Episode Guides Cast Guides Angel Home
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1 Heartthrob | 2 That Vision Thing | 3 That Old Gang Of Mine | 4 Carpe Noctem | 5 Fredless | 6 Billy | 7 Offspring | 8 Quickening | 9 Lullaby | 10 Dad
11 Birthday | 12 Provider | 13 Waiting in the Wings | 14 Couplet | 15 Loyalty | 16 Sleep Tight | 17 Forgiving
1 Heartthrob Cordy, Wes and Gunn return to the Hyperion after what looks like a hefty fight and looking rather the worse for wear. Since hearing the news that Buffy is dead, Angel has left for a spiritual retreat in Sri Lanka (against Gunn's advice who thought Vegas would have been a better idea) to try and work through his feelings. Since Angel left, Fred has been hiding in her room only creeping out when she thinks there's no-one around.

At the spiritual retreat, Angel has been working through his feelings by battling a hoard of demon monks and wishing he had taken Gunn's advice. He returns and is greeted warmly by the team, especially as he has brought gifts. The reunion over he asks after Fred and goes to see her.

In her room, Fred has scrawled formula and theorems and basically anything that has entered her head all over the walls and the remnants of tacos are scattered all over the floor. Angel tries to persuade to come out of her room a bit and that she is safe and then dashes back downstairs on hearing Cordelia's screams.

In her vision Cordelia has seen a group of vampires gatecrashing an open invitation college party and the team head off as Cordelia goes home to recover from her worsening visions with a little help from Phantom Dennis. At the remains of the party Angel finds a few survivors and, morphing into vamp mode leaves to find the culprits while Wes and Gunn wait for the paramedics.

Finding the vampires driving away with a couple of victims, in a swift move Angel lands on the car, frees the two humans and finishes of the vampires. As he stakes the last one, a locket round her neck comes off in her hand, she looks into his face and says his name 'Angelus' before exploding into dust.

Marseilles 1767

Darla and Angelus have teamed up with James and Elizabeth a couple of English vampires sickeningly in love. The four have had a run in with Holtz, the feared vampire hunter and are running from him, trying to make it to the docks. James and Elizabeth cannot see the danger and are canoodling, so when Elizabeth spots a locket in a shop window James immediately steals it for her. Their dawdling has lost them the time they needed and Holtz soon turns up with his men. Chivalrous as ever (?) the men vampires tell the women to run while they stand up to Holtz.

Back in the now James learns of his true love's death at the hand of his once friend. Expressing his wish to die, he kills the messenger and goes in search of a cure for his broken heart.

Gunn and Wesley go in search of Merl and some information on James and where he might be, leaving Cordelia and Angel alone. Never one to miss an opportunity to brood, Angel looks thoughtfully at the locket containing James and Elizabeth's pictures. Now that they are alone, Cordelia, in her nice tactful way, tries to bring up the subject of Buffy. Angel listens as Cordy tries tells him that it's not his fault that Buffy died, seeing that her words are falling on deaf ears she prods him for the rest of the story of Holtz.

As Holtz's men surround the vampires, Angelus taunts him, telling him how much he and Darla enjoyed killing his family. The men grab Angelus and when Holtz holds a stake to his throat (like that's gonna scare him) Angelus finds it amusing to give away the women's hiding place. In the ensuing fight Angel steals a horse and he and James ride off. They lose Holtz and Angel, weary, falls off the horse. Seething with anger at Angelus' betrayal James rides off leaving Angel with several arrows sticking out of him.

Back to today and James has found his cure in the shape of Dr Gregson a renowned Slod demon and collector of rare organs. The good Doctor cuts out James' heart leaving him invincible, for a short time. With his new found invincibility James arrives at Angel's, as the two fight, Fred comes out of her room and calls out to Angel. Looking up he shouts at her to get back in her room, setting her back a good few weeks. The fight continues until Angel stakes James, when he doesn't explode they fight some more and Angel throws James into the sunlight. When he doesn't burn, Angel and Cordy flee to the sewers.

James soon catches them up and, heading up to the subway they just get on a train in time. But James is quick and jumps on the back of the train and soon finds their carriage. Seeing how Angel protects Cordelia, James wants his revenge and threatens to kill the woman Angel loves. Of course he can't, she died 3 months ago. James, not knowing how much he is hitting the spot, taunts Angel telling him he doesn't know what love is, that if he had truly loved and lost he wouldn't be able to go on living.

They fight some more before James finally explodes into dust leaving Angel with the words, 'at least I lived, you just existed'.

Back at the hotel Angel finally admits his feelings to Cordelia and that James' words have haunted him, Buffy's dead and Angel hasn't got over it but it hasn't killed him. He feels guilty (whaddya know? Angel feels guilty). Cordy persuades him that living on and continuing to fight is honouring Buffy and not betraying her.

In Puerto Cabazas, Nicaragua a man walks into a bar and gives a woman a piece of paper with the details of a Shaman on it, the woman is Darla. After she kills him, she gets up from her barstool to display a huge bump.....

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

2 That Vision Thing Fred has finally plucked up the courage to come downstairs and share a meal with Wes and Gunn, although she does spend the first part of it hiding under a table. The three are discussing Cordelia's recent lack of visions when the smartly dressed Gavin Park from Wolfram and Hart pays them a visit. He's not made particularly welcome, especially when he presents them with 57 code violations for the hotel which he has passed on to the towns planning board.

Once he has left, Cordelia gets the long awaited and particularly painful vision. Telling Angel to go find the coin she has seen in her vision she locks herself in the bathroom and examines the nice claw marks across her stomach the vision has left her with.

The way to the coin is via a Chinese herbalist shop where they find that the nice elderly couple that run it are actually vicious and very nimble demons.

At Wolfram and Hart, Gavin Park announced to Lilah that he has been moved from real estate to special projects and will now be working with her. Lilah, however, has a special project of her own she is working on.

While Angel and co are fighting the demon, Fred has been left with the mission of taking Cordelia home and looking after her. She has somewhat outstayed her welcome and, as Cordelia tries to persuade her that she is fine, another vision hits. This one leaves her with a demon face to match the nice claw marks she already has.

