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Archive: Dawn/Spike

18 / NC-17
by dru
Dawn is 18 years old.

Ambient / R
by Brighid
Close your eyes and let's pretend.

Beats A Cruel December / NC-17
by Brighid
Grief knows many forms.

Carbon / R
by Emily
Carbon-made only wants to be unmade.

Dust To Dust / PG-13
by Emily
"There was dust and Spike was gone."

Fireworks / PG
by Angel Jade
Dawn gets her first kiss and it doesn’t go as planned.

Gifts / PG-13
by Dannyblue
Spike gives Dawn a present.

Hero / NC-17
by Brighid
There are all sorts of demons.

Just Sex / R
by Spwaddict
Dawn and Spike's relationship is just sex.

Knowledge / PG
by Sami
It's always painful.

Lost / PG-13
by Dannyblue
A sequel to "Gifts". How did Spike lose Dawn?

Mine / R
by Emily
How can you lose something that was never yours?

Oblivion / R
by Emily
Dawn wants the oblivion.

Over It / PG
by Twinkledru J.
Spike comes back. (also D/Drusilla)

Shallow Cuts / R
by Emily
These shallow cuts, they'll slice away at you until there's nothing left.

She Could Be / R
by Sami
After Buffy dies Spike and Dawn fall apart.

Summer Rain / PG-13
by Emily
Dawn and Spike get closer in the summer after 'The Gift'.

Taste / PG
by PNG
Five kisses Dawn never had. (also D/Faith, D/Tara, D/Willow and D/Xander)

Unsung / R
by Emily
I abide as my song goes unsung

and she never even wondered / if you could have ever loved her