends, and Forrest had tried to atone for his previous actions as well.

Buffy looked up and smiled, "Hey, how'd it go?"

"It was great… lots of fun," he replied, giving her a kiss before smiling down at Madasyn in the baby tub on the counter, "Hey you, is Mama giving you a bath? Are you going to be a clean girl?"

"She's being *so* good today… I'm very proud of her… no fussing at all," Buffy smiled. Madasyn hadn't enjoyed her first few baths and Buffy had ended up getting nearly as wet as the baby.

"Good girl," Riley nodded, then looked at his wife, "If it's okay, I'm going to hop in the shower so I can be clean too."

"That's fine," Buffy replied, "We're having a pot roast for dinner… it'll be ready in half an hour."

"I can tell… it smells delicious," he smiled, giving her one more kiss before heading off to the shower.

When he emerged, clean and already in his pajamas, fifteen minutes later, Riley found the kitchen and living room empty, so he figured Buffy was dressing Madasyn in the nursery and walked in the room… but instead found her breastfeeding.

Despite the fact that they had agreed to try having a real marriage and that they had made love all those months earlier, Riley had never witnessed Buffy breastfeeding. In the middle of the night, he always slept through Madasyn's feedings… and Buffy always took her to another room when she was hungry in the daytime.

"I'm sorry," he blurted out, feeling like he was invading something very private.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry," Buffy said at the same time, trying to find a blanket.

Riley found the one she was looking for on the bed and walked across the room while not looking at her to get it, "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"This makes you uncomfortable, I understand that," she replied.

Surprised, he turned to her, "No it doesn't… I think it's beautiful that you nourish her. It's so… natural and loving and… amazing. I just… well, it's your body and I don't want to… intrude."

Buffy smiled, touched by his words, "You aren't intruding."

"Good… so do you want the blanket?"

She slowly shook her head, "But you could sit with me… if you wanted."

"I'd love to," he answered honestly before going out to the dining room to retrieve one of the chairs. He set it down next to Buffy and sat in it, taking her free hand in his and gently running his thumb over the back of it. They shared a smile before he kissed Buffy on the forehead, "You really are gorgeous."

"I love you," she replied.

"I love you too," he said as he ran his hand through her hair.

Silent, the two both looked down at their daughter, still hungrily suckling from her mother's breast, feeling like the luckiest people in the world.

"Anything good on?" Buffy asked, sitting beside Riley on the couch as she brushed her wet hair.

"Nothing besides America's Most Wanted," he replied, "How was your bath?"

"Nice and relaxing," she grinned.

He held his hand out for the brush and asked, "Can I?"

Nodding, Buffy handed him the brush and moved so she at between his open legs. Riley began to slowly run the brush through her hair, the fresh scent of her shampoo making him want her even more than usual. She was so beautiful… the most beautiful woman he had ever seen by far… her skin was so soft, her curves even more luscious thanks to her recent motherhood… and she smelled heavenly.

With her body pressed so close to his, Buffy soon felt Riley's arousal and was surprised to find a corresponding response deep inside her womb. For several minutes, she enjoyed the feeling of Riley brushing her hair and contemplated any possible actions for the night. All the information she had read said that you could usually have sex starting four to six weeks after giving birth. It had been four weeks already... Plus, she was the slayer. She knew that wouldn't be a problem. And since the guys had given Riley a box of condoms, laughing and telling him it was because he and Buffy couldn't seem to keep their hands- or at least lips- off each other, she knew they had protection. All that she had to worry about was if she thought they were ready.

One more brush against Riley's evidence of his excitement convinced her. Turning around, Buffy placed her hand on Riley's cheek and kissed him passionately. He reciprocated, trying not to get too caught up in something he'd never dream of asking her to finish, but not able to resist her full lips.

Buffy pulled back and looked up at him, her eyes dark with desire, "Want to go to bed?"

"S-sure," he replied, having a hard time finding his voice.

She stood and held her hand out to him. Taking it, he stood and started leading her towards the nursery, but Buffy resisted, instead jerking her head towards the master bedroom.

"Let's sleep there tonight?"

"There?" he asked, wondering if she meant what he hoped she meant. In the month since Madasyn had been born, they'd always slept in Buffy's daybed in the nursery… not that he'd minded at all. He rather enjoyed sleeping in such a small bed… having no choice but to cuddle with Buffy at night.

"Do you not want to?" she asked, worrying that she'd misjudged him.

"It's not a question of that, Baby," Riley swore to her, "I'm just worried… are you sure you're ready? I mean, I would love to make love to you right now, but it's not worth you risking your health."

She took a step closer and kissed him softly on the lips, her eyes never leaving his, "I'm absolutely fine. Make love to me, Riley."

He knew he'd never have the will to deny Buffy anything, so he swept her up in his arms and carried her bridegroom style to the bed that they had first made love in… the bed they would make countless amazing memories on if it was killed him. And as Buffy pulled her nightshirt off and revealed herself in only a pair of panties, Riley began to think that it just might kill him. He sat on the bed beside her and she immediately began kissing him with all the love and lust she felt for him, while tugging his shirt over his head- two activities that didn't mix well. With a laugh, Buffy pulled back so she could remove the shirt before she returned her mouth to his. Riley returned her kisses as his large hands stroked up and down the soft, smooth skin of her back.

She moved her mouth down to kiss his jaw and the side of his neck, whispering in his ear, "Where are the condoms?"