They call Angel and he goes off to get the key she has seen in her latest vision leaving Wesley, with a little help from Fred, to find a route to the Powers That Be and find out why the visions are suddenly having side effects. While Lorne tries to tap into her mind, Cordelia has another vision that throws Lorne across the floor and leaves Cordelia looking very burnt. But it's not the Powers that are sending the visions, it's Lilah and her new scalp friend.

Angel pays a visit to Lilah and discovers her ulterior motive. She wants a man rescuing from a prison in another dimension and Angel is the vampire for the job. He completes her mission and Cordelia stops having the scary scar making visions.

Heading back home Angel has a difficult decision to make, he realises that the demons protecting the coin and the key were more than likely working for the Powers and that the person Lilah wants bringing back is not likely to be very good. But the stakes are high and the price is Cordelia so he activates the key and lands, weaponless, in the dimension. He soon finds the prisoner, held in a box of fire by Skip's (the demon guard) will. Reluctantly Angel fights Skip and rescues the prisoner.

First ensuring that Cordelia has been cured Angel hands over the prisoner, then kills the demon responsible for sending the visions. He leaves Lilah with a warning not to come at him trough Cordy again.

In the Yoro Mountains, Honduras, the hugely pregnant Darla finds her Shaman and, tells him he is her last hope to rid herself of Angel's unborn child. The Shaman performs the ritual but fails.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

3 That Old Gang of Mine At Caritas, Angel tries to apologise to Merl for his past behaviour towards him. Merl, however, isn't entirely convinced of Angel's sincerity and with good reason. Realising he has been sussed Angel gives up and tries taunting Merl instead, eventually goading him into trying to hit him. Of course demon violence is forbidden at Caritas and Merl is thrown backwards.

Merl's had enough and Gunn drops him off at home, then speeds off leaving Merl to become splattered all over the wall by an unknown thing or things.

Gunn is woken from a nightmare about what happened to his sister Alannah, so when he is summoned to Merl's place to help investigate his murder he's not really big with the sympathy. A demon's a demon after all. And Angel being a demon, the underlying friction between him and Gunn soon comes to the surface.

He leaves Angel and Wesley to it and calls round to see his old crew. He finds them getting along quite well without him, in fact a little too well, there's also a new player, Gio. Gio has a big problem with the direction Gunn has been heading and the fact that he is working with a vampire.

Meanwhile the team are tracking Merl's apparently numerous enemies (Angel being at the top of the list) to try and find his killer. Still concerned for Fred's welfare, Angel (leather pants! leather pants!!) asks Cordelia to talk to her and try and get her to go out. He and Wesley make a start on the list and soon find that Merl's demon enemies have met the same fate as Merl. Realising they are dealing with something big, they call Gunn.

Down in the sewers, a large slimy green demon walks along innocently sipping from his fast food drink carton when Gunn's old crew turn up well armed and brutally murder him.

Gunn arrives at the second murder scene to find Wesley bagging the evidence including an arrowhead which has been left in the wall. He explains to Gunn that they have found six other victims, all demons, two of them evil but the rest non-violent. Whatever is killing them isn't making any distinctions but just killing for the hell of it. Gunn still isn't convinced that the mission includes investigating the murders of what are, after all, demons. Spotting and recognising the arrow head he pockets it and heads off to see his old crew thinking that they have a rogue in their midst. Rondell, however, soon puts him right, the whole crew are involved.

Unsure what to do, and torn between loyalty to Rondell and his feeling of what is right, Gunn searches for Wesley. First he finds Angel who updates him on the progress of the case. He has found and understands the reason behind the killings, whoever is doing it is doing it for the fun of it.

Gunn finds Wesley at Caritas where Cordy has persuaded Fred to sing, telling her she will be safe with them. Lorne soon senses something is wrong with Gunn but before Gunn gets the chance to open his heart, Rondell, Gio and crew burst in and open fire.

With only a few demons left alive Rondell wants to make a quick exit, but Gio has other plans. He knows that Gunn has been hanging out at Caritas and wants to expose him as a traitor to the mission. Gunn faces up to them, protecting Lorne to Rondell's disgust and Wesley soon realises that Gunn knew who was responsible for the demon executions. Gunn now realises that what Rondell is up to is wrong and tells them to let Cordy and Fred go. Rondell only lets Cordy go, the rest can leave when Cordelia brings Angel back with her.

At Angel's Cordelia tries to dissuade Angel from steaming in without a plan. But Angel has a plan and isn't going to let his friend's get hurt. He gives Cordelia the address of three sisters, the Transuding Furies who have cast the sanctorium spell on Caritas that prevents demons from being violent. He tells Cordelia that the sisters will remember him and will lift the spell.

Back at Caritas, Gio has taken the stage and Lorne soon reads his little secret, the reason that he had to leave Miami and turned up in L. A., it's not said but hinted that he murdered his girlfriend.

The tension rises as one of the surviving demon's tries to escape, in the ensuing fight Gunn manages to grab one of the guns and aims it at Gio. Gio taunts him with the death of his sister causing Gunn to fire at the would-be escapee just as Angel walks in. Handing Gunn a stake Rondell tells him to kill Angel and prove which side he is on. Gunn takes the stake and Angel, vamping out invites him to make his choice. Dropping the stake Gunn moves toward Angel telling Rondell that he can never be Angel's friend but that he will stand by him because he still has then mission to fight evil.

Taking a loaded crossbow Gio invites the others to take it and kill Angel or die themselves. Fred takes him up on the offer, as Gio helps her she takes aim at Angel as the others look on. With a quick move she turns and points the bow at Gio, as Angel tries to persuade her to point the bow back at him, Gio takes the opportunity to grab it back. Cordelia, however, has worked on the Angel-obsessed sisters, the spell is lifted and Angel and the team make their move.

The fight over, Wesley tells Gunn in no uncertain terms that if he ever withholds information from him again Wesley will fire him. He then joins the girls in a waiting taxi leaving Angel and Gunn on the street. Turning to Angel, Gunn tries to tell him that he didn't mean the things that he said and that he has proved that Angel can trust him because he didn't kill him when he had the opportunity. Angel knows better and, walking away, leaves Gunn with words "You'll prove that I can trust you when the day comes that you have to kill me and you do".

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

4 Carpe Noctem The gang are hanging out at Angel's when the vampire himself bursts in excited by the news of a Charlton Hesten double feature. Only Fred takes up his offer of a night out at the pictures.

