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Merchandise: Angel: The Collectors Box Series Merchandise

Angel Box Series

The Box The Box Says:

Plot Outline The vampire Angel, cursed with a soul, moves to Los Angeles and aids people with supernatural-related problems while questing for his own redemption.
Plot Synopsis: The vampire Angelus, now known as Angel, has a human soul, but committed terrible crimes in the past. Seeking forgiveness and trying to redeem himself, he moves from Sunnydale (and a relationship with Buffy Summers, of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer") to Los Angeles, where he helps the downtrodden by thwarting the supernatural creatures that prey on them.

We Say We think:

Again, like the Buffy Box Set, this is handy to have, but I don't think there's anything new to be seen. There's a 'letter' from Joss Whedon, which just infuriates me, actually. He speaks of his great love for Angel etc. and all I can think of is - he loved the series so much, he abandoned it to go work on Firefly. True love, non? psht. Then he wondered why it was cancelled.

If you're wealthy, a huge Angel fan and not yet jaded and cynical with Whedon, get it. It might be worth it if you don't already have the individual sets. However, if you do have the individual sets and pass it by, you're not missing anything imho.

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