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Quotes: Buffy Season 3 Quotes

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: Oh. Water!

Upon spotting the water fountain

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Joyce: So you're a Slayer, too. Isn't that interesting! Do you like it?

Faith: God, I love it!

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: Well, when I'm fighting, it's like the whole world goes away and I only know one thing: that I'm gonna win and they're gonna lose. I like that feelin'.

Buffy: Well, sure. Beats that dead feeling you get when they win and you lose.

Faith: I don't let that kind of negative thinking in.

On her love for slaying.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Joyce: Oh, Faith, can I get you another soft drink?

Faith: Oh, you bet!

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: Didn't we, um, do this street already?

Buffy: Funny thing about vamps. They'll hit a street even after you've been there. It's like they have no manners.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: Mm. You've been doing this the longest.

Buffy: I have.

Faith: Yeah. Maybe a little too long.

Buffy: Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?

Faith: Nothing.

Buffy: You got a problem?

Faith: I'm five-by-five, B, living entirely large, actually wondering about your problem.

Buffy: Well, I may not sleep in the nude and rassle alligators...

Faith: Maybe it's time you started, 'cause obviously something in your bottle needs uncorking. What is it, the, Angel thing?

Buffy: What do you know about Angel?

Faith: Just what your friends tell me: big love, big loss, you oughta deal and move on, but you're not.

Buffy: I got an idea: how about from now on, we don't hear from you on Angel or anything else in my life. Which, by the way, is my life.

Faith: What are you getting so strung out for, B?

Buffy: Why are your lips still moving, F?

Faith: Did I just hear a threat?

Buffy: Would you like to?

Faith: Wow. Think you can take me?

Buffy: Yeah. (looks over Faith's shoulder and sees vamps approaching) I just hope they can't.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: My dead mother hits harder than that!

While pummeling a vamp.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: You (punch) can't (punch) touch (punch) me!

While pummeling a vamp.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: The whole summer it was, like, the worst heat wave. So it's about a hundred and eighteen degrees and I'm sleeping without a stitch on. And all of a sudden, I hear this screaming from outside. So I go tearing out, stark nude, (Xander looks down at her body, licking his lips) and this church bus has broke down, and there's these three vamps feasting (Buffy listens calmly) on half the Baptists in South Boston. (Willow listens intently) So I waste the vamps, and the preacher comes up, and he's hugging me like there's no tomorrow, when all of a sudden, the cops pull up and they arrested us both.

Xander: Wow. They should film that story and show it every Christmas.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005

Faith: Gee, if doing violence to vampires upsets you, I think you're in the wrong line of work!

Buffy: Yeah, or maybe you like it a little too much.

Faith: I was getting the job done.

Buffy: The job is to slay demons! Not beat them to a bloody pulp while their friends corner me!

Faith: (shrugs) I thought you could handle yourself.