In a bedroom a man makes love to two women, taking a quick break, he suddenly doesn't feel too good, mutters some magical words, fire comes out of his mouth and the skin of his empty body falls to the floor.

The next day Fred is full of her 'date' with Angel and what a gentleman he was. Cordelia becomes understandably concerned that Fred has read too much into their night out. Grabbing Angel she tells him that he has to talk with Fred and drags him to where the gang are sitting. Wanting to do anything but have the 'talk', Angel finds a story in the paper about the body of a young man that was found in a hotel bedroom with it's insides all sucked out. This triggers a memory for Wesley of a similar case not too long ago and the team have a case.

They find stories of more bodies and a connection. They all went to the same health club, which is just where Cordy and Angel are going. As Cordelia finds some nice hunky men to talk to, Angel gets some actual information. All the men involved attended the Pilates class which is overlooked by a room at the retirement home across the road. Angel leaves Cordy to her hunks and makes for the retirement home. In the room itself he finds the resident, an old man. He hasn't quizzed the man long before he utters some magical words and switches his old, decrepit body for Angel's older but firmer one.

In Angel's body Marcus leaves the retirement home and finds Cordelia waiting for him. Seeing her in the car, he starts hitting on her much to her confusion. Back at the hotel, Cordelia mentions the talk with Fred again leading Marcus to think that he must be gay.

The real Angel has awoken to find himself in the body of an old man and that his parts aren't quite as good as they used to be. Slowly making his way downstairs he finds a phone and calls the hotel only to find he is answered by Marcus who is having the time of his life.

The next day, Cordelia, mentions the 'little talk' to Angel again just as Wesley walks into the room. Believing Wesley to be Fred, Marcus tries to tell him that he is not interested in him that way. As Cordelia calls Wesley in for dinner he realises his mistake and finds out that Fred is in fact a female. Hearing food mentioned he walks into the lobby to find Gunn holding a box of Doritos, picking one out he tips Gunn believing him to be the delivery guy.

Slightly confused by Angel's behaviour, Wesley, Cordelia and Gunn head off to deal with their various aspects of the case leaving Marcus alone. It's not long before Fred appears and Marcus, putting on the charm, asks her out on a date. While Fred is getting changed, Lilah walks in with some forged documentation relating to the hotel. Her relationship with Gavin Park is not a good one and she wants to get one over on him. Not believing his luck at being surrounded by so many good looking women, Marcus starts to hit on Lilah to her extreme surprise. What's even more surprising is that she accepts his advances and Fred walks in on them kissing. It soon Marcus' time to get the surprise as he morphs into vamp face and bites Lilah.

Cordelia returns to the hotel to find Angel gone and Fred sobbing in the lift. Thinking that Angel has had the 'little talk' she tries to talk to Fred but soon finds out what has really happened. Once she tells Wesley it doesn't take him long to put the pieces together and figure out what has really happened.

With his new found lust for blood, Marcus has found his way to a club and soon finds a likely victim and he's wearing Angel's leather pants. As the girl's boyfriend follows them out and confronts him, Marcus soon discovers his preternatural strength and the fact that he rather likes this new body that he has found himself. Fighting off the boyfriend he jumps down to the path below and soon finds himself at the retirement home. Here he confronts the real Angel who has discovered that the only way Marcus can stay in his body is if he kills his old body. But the team are on to him and with the help of a tazer they soon have him knocked out. Back in Marcus' room they find the orb and the spell needed to switch the bodies back.

Back in his own body, Angel crushes Marcus' conjuring stone and they leave for the hotel where Angel finally has the 'talk' with Fred. Cordelia, however, has got there first and Fred already understands why Angel can't have a relationship. As they talk, Cordelia interrupts, Willow is on the phone with the news that Buffy is alive.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

5 Fredless With Buffy back form the dead and Angel gone to meet her, Fred is worried that they will get back together again. To demonstrate how this could never happen, Cordelia and Wesley act out the whole Buffy/Angel love story and are in full swing when they are interrupted by Angel himself. To avoid Cordy's inevitable questions, Angel takes Fred for ice cream. Somehow or other they end up in the sewers tracking a demon that is leaving a trail of crystals.

Back at the hotel the rest of the team are making a weapons inventory and tripping over Fred's decapitation machine (or toaster). They are disturbed by a couple looking for their daughter. Taking them for new clients they lead them to the office where they find that they have just been introduced to Mr and Mrs Burkle, Fred's parents, who aren't clients but have been led to them by a real private detective who has tracked Fred down via an un-addressed envelope. As they talk, Fred returns, spots her parents and rushes up to her room where she starts packing.

They are still talking when Angel walks in proudly holding the head of the demon he just killed. This takes some explaining to Fred's bemused parents but they manage to convince them that Angel also makes films and the head (although still leaking green blood) is a prop. Angel tells them that he sent Fred back to the hotel, but when they reach her room they find her already gone.

Mr & Mrs Burkle are not surprisingly becoming suspicious of the team's credibility. Given the fact that Fred never goes out on her own, that she must have run off after seeing her parent's and that she never speaks about them, the team have their own suspicions too.

Angel heads to the sewers to look for Fred where he is followed by more demons, while the rest of the team and Mr and Mrs Burkle have little more luck at the library. It doesn't take too long for them to figure out where Fred would go for help and they all make for Caritas. Although Lorne denies it, Angel can tell that he knows where she is and uses his persuasive powers to get it out of him. She's at the bus station, which is where they find her.

There's a surprisingly emotional reunion between Fred and her parents until the demon from the sewer, a giant insect demon, shows up. After their earlier lies about demon head props, the truth takes some explaining, especially as they are all trying to fight a very angry, very strong demon at the same time. The truth finally sinking in, the Burkle's help in the fight and the demon gets splattered by a bus driven by an over excited Mrs Burkle.

Back at the hotel, Nurse Cordelia tends to the wounded while Mr and Mrs Burkle catch up. As Fred properly introduces the team and the parts they play she suddenly feels that she has no contribution to make and announces that she is going to return home with her parents.

She is soon packed and on her way to the airport in a taxi, where she opens her bag to find that crystals have formed on the demon blood stained shirt she has saved as a souvenir. With a wave of inspiration she tells them to turn back.

