

Desktop Wallpapers Desktop Wallpapers

All our wallpapers are free for you to use on your personal desktop only. Please note that you are NOT allowed to use these wallpapers for any online galleries, fanart, layouts, etc. They are for your personal desktop only.

Our gallery holds a total of 53 wallpapers.
The most recently added image in this category


Creative and arty wallpapers of Eliza herself, from photoshoots, public appereances, etc.
The most recently added image in this category


Wallpapers of our favorite Slayer. Wallpapers in this category were made with screencaps from Buffy and Angel, and most also feature quotes from the shows.
The most recently added image in this category


Keep It Simple. Sometimes you just want a picture of Eliza on your desktop. No fancy stuff, no brushes, no abstract colors: just wallpaper-sized Eliza.
The most recently added image in this category


The wallpapers in this category have been made specifically to fit Mac OSX desktops, with the blank space for desktop icons on the right side (as opposed to the left side for Windows). This way, Mac users (such as Sasha herself) won't constantly have to move their icons around to see the wallpapers properly. PC users can use these wallpapers as well, just prepared to move your desktop icons around! :)


All wallpapers in our galleries were created by the following people: