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faith rocks n eliza is just hot, luv them both !!!

said shaun on August 03 2006 at 07:05 PM.

Love the website.  Enjoyed all the stats.
Faith/Eliza is my fav. actress.  She rocks.  Can’t wait to see her in her new movie.
Thanks for putting this site together.

said Carin Kelley on August 02 2006 at 05:36 AM.


said LORD ROLSHEEN on July 25 2006 at 10:39 AM.

Ahhh, Faith..
Finally getting the love you deserve!

said Ray Ohlsen on July 22 2006 at 02:53 PM.

I am an up coming actress/model,i really need advice on how to get to international standard.i will be much great to have your advice

said Juliet Martins on July 22 2006 at 12:54 PM.

great site!
screencaps are just great.i couldn’t have wished to find anything better..

said marcis on July 19 2006 at 11:49 AM.

Nice Site..Well Obviously for Faith Fans out there..But I enjoy It coz I love Eliza in every role that she plays. I have a strong personality like what she used to portray..Why I love her...I think we’re kinda connected in some way(I just feel it)..Hard-kicking-ass girls ROCKS!

said Swallow17 on July 19 2006 at 10:43 AM.

total fan of yours need I say more?

said Lance Fernandes on July 16 2006 at 05:55 AM.

Eliza...Faith is a hot, bad ass slayer!!!  Hope to see you in a Buffy or Angel movie someday… soon!

said Steve W on June 25 2006 at 10:41 PM.

Haunt: Thanks for the very kind message!!!! The deal with Wesley - well, first of all, understand that a lot of the recaps were written not long after the episodes aired, and haven’t really been revised since. So they were written long before Wesley turned into the character he was by the time Angel ended. Wesley in Buffy’s Season 3 is a coward, and not a very good Watcher to Faith at all, which lead to our initial dislike of him. He did more harm than good for Faith!

However, by everything that happens to Wesley in Angel: The Series, he became one of our favorite characters (or at least, one of Sasha’s favorite characters - Alison liked him, but not as much as Sasha). In fact, by the time Angel ended, Wesley was probably my favorite character on that show, only surpassed by Illyria.

So we are with you on the Wesley love for how he turned out, but we still maintain he was a character who is very easy to dislike in Buffy Season 3 - especially if you’re wanting good things to happen to Faith. ;)

said Sasha on June 25 2006 at 12:03 AM.

eliza is sooooooo fine, i want to take her out for dinner and a snack

said Snacks Magee on June 24 2006 at 12:10 PM.

I love your site, guys.  Seriously.  Given the time the character has been off-air, it’s refreshing to find a site so well kept up.  I mean EVERYONE keeps Buffy alive, but the fact that anyone still honors Faith is a bit surprising.  And very, very welcome.  So thanks for all that.

(Though I must say I’m dismayed by the one or two hints I found while perusing your site suggesting an odd dislike/disrespect for the character of Wesley.  Alongside Faith and Illyria, Wes is my favorite Jossverse character, and I find it difficult to understand how fans so adept at empathizing with the generally maligned character of Faith could similarly malign Wes… but it’s all personal preference, I’m sure.)

said Haunt on June 23 2006 at 09:57 PM.

I am the biggest fan of Eliza ever, I am so in love with her.  If any of you wanna tell me how big of a loser I am just email me, but you can talk trash but I love Eliza more than any of you, she wants to marry me by the way, Eliza if you read this email me so we can meet

said jon swallow on June 23 2006 at 07:34 AM.

i love Eliza, she is very beautiful women and i have every movies Eliza.

I love you Eliza Dushku xxx

said Jean-Philippe Couillard on June 20 2006 at 05:00 AM.

Hey Eliza,
I’m half Albania and half Germany.
Te dua!!
Tung, Bye

said Sylvie on June 16 2006 at 12:59 PM.