At the hotel the team bemoan their mutual lack of parents as the demon head slowly comes back to life, and another insect demon appears at the doorway, followed by its friends. Fred follows and uses her decapitation machine (not toaster) to split the demon head in half revealing that it is infested with lava. Fred explains how she realised that the crystals were actually demon lava and the insect demon and come to retrieve its babies. Realising that she does have a contribution to make to Angel Investigations she decides to stay.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

6 Billy In the basement at the Hyperion, Angel is teaching Cordelia how to sword fight. Meanwhile Lilah lays into Billy (the guy Angel saved from the burning cell in That Vision Thing) for going walkabout yet again. His family have apparently been very worried about him. As Billy leaves with his uncle, Congressman Blim, Lilah and Gavin bicker again. This time Lilah doesn't get the better of the argument as Gavin turns on her and beats her.

The gang have all been to dinner at Wesley's and, while Gunn and Angel play video games, closely watched by Fred, Wesley and Cordelia have a heart to heart. Cordelia lets him know that she is on to him as usual and has spotted that he has a soft spot for Fred, she is trying to persuade him that he should let his feelings be known when she is interrupted by a pesky vision. She sees the vivid pictures of a man viciously beating his wife. They are too late, however, the event in her vision happened a week ago.

Somehow Wesley acquires the murder files. A man with no previous history of domestic violence has murdered his wife and confessed to it, his reason being that she wouldn't stop talking (I'm really gonna have to be more careful around Carl). The team are a tad puzzled by Cordelia getting a vision about a completely solved case, until Angel spots a CCTV picture taken at the scene just twenty minutes before the crime occurred. The picture features Billy.

Cordelia immediately blames herself for the woman's death, but Angel rightly tells her that it is neither of their faults and is soon knocking at the door of the guilty party's apartment. When Lilah answers the door and refuses him entry he is genuinely shocked by her bruised face and guesses who was behind it. Billy again. Lilah appears unconcerned as she calmly informs him that Billy is the nephew of Congressmen Blim, the family of whom are apparently the closest the US has to royalty, and, therefore, no one can touch him. Angel has other ideas.

Having got nowhere with Lilah, Angel, Gunn and Wesley find themselves outside the Blim family's estate. As Gunn and Wesley try to figure out how to get through the towering security gates, Angel is over in a leap and off towards the house. Approaching the house, he spots Billy on the phone and Billy spots him. Smashing the windows Angel walks straight in commenting on the fact that Billy obviously isn't human as he didn't need an invite. As they chat about Billy's fetish for watching women being beaten, the police arrive. Billy calmly admits to being the one who called and knowing where a there is a body, touching one of the officers on the arm he tells him he will go quietly. When he removes his hand the officer is left with a glowing handprint on his arm.

In the back of the police car, Billy smiles as he watches the male and female arresting officers begin to bicker, the argument becoming more heated, the male officer starts beating his partner while she drives.

Back at the hotel the gang discuss the case, as Angel is about to leave for the police station, against the advice of his friends, Fred learns that the police car never made it to the station. They head for the scene of the accident where they learn that the female officer, now in hospital, had to shoot her partner in self defence. Gunn gets the job of hospital visiting while Angel has noticed that some of the blood in the car isn't human, following the trail, he is off again.

Fred and Cordelia have been left at the hotel, but impatient to help Cordelia tools up and sets off against Fred's good advice. As Cordelia leaves and Wesley arrives with a sample of Billy's blood. Leaning close they peer over the microscope and are getting on quite well until a change comes over Wesley. Realising that Wesley has been affected by the blood, Fred tries to leave and Wesley becomes aggressive, accuses her of being promiscuous and slaps her to the floor. She gets up and makes it up the stairs.

Meanwhile, Cordelia has found her way to Lilah's apartment where she calmly invites herself in. The conversation between bitch and ex-bitch is hardly friendly and Lilah refuses to give much away. Cordelia does learn that Billy's touch can affect different men in different ways, with some it will take affect immediately, with others it can take hours. Telling Lilah that she thought she was a strong woman that wouldn't take the beating she has taken lying down, Cordelia, formerly Queen of Bitch finally gets through to her.

Billy himself has found his way to his cousin's house who his having a party, closely followed by Cordelia and then Angel, but by the time each get there the others have been and gone. Angel finds out where; the airport.

Back at the hotel Wesley grabs an axe and follows Fred up the stairs, pushing open the doors until he finds the one that she is hiding behind. He pulls her to her feet and kisses her but doesn't find her quite a willing partner. Running from Wes again, Fred falls and finds Gunn. Together they find a place to hide and barricade themselves in. When Fred explains to Gunn how Wesley became affected by the blood sample, Gunn becomes worried as he too picked up the vial. Realising the consequences he starts dismantling the barricade but it is too late, Wesley has got there first. Finding there is no other way out he breaks a chair and tells Fred to knock him out, which she does, a little too well, just as Wesley's axe breaks through the door. By the time he has broken the door, Fred has managed to set a trap for him and he walks straight into it.

At the airport Cordelia has found Billy, approaching him she tells him that she is going to send him back to the hell that he came from. Holding a crossbow to his jugular she is about to fire when Angel arrives and pulls her away, he wants this fight for himself. Before he can strike out, Billy places both hands on Angel's face, leaving his glowing mark. Angel turns to Cordelia and tells her to leave, but stubborn as ever, she won't. Angel stands between Cordelia and Billy, turning towards Cordelia he raises his fist saying, 'the trouble with people like you is...' with a swift move he turns and lays his fist into Billy '...you have no power over me'.

The two fight, neither appearing to get the upper hand, Cordelia raises the bow and tries to aim at Billy, but before she can fire two shots ring out and Billy falls to the ground. Cordelia and Angel turn to see Lilah walking away.

The next day Angel and Cordelia continue their training while Wesley broods in his apartment.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

7 Offspring Rome 1771

Angel runs through a sewer (they had big ones in Rome then too apparently), chased by what appear to be monks, he falls right into their trap and comes face to face with Holtz. Wearing a dashing pair of shades (did they have shades in 1771?) he proceeds to torture Angel in revenge for the death of his family. Just as he is gleefully advising Angel that he is looking forward to finding out just how much pain a vampire can take in a fortnight, Darla bursts in and spoils his fun. Taking out most of the monks, but leaving Holtz alive, Darla and Angel ride off into the sunset, under cover of a blanket, of course.

Back in the now, Darla and her bump arrive in LA on the bus, seems she was feeling a tad peckish on the way though as most of the other passengers have been eaten.

