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Merchandise: The Watcher’s Guide Vol. 2 Merchandise

Watcher's Guide 2

The Box The Box Says:

Packed with information, photos and hundreds of great quotes from seasons three and four of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Watcher’s Guide Volume 2 is just as comprehensive as the first Watcher’s Guide. For newcomers, the background to the Slayer, her Watcher and their duties to fight the forces of darkness are sketched in, then the book moves rapidly on to character profiles and brief episode guides for seasons three and four, all liberally sprinkled with chunks of razor-sharp dialogue and explanations of pop culture references. An insightful section, “The Pain”, focuses on the doomed relationships, deaths of loved ones, experiences of betrayal and lack of trust that have forced the characters to develop and change. These are the serious stories about growing up that have always been at the heart of Buffy.

We Say We think:

This book follows the same format as The Watcher's Guide, only it covers seasons 4 and 5. Again, get it if you love the show!

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