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Quotes: Angel Season 1 Quotes

Info From Angel Season 1 > 1.19 Sanctuary | Added on July 11, 2006

Angel: You're in no condition to leave here. You walk out that door now and you'll be running for the rest of your life, and my bet is it'll be a pretty short run.

Faith: You know what? It doesn't matter.

Angel: It does matter. It matters to me.

Info From Angel Season 1 > 1.19 Sanctuary | Added on July 11, 2006

Faith: Why are you doing this? Why are you being nice to me? Just - stop it. You're gonna step aside or do we throw down? I mean, am I your prisoner here?

Angel: No. You're not my prisoner.

Faith: So I'm free.

Angel: I don't know about that, but the door is open. Where are you gonna go? Back out in that darkness? I once told you that you didn't have to go out in that darkness. Remember? That it was your choice. Well, you chose. You thought that you could just touch it. That you'd be okay. 5x5, right, Faith? But it swallowed you whole. So tell me, how did you like it?

Faith turns and slugs him hard. He doesn't retaliate, just slowly turns back to look at her.
Faith stares for a moment then looks anywhere but at him.

Faith: (hesitantly) Help me?

Angel: Yeah.

Info From Angel Season 1 > 1.19 Sanctuary | Added on July 11, 2006

Faith: So, how does this work?

Angel: There is no real simple answer to that. I won't lie to you and tell you that it'll be easy, because it won't be. Just because you've decided to change doesn't mean that the world is ready for you to. The truth is no matter how much you suffer, no matter how many good deeds you do to try to make up for the past - you may never balance out the cosmic scale. The only thing I can promise you is that you'll probably be haunted, and maybe for the rest of your life.

Faith: (indicating the microwave) So how does this work?

Angel: Uh - power level, time, start. Sure that popcorn is gonna be enough for you?

Info From Angel Season 1 > 1.19 Sanctuary | Added on July 11, 2006

Faith: Are you saying I got to apologize?

Angel: Think you can?

Faith: I don’t know. - How do you say 'Gee, I'm really sorry tortured you I nearly to death?'

Angel: Well, first off I think I'd leave off the 'Gee.' And secondly I think you have to ask yourself: are you?

In regards to Angel’s suggestion she should apologize to Wesley for torturing him.

Info From Angel Season 1 > 1.19 Sanctuary | Added on July 11, 2006

Faith: God, it hurts. I hate that it hurts like this.

Angel: Oh well, it's supposed to hurt. All that pain, all that suffering you caused is coming back on you. Feel it! Deal with it! Then maybe you've got a shot at being free.

Faith: I've got to be the first Slayer in history sponsored by a vampire.

Info From Angel Season 1 > 1.19 Sanctuary | Added on July 11, 2006

Faith: All my life there was only one person that tried to be my friend, went out of her way when I had no right or reason to expect her to - and I screwed her. Not to mention her boyfriend, only him literally.

Angel: Faith, you and I never actually...

Faith: No, not you. The new one. (Angel stares for a moment then looks down) Oh, my god. Angel, I'm so sorry I...

Angel: No, there. You can say it. That's good. (Turns away to leave) Good.

About Buffy.

Info From Angel Season 1 > 1.19 Sanctuary | Added on July 11, 2006

Angel: Is everything okay in there?

Faith: It was touch and go for the four minutes you left me alone, but somehow I got through it.

Info From Angel Season 1 > 1.19 Sanctuary | Added on July 11, 2006

Buffy: You're not gonna run, Faith.

Faith: What do you wanna do? You're gonna throw me off the roof again?

Buffy: Any reason why I shouldn't?

Info From Angel Season 1 > 1.19 Sanctuary | Added on July 11, 2006

Faith: Angel said there was no way you were gonna give me a chance.

Buffy: I gave you every chance! I tried so hard to help you, and you spat on me. My life was just something for you to play with. Angel, Riley, anything that you could take from me you took. I've lost battles before, but nobody else has ever made me a victim.

Faith: And you can't stand that. You're all about control. You have no idea what it's like on the other side! Where nothing's in control, nothing makes sense! There is just pain and hate and nothing you do means anything. You can't even –

Buffy: Shut up!

Faith: Just tell me how to make it better.