At the Hyperion, Cordelia is brightening Angel's basement with some nice plastic flowers. He seems touched. As they continue their training it becomes clear that Cordelia's self defence techniques have greatly improves as Angel takes a rather hard punch to the face. Catching Angel off guard has Cordy convinced that Angel is off his game and that he is worried about the prophecy in the Nyazian Scrolls that Wesley and Gunn are out trying to get their hands on. It's the end of the world, again.

On the trail of the scroll's, Wesley and Gunn are breaking into a rather posh house. While Wes gets his James Bond kit out, Gunn walks straight in through the open door. Entering, they find a large collection of mystical and ancient artefacts including a bottle containing some suspicious looking white powder. Searching for the scroll they decide it is probably hidden in the vault when Gunn notices the homeowner in the room holding a gun on them.

Wesley soon prevents him from calling the police by commenting on the fact that the white powder collection he has is virtually indistinguishable from Rohipnol, the date rape drug. It's Gunn's turn for a little persuasion and juggling with some nearby, rather rare and expensive Cyopian conjuring spheres, he soon has the guy handing over the scrolls.

Back at the hotel, Cordelia and Angel are still training when Fred walks in on them. As Cordelia limps out, Fred greets her with the word 'cyrumption', apparently the only nice word she remembers from Pylea. It's meaning is when two brave warriors come together and recognise their mutual fate. Fred thinks Angel and Cordelia are made for one another, they have 'moira' the gut physical reaction between two larger than life souls. Angel is rather disturbed by this, and frankly, so am I.

Returning from the stealing expedition, Wesley interrupts their discussion and Fred goes off to help with the scientific part of translating the scrolls.

The scrolls apparently predict the arising of the Troclon, a person or being who will bring about the ruination of mankind. Although, as usual, Wesley is not too sure of the actual translation, you see, ruination could actually mean purification and we don't want to make the same mistake twice now, do we?

While Wes struggles with the translation, Fred pores over her laptop struggling with the calculations, first the world ended last March, but a re-calculation shows that whatever is arising is possibly already in LA. Their speculations are interrupted by the entrance of the heavily pregnant Darla to the surprise of all concerned. As Angel protests that vampires cannot have children, Cordelia takes Darla's side and helps her to a chair.

Desperate to find out how this could possibly have happened they head for Caritas where Lorne is finally having the place refurbished and the Furies (who are VERY pleased to see Angel) are re-casting the non-violence spells. As they discuss the fact that the child may be the thing the prophecy prophesied, Wesley, considers whether the 'Shanshu' prophecy could have referred not to Angel himself but to his child.

Meanwhile Cordelia has taken Darla into another room for a lie down, their nice girlie talk about being pregnant soon leads to the inevitable and Darla's thirst gets the better of her. Mid drink, Cordelia gets a vision and manages to shake Darla away from her, as she lunges back to finish Cordy off, Angel bursts through the door and throws Darla across the room and she's off.

Back at the hotel, Gunn watches over Cordelia while Angel goes on the hunt for Darla. Cordelia's vision has lead him to the fairground where Darla has found a lost child to prey on. She's about to feed when Angel jumps on her and the two start to fight. Though it's a more than an even match, Angel walls Darla and is about to stake her when he feels the babie's heartbeat, their child has a soul. He takes her back to the hotel where she sleeps under Gunn's guard.

Fred is still working on the calculations when she discovers she has eventually got it right, whatever is being born or arising, it is doing it NOW.

Underground, a demon stands before a statue and chants, "as pledged in Kaladan by Khadji, one shall awaken in the first year of the final century, that one will live before and join Khadji in the great sleep, arise as was promised and foretold in the prophecies, arise.'

The demon stands back and the statue begins to shake, it cracks open and out steps, Holtz.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

8 Quickening York 1764

Holtz gallops through fields and meets his messenger who says that he has found Angelus and Darla and can take him to them. Holtz and company arrive at the vampire's lair only to find them long gone but at least they have had the courtesy to leave him a note. Meanwhile, Angelus and Darla have arrived at Holtz's house and are feasting on his wife and children.

Realising where they have gone Holtz speeds for home but again arrives too late.

Back in the now, Angel watches the heavily pregnant Darla sleeping whilst the newly arisen Holtz is bringing himself up to date with the past 200 years of history and is becoming impatient for the death of his old foes Angelus and Darla. His demon resurrector, however, has other plans.

At the hotel, Darla has awoken and the two are re-living their night of passion when they are interrupted by the rest of the crew (and a crossbow). They have had a breakthrough with their recently acquired Nyazian scroll. It seems the Troclon isn't a person or persons, it is a confluence of events involving Angel, Darla, their child and something else they don't know about yet. While the crew (and Darla) are all for destroying his unborn baby and thus preventing the prophecy from coming to pass, Angel wants to wait until they have discovered as much as they can about baby and the prophecy. The crew eventually agrees, although Cordy has to throw a punch at Darla before she feels good about the plan.

Cordelia finds that her punch has more effect than she could have hoped for even after her training with Angel, it sends Darla reeling, although this has probably more to do with the fact that her contractions have started.

At Wolfram and Hart, Lilah is signing documents in her own blood (well how else would she sign them?) when the mail room guy arrives and gives her a disc which shows her little love scene with Angel. When she warns him against blackmail he claims that he is on her side and that the enemy is Gavin Park who has had bugs fitted all over the Hyperion Hotel courtesy of his little exterminator plan.

When Lilah arrives to accuse him of blackmail, Park is availing himself of transcripts of the latest events at Angel Investigations. It soon transpires that Park is cleverer then she thought and has used Cyril the mail boy to dupe Lilah into helping him with his latest scheme. Glad to get one over on Gavin, Lilah soon helps with the identification of the hotel's latest guest - 'unidentified pregnant female'. Their next top plan is to find out just exactly how this baby could possibly have been conceived and they get on that. Cyril, however, has other plans and contacts his real master, Tarfall, the underlord of pain, who also wants news of the baby.

Meanwhile at the hotel, Darla is not having the greatest day, she wants that baby out and out now. The crew sneak her into a training hospital and borrow some equipment in order to carry out a scan which reveals that the baby Darla is carrying is a human boy but the contractions were false labour and not the real thing.

York 1773.

