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Living on a Hellmouth means that casting spells can be both easier and deadly and Sunnydale has more than it's fair share of mystical beings. The aim is to create a comprehensive list of all the mystics that have found their way there, also listed here is anything else that doesn't fit under the heading vampires, demons, slayers or watchers. The list is an ongoing process and will grow over time. Mystics are listed here in the order that they appeared on the show, click on the image or name to discover details of the mystic and the actor that portrayed them. You can also find them listed by episode and in alphabetical order at the Demon Database home page.
Witches/Warlocks/Spellcastors | Werewolves | Robots | Others
Willow Rosenberg
Incredibly powerful witch with the ability to destroy the world. Previously suffered an addiction to the dark arts but now has her powers under control
Amy Madison
Moderately powerful witch with an addiction to the dark arts, is able to alter reality and turn people into rats.
Jenny Calendar
Techno Pagan - of Romany gypsy descent, is able to do simple spells and curses, uses technology to assist.
Jonathan Levinson
Moderately powerful warlock, is able to alter reality and raise demons.
Ethan Rayne
Moderately powerful spellcastor and member of the cult of Eighon. Is able to curse costumers and candy and turn people into demons.
Tara McLay
Moderately powerful witch, is able to cast spells and float, is more powerful when she combines her powers with that of another witch.
Incredibly powerful magician and follower of Glorificus. Has an impressive library of magic artifacts and a handy tail.
Incredibly powerful warlock who deals in black magic. Is able to sense magic in others and pass on powerful and addictive magics.
Daniel 'Oz' Osbourne
Werewolf - for the three nights of the full moon, turns into a wolf, increasing in strength and hankering after fresh meat, also has enhanced senses when in human form. Is now able to control the wolf inside so long as he is not around Willow.
Werewolf - for the three nights of the full moon, turns into a wolf, increasing in strength and hankering after fresh meat, also has enhanced senses when in human form. Unlike Oz, Veruca embraces the wolf inside her and enjoys the transformation.
Robot - The original Ted Buchannan was a brilliant scientist, on learning of his impending death he builds a robot of himself in order to live on and re-discover the happy family life he used to have.
Robot - Built by Warren Meers, April is the perfect girlfriend with an undying loyalty and an unending cheerfulness.
Robot - the Buffybot has all the features and characteristics of the real Buffy, including punning, with a few altered ones: unending cheerfulness, a love of Spike and a dislike for Angel. Originally commissioned by Spike, the Buffybot took the place of the real Buffy when she died.
Preying Mantis - this giant female preying mantis can take on human form at will. In order to reproduce she requires virgin males whom she lures to her lair using her powerful pheromones. After mating with them she will bite off their heads.
Inca Mummy
Mummy - Formerly an Incan Princess chosen as a sacrifice and mummified at a tender age of 16, the Incan Mummy laid in her tomb for 500 years until her seal was broken and she rose again. Needs to suck the life from humans with a deadly kiss in order to retain her human visage.
Hellgod - Extremely powerful hellgod banished from her dimension and given human form. Has deadly strength and needs to suck brains in order to survive in our world.
Troll - strong and powerful but not very bright. Likes bear and smashing things.

Page last updated 5 May 2006 | Page created, designed and maintained by Cider | Graphics by Angelus1753 | Written in Notepad, published by Homestead.