a n g e l . e p i s o d e . g u i d e

Season 5

1. Conviction
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Wolfram & Hart and Angel Investigations....a marriage made in heaven; or the other place.
2. Just Rewards
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It's Spike! Now without all the gooey slayer smell. And surprisingly holographic.
3. Unleashed
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Oz should file a copyright infringment lawsuit.
4. Hell Bound
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Spike is naked again. Did Marti write this?
5. Life of the Party
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6. The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco
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Is Cinco 5? Yeah...uh...I knew that. I was just seeing if you did.
7. Lineage
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Wesley's Guide to "Good excuses to shoot your dad, who really isn't your dad, but an evil robot."
8. Destiny
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Angel and Spike fight over some mountain dew. Geez, just drive over to the 7-11, guys. Everything is a competition with you two.
9. Harm's Way
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- Annotations

Harmony didn't have a very good day.
10. Soul Purpose
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The question that's always on everyone's mind is brought up again: Are Bears better nurses than human beings?
11. Damage
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Andrew is a watcher...a watcher with a juice box.
12. You're Welcome
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- Parody

Cordy comes back, or does she?
13. Why We Fight
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- Parody

The Prince of Lies looks vaguely familiar.
14. Smile Time
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Hey kids, today's letter is "B" for "Brain Extraction"!
15. A Hole in the World
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May I jump off the bridge now?
16. Shells
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Not Gunn's best day.
17. Underneath
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W&H's purgatory doesn't seem all bad...you know, except for the demon who cuts out your heart everyday.
18. Origin
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Connor is likeable. I know, I couldn't believe it either.
19. Time Bomb
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Does anyone else feel "Back to the Future 2 confused"?
20. The Girl In Question
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Is Buffy EVER gonna stop with the dating un-dead guys kick?
21. Power Play
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Angel comes up with the craziest plan ever, and Illyria plays some Crash Bandicoot.
22. Not Fade Away
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Goin' out fighting.