Holtz sits by his fire drinking and mourning his lost family when he is disturbed by the appearance of a demon who tells him that he can help him to kill Angelus and Darla, something that Holtz will never be able to achieve on his own. The demon tells Holtz that the next opportunity he will get to kill them will be two centuries in the future and then offers to take him there. All the demon wants in return is Holtz's promise that when he meets Angelus and Darla again he will show no mercy, this is no problem for Holtz.

Back in the now, in the underground cave, Holtz is impatient for the no mercy part of the operation but his new demon friend preaches patience, the time is not yet right. Also he has hired some people, well not exactly people, to help.

At Wolfram and Hart Darla's pregnancy is still proving to be somewhat of a poser, although they have found out of a prophecy that tells of a vampire birth, the scroll, however, is missing. Their only other option is to get their hands on the baby and fast, before the vampire and demon cults also interested in Angel's and Darla's offspring get there.

As Angel finally realises that he is about to become a father, Fred mentions the fact that they are surrounded by vampires, vampires that want to get their hands on the miracle child. The head vampire announces their intentions: to kill the humans in order to nourish the mother. Pleased at the thought that she is going to get fed at last, Darla encourages them, until she finds that once the nourishing part is over they plan to slice her open, wear her entrails as a belt and consume her eyeballs before worshipping the miracle child. This part is less pleasing.

As Angel prepares for one of the many fights of his unlife, Fred grabs a dagger from Gunn and threatens to slice the baby into triplets whispering to Darla that the vampires don't yet know that the baby cannot be hurt. They do know though and the fight is on.

The fight over, the four pile into Angel's car and are making for somewhere safe when Wesley persuades them to make a quick stop at the hotel for the scrolls.

At the Hyperion, Wolfram and Hart move their troops in and await the arrival of mother. The preparations for the birthing are well underway when Holtz walks in and the fighting starts. Lilah, Gavin and Linwood watch in the office until they lose visual on the cameras, a scream is heard and then silence.

Angel pulls up the car a couple of blocks away, telling the others to leave if he is not back in five, he leaps onto a building and enters the hotel the back way to find the foyer strewn with bodies in the midst of which stands Holtz. In the car outside, Darla's contractions start again.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

9 Lullaby Confronted with a figure from his past that Angel thought long dead, Angel realises that the prophecy has been referring to Holtz and not to his unborn child. Angel soon finds himself surrounded and trapped by Holtz's men (well men in the sexual sense) and the two catch up with old times. Although Angel tries to persuade Holtz that he is a changed man, Holtz isn't convinced and is (rightly) sure that if Angelus is about, Darla won't be too far away either.

Darla herself remains outside screaming as the contractions kick in for real. Wesley tries to give her breathing lessons to help with the pain, however, Darla politely explains that she doesn't breath and, knocking them all flying, she bursts into tears.

1774 York

Holtz returns to his home to find his wife and baby dead, realising the truth of what has happened he hears his daughter call to him. She stands in the doorway seemingly alive and well, holding her he sings to her, brushing her hair back with his hands he sees the tell tale marks on her neck and knows she is a vampire. In the morning he is forced to kill his own daughter by throwing her into the daylight.

In the modern day, the lawyers at Wolfram and Hart remain confused as to who Holtz is and what happened to their men, while at the hotel Holtz is curious as to Darla's whereabouts and Angel is curious as to how Holtz has arrived in the now. Outside, Gunn, Wesley and Fred return to the car and are about to set off when they find themselves surrounded by Holtz's new demon friends

In an effort to establish what has happened to her men, Lilah arrives at Angel investigations and fills Holtz in on the while gypsy curse episode of Angel's long life. Finding Holtz distracted Angel takes his opportunity and blows himself out of the hotel with the use of a spare hand grenade. Lilah remains to arrange the removal of evidence from the hotel and finds the Nyazian scrolls.

Angel arrives outside as Darla drives off and the crew are mid fight. Angel soon fills the crew in on the arrival of Holtz and Fred comes up with a theory. Holtz has been resurrected to find and kill Angel, finds out about the baby, kills Darla before the baby (who is not evil at all but a messianic figure) before it is born thus bringing about the end of the world. Fun.

Holtz himself is back home in his underground cavern and is a tad upset with Sahjhan for not keeping him up to date with the life changing events in Angel's unlife. Sahjhan, however, is unconcerned with this and says it does not change anything and that Holtz should still kill Angelus. Holtz has no qualms about the killing part, just that, due to lack of information, he has been hunting the wrong prey.

Angel finds Darla on a rooftop looking down, she tells him that she feels love for her baby, that she has felt love for the first time in her life because the child has a soul, she has a soul. She knows that once the child is born she will no longer have a soul and, therefore, will no longer feel the love for her child anymore. Meanwhile the others have made for Caritas to ask Lorne (who is in the process of firing his demon electrician) if the baby can be born there and Angel and Darla soon join them there. Unfortunately, the demon electrician holds grudges and is soon telling Holtz just where to find Angel and Darla.

At Wolfram and Hart they have finally managed what Wesley couldn't and deciphered the scrolls stolen from Angel Investigations. The prophecy actually states 'there will be no birth, only death'.

Darla's contractions have stopped again and, checking the baby, Wesley finds that the baby's heartbeat is fading. The baby is dying because Darla is unable to give birth. Angel is watching Darla and the others are chatting by the bar when Holtz arrives, thinking he is a customer, Lorne tells him that the bar is not yet open and Holtz leaves singing to himself. Lorne suddenly stops and tells everybody to run as a barrel rolls down the stairs and the bar blows up, again.

As Angel kicks their way out into the pouring rain, Holtz walks through the burning club. In pain, Darla lays on the floor, Angel and Fred bending over her while the others go for the car. The child's soul working within her, Darla is wracked with guilt for the things she has done. Telling Angel that their child is the only good thing that they ever did together Darla reaches for a stake and drives it through her own heart, as the dust settles a new born baby lies where Darla once was.

Armed with a crossbow, Holtz finds his way out of the burning club to see Angel, babe in arms, as he takes aim, Angel looks at him and Holtz lowers the bow and lets Angel and Fred walk past to the waiting car.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

10 Dad The crew return to the hotel with the baby to find the place in a bit of a state but minus the bodies. As they survey the damage, Lorne arrives along with a couple of cases and announces that he is moving in, not a big request seeing that they have managed to blow up his club a couple of times already.