"Condoms?" he moaned, his brain no longer worked as his body was overcome with pleasurable sensations.

Buffy chuckled and pulled away to help him remember the small rubber objects, "Yes, condoms… I want more kids someday… but Madasyn doesn't need a little brother or sister in nine months."

Dimly, Riley realized what she was saying and nodded slightly before leaving her on the bed and racing to the dresser to dig around his underwear drawer for the condoms he'd gotten from the guys. While he was gone, Buffy pulled off her panties and tossed them aside before he turned around to face her again. He hurried back over to her, but before Riley could climb back on the bed, Buffy grabbed his hips and stilled him.

Looking him in the eye, Buffy hooked her fingers in the waistband of his boxers and slid them past his hips where they fell to his feet. Their last time had been about him pleasing her... she wanted to return the favor this time, thank him for everything he'd done… and loving her more than she felt she deserved.

Dipping her head down, Buffy encased the tip of his erection in her mouth, making Riley groan in rapture. She had only done this once before, with Angel, and it had happened on the day that had been erased, so she didn't feel very experienced, but it didn't really bother her… because this was *Riley*, the man she trusted more than anyone.

Apparently she was doing a good job, because he continued to moan and whisper words of encouragement as she proceeded to swallow as much of his length as she could, as well as stimulate his sensitive skin with the tip of her tongue. After a few moments, though, Riley hesitantly pulled back stroking his hand over her head.

Breathlessly, he said, "We gotta stop… or this is going to be over before we even start."

Buffy reluctantly agreed, knowing she needed to have him inside of her or she'd explode from unfulfilled lust. She allowed him to push her onto her back and spread her legs, pulling her towards him to that her bottom was just over the edge of the bed. Kneeling down, Riley spread her nether lips with his fingers, burying his mouth in her center, savoring the sweet nectar he found dripping from her.

Buffy cried out in pleasure, trying to remember not to wake the baby, but having a very hard time keeping herself in check. Her hands grabbed the comforter, clutching it like a lifeline as Riley drove her body into a frenzy in a matter of seconds. A moment later, her body shook violently in orgasm and she bit her bottom lip in a desperate effort not to scream.

As soon as she'd calmed enough, Buffy reached down and tugged Riley back up the length of her body, kissing him deeply and tasting herself on his lips and tongue. Riley responded in kind, his hands frenetically moving from her shoulders to her neck and over the sides of her face.

"I want you so much," she whispered against his mouth, "What did you do with the condom?"

"Oh God, I don't know," he replied, pulling back so he could search for the small foil packet.

Buffy laughed and sat up as well to aid in the effort. After a little bit of looking, they managed to find the condom on the floor and settled back on the bed with Riley bracing himself above Buffy. He opened the package and slid the condom on before looking at Buffy seriously.

"Are you sure?"

Buffy smiled, recalling him asking her that the last time, "I've never been so sure in my life."

"Okay, but… if it hurts… I want you to tell me and we'll stop. Promise?"

She nodded quickly, "I promise."

With torturous slowness, Riley slid himself inside her, making them one. He remained still, allowing her to adjust to him, knowing as much as he wanted her and as wonderful and magical as this was... it wasn't worth causing her a moment's pain. It was only when Buffy lifted her hips that he dared to move, gingerly sliding in and out of her tight, slick channel as they kissed each other lovingly, their tongues an imitation of lovemaking.

Their tender movements grew more frenzied as their passion escalated. Without breaking either connection, Buffy rolled them over so that she was on top. Riley raked his fingers over her back, gripping her hips and pumping up into her. Buffy broke away from the kiss, sitting up so that he could be deeper inside her. As she leaned back, positioning her hands on his thighs, Riley moved one of his hands from her hip to her center, where he skillfully manipulated her clitoris until Buffy gasped as her second orgasm rocked through her body.

As her muscles clamped down on him, Riley found the sensation too great and achieved his own orgasm, furiously jerking his hips up as they continued to slam against each other as the waves of ecstasy rolled through them. At long last, when they were both spent, Buffy collapsed on top of him, placing soft kisses on the sweat slicked skin of his chest.

As he caught his breath, Riley lifted Buffy's hand to kiss mouth and kissed the back of her before whispering, "I'm so in love with you... But I know I'll love you even more tomorrow... And I don't know how... It doesn't seem possible to love you any more than I do at this second."

She smiled, "I think I know what you mean… because I feel the same way about you. I love you, Riley Finn, wholly and completely, and I can't imagine my life without you."

"Don't worry, Baby, you don't have to. You'll never get rid of me."

"Good," she sighed as she rolled to the side so that Riley could pull off the condom and tied a knot in it before tossing it into the wastebasket a few feet away.

He managed to pull the bedding down so that the two of them could climb under it and they cuddled together in bed, blissful in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Riley kissed her forehead, happy in his confidence that this time, she'd be there in the morning… and the next morning… and the morning after that. She was his wife.

As Riley's breathing grew even, Buffy climbed out of bed, having the presence of mind to think about when Madasyn woke up and grabbed the baby monitor receiver from the kitchen and setting it on the nightstand in *their* bedroom before climbing back in her husband's arms, settling her head on his shoulder.

Feeling like the most blessed woman on Earth, Buffy fell asleep in her husband's arms, the warmest, safest, most satisfying place she could be... the place she knew she'd spend the rest of her life.


The End


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