Angel is taking his role as a father very seriously and, being a tad over-protective, won't let anyone near. As he tries to stop the baby from crying the gang are attacked by yet another baby worshipping demon. Gunn swiftly puts an end to it but they realise that the battle is not over yet and that the baby is still in danger. Wesley knocks up a list of their possible enemies with Holtz's name at the top.

In Holtz's underground cavern Sahjhan is not overly happy that Angel is still alive, however Holtz assures him that Angel will die when the time is right, now he wants rid of the demon crew Sahjan has employed. As the demons fall to the floor one by one, Holtz informs Sahjan that he has poisoned them, he wants warriors who will die for his cause not paid killers. He starts looking for them in the obituary pages.

At the hotel, Fred and Cordelia are also searching the net for information while Angel is still trying to stop his son from crying. Lorne is busying himself by inviting the Furies round to do a little spell for them preventing anyone or anything from getting in or out of the hotel. The only opening is via an emergency exit in the sewers. Cordelia soon points out that that emergency exit will come in handy real soon as they need to get the baby to a hospital for a check up. Lorne is more concerned about the humming noise that he can hear.

At Wolfram and Hart they watch Angel with the baby and are a tad confused as to how it got there as the prophecy stated that he would never be born, but, as Lilah points out, Macduff-like, the baby was 'from its mother's womb untimely ripped'. Their next quest is to find out about Holtz.

Back at the hotel, Angel is desperately trying to stop the baby from crying, even resorting to singing but even' Lorne's voice doesn't seem to help. Angel seems to need a little advice on baby care and Lorne is happy to help, telling him that the baby can sense that he is tense and on edge and that is why he is unhappy. Left to himself again, Angel takes his son on his knee and tries to calm him by pulling faces, as a last resort he vamps out and strangely this seems to help.

At Wolfram and Hart, Lilah pays a visit to files and records to beat Gavin Park in finding out more about Angel's connection to Holtz. After hours of searching through file after file, Lilah discovers that the files and records girl knows a lot more than Lilah at first thought, in fact not being exactly human, she knows everything that is in every file and Lilah soon has the information she needs.

Holtz himself has tracked down a likely recruit, Justine, a young girl whose twin sister's death by vampires has turned her to drink. He follows her down an alley and approaches her, she is wary and not too keen at first but Holtz soon gets her to sober up and listen up. Watching her fighting a vampire, Buffy-like in the cemetery, he steps in, dusts it and finally persuades her to join him. Telling her that if she helps him to kill Angel he will teach her how to fight.

The next day , Fred and Cordy are still wrestling with the dread machine trying to trace web sites that are offering money for Angel's son. Angel will still not let anyone near his son though Cordy tries to persuade him that he can't do everything for the child, for instance go out into the daylight and play with him. To prove a point Angel puts his hand into the sunlight and swears that if his son needs to get to hospital he will get him there no matter what. They return inside where Lorne slips a piece of paper in Angel's pocket and Gunn arrives with some handy extra firepower and the news that the hotel is now being watched by several different groups, one of which has the power to take down their protective forcefield once the moon is up. By night-time the demons have already started work on their mojo to get into the hotel and of course the vampires have turned up and started brawling amongst each other about who gets to kill who first.

Realising it is useless to stay and fight, Angel comes up with a plan to take the baby and leave his team to it. Understandably the team aren't too happy at being left to fight it out themselves, Angel, however, is gone watched of course by those lovely lawyers at Wolfram and Hart.

Angel makes a dash through the sewers and gets to his car while the fighting goes on outside the hotel. Wolfram and Hart are ready for him though and he is soon being followed by two of their tanks. As they speed off into the night the demons make it into the hotel to be met by Wesley and his nice big flamethrower. Too late they realise that the baby has gone and what's left of them set off in pursuit.

Followed by Wolfram and Hart and assorted demons, Angel makes for the desert and an abandoned mine. With the others hot on his trail and still fighting each other Angel leaps into the old mine where he finds himself both trapped and surrounded. Grabbing hold of the old mine shaft ropes, Angel throws the baby to his enemies and makes good his escape up the mine shaft. Angel is in the car and well on his way back to safety by the time the demons have realised that the baby is actually a teddy bear with a small present wrapped around him and the mine explodes. Meanwhile the rest of the team have made it safely to the hospital with the real baby.

Dismayed at their lack of success, Wolfram and Hart watch the tapes of the day at the Hyperion and notice Lorne slipping the note in Angel's pocket and telling him the only safe place to read it is the Janitor's closet, where Wolfram and Hart have no cameras. Angel knows about the cameras and had them all fooled, no matter, his actions have only got rid of the competition for them. Next project on the agenda: Holtz. As they are discussing him the vampire alarms sound and Angel arrives carrying a knife, walking straight up to Linwood he marks him in the face in the same place that the baby has a scratch. Grabbing hold of Linwood he warns him that he is personally responsible for anything that happens to his son and whatever harm comes to his son, the same will happen to Linwood.

At the hospital, baby gets a clean bill of health and Angel arrives just in time to name his son, Connor.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

11 Birthday Cordy, Fred and Gunn clean up the aftermath of the fight while Wesley is out shopping for more super strength ick-remover and Angel is looking after Connor. Of course now that Angel is letting other people near Conner, Cordelia needs a turn, but first she has to wash her hands. The ploy to get her out of the way complete, Wesley arrives with a big bag.

In the bathroom, Cordelia refreshes herself with a couple of super strength painkillers and emerges to a chorus of Happy Birthday. In a dilemma between presents and baby Connor, Cordelia suddenly tells Angel to take the baby just as a vision kicks in. Before she can tell them what she sees she is thrown across the room and falls unconscious to the floor.

As the others gather round her, her spirit rises in another part of the room and watches as the team fail to rouse her. Realising that she is still breathing, they think she may be in some sort of coma and Angel carries her to the sofa. While the others talk, spirit Cordelia tries to tell them what happened in her vision, a girl needs help, but they cannot hear her and when Lorne arrives and walks right through her she knows things are really bad.

Fred meanwhile, has found the bottle of pills that Cordelia dropped and Wesley identifies them as the super strength prescription painkillers that they are. If she has been taking these she must have tried many other painkillers first. They realise that the visions have been affecting her much, much more than she had been telling them.

Fred and Gunn go off to Cordelia's apartment to try and find out more about what is wrong with her, while Wesley hits the books.

At Cordy's apartment, Fred and Gunn walk into Phantom Dennis' birthday surprise, and, after introducing themselves, set about searching and come up with nothing, although Gunn does find a rather nice bra. After a little persuasion, Dennis finally helps them and they find Cordy's box of pills that she keeps under her bed.

Back at the hotel, Wesley has been reading and Spirit Cordelia has been hearing voices. Wesley's reading as turned up the theory of Astral Projection and Cordelia reads over his shoulder. Upstairs, Angel sits by Cordelia's bed, holding her hand and telling her off for not confiding in him. When even Lorne's mojo doesn't work, Angel's at the end of his tether and demands that Lorne find a way to get him access to The Powers That Be.

Finally exhausted, Angel falls asleep at Cordelia's side and Spirit Cordelia takes the opportunity to use what she has learnt and jump into Angel's body to try and leave a message on the wall about her vision. She doesn't get very far before she is forced out of his body and the voices start again. As Angel picks himself up off the floor, Wes comes in with news of what was found in Cordelia's CAT scans, to cut the technical terms, she's dying. This seems to come as a shock to Cordelia as well but before she can come to terms with this Skip appears.

Skip tells her that he can give her some answers but she has to go with him or she will die.

Downstairs, Fred is going through Cordelia's CAT scan results when Lorne returns from his encounter with The Powers That Be looking rather the worse for wear. As a spell prevents him from telling Angel anything, he gives him the information he wants in writing and Angel is off before Lorne can warn him not to go.

Meanwhile Cordelia has been taken to a mall, or rather a construct of a mall (like in the Matrix which Skip loved). Here Skip shows Cordy a film of Doyle kissing her and transferring the visions, he tells her that that wasn't meant to happen, humans cannot survive them, demons are the only ones that can handle them. Skip then introduces her to Tammy, one of the last humans to have the visions back in 1740, unfortunately the last vision that she had blew the back of her head off.

In the meantime, Angel has found his way to the conduit for The Powers That Be and starts making his plea, not that they really seem to be listening.

Back in the mall and Skip now shows Cordelia another film, one of the party in L.A. where she bumped into Angel. That was the moment that changed her life, that lead her to where she is now, but it could have all gone differently. If Angel hadn't bumped in to her she would have met an incredibly powerful talent agent. She wasn't meant to meet Angel and have the visions, she was meant to be an incredibly famous actress. All she needs to do now is say the word and The Powers That Be would over-write history and she would be a star.

Cordelia wavers at first but Skip shows her a well chosen snippet of Angel's plea to The Powers That Be, Cordelia watches as Angel states that she is not a champion, just a rich girl from Sunnydale who likes to play the superhero, she doesn't have what it takes. Cordelia leaves before Angel can get to his point. He is more afraid of her dying than she is. She makes her choice and becomes a star.

A rich, famous, star with her own show, signing autographs but with a nagging feeling that she's supposed to be there. A word comes from her mouth, Hyper, hyper something, finally she says it; Hyperion, she has to go there now.

Arriving at the hotel she finds it open and lit up, her assistant has booked her the luxury suite and the manager stutteringly takes her there. The room opposite holds more interest for her and she makes the manager open the door even though it is just a standard room, entering the room she sees flashes of how it was when she was there with Angel, and walking to the wall, she rips off the paper to find the message she tried to leave '171 Oak'. Her next stop.

She rings the doorbell and it is opened by a rather astonished young girl who invites her in to show a rather attractive pentagram design on the floor. This she plans to use in a spell to bring back her absent father. Cordelia has bad feelings about this (she's still from Sunnydale after all) but before she can voice them a demon appears and attacks them. Luckily a one-armed Wesley and Gunn appear in the nick of time and kill the demon, saving the day.

Wesley and Cordelia catch up while Gunn piles the demon into his truck and then lets slip that there is another ex-Sunnydale resident in town, Angel. Wesley takes Cordy to see him, she finds him a changed vampire. In this reality, Angel has inherited the visions from Doyle and they have reduced him to a shivering wreck, sometimes sending Wes and Gunn on missions to save people he killed years ago. Cordy walks into his room and tries to talk to him, but he retreats to a corner, muttering and shaking, she kneels next to him and kisses him making the visions transfer back to her. The room goes into freeze frame as Cordelia stands up remembering everything and Skip appears.

Cordelia tells him that she knows now what her purpose is in life and that purpose includes having the visions, she demands that he find a loop-hole where she can have the visions and not die. Skip admits that there is one tiny loop-hole, if she becomes part demon she will be able to stand the visions. Cordelia surveys the scene around her, one-armed Wesley and a broken Angel, and agrees. As Skip puts his hand on her head she wakes up in her bed at the hotel screaming.

The initial congratulations over, Cordelia checks for horns and a tail and then calmly tells the confused on-lookers that her earlier vision has been taken care of but what they need to worry about is the vision she is having now. The others look on a bit dazed as Cordelia hovers a foot above the floor.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

12 Provider Angel is desperately saving up, he has college funds to think about now, not to mention nappies and baby formula. A search down the back of the sofa leads to the discovery of $1.83 which is placed securely in a piggybank stored in the safe. Well you've got to start somewhere. The others are doing their bit too, Fred works on a website advertising the agency, no job too small, and Gunn and Wesley have been handing out no less than six thousand flyers.

They're set and now all they have to do is wait for the phone calls and the money to start rolling in. Still waiting.

On the streets of L.A. a young man runs through the pouring rain from some shadowy evil, tripping he falls right on one of Angel Investigation's flyers. Making it to the nearest phone box he dials, the phone rings and he gets straight through to the local Fabrizio's Pizza's.

At the hotel the team are still for the phones to ring when Fred notices the number on the flyer; it's wrong.

The next day Wesley returns from re-distributing flyers to find Gunn all googly-eyed over Fred who's having a Connor cuddle, the pair admire the view. The rest of the team emerge and Angel announces their new number one proprieties, helping the helpless (obviously), making money and finding Holtz. Meanwhile Cordy notices that they have had some hits on their website, that's when the phones start ringing.

In the underground cavern, Holtz is not two happy with Justine who just dusted two vamps he told her to walk away from. In order to discover whether she has enough commitment for the job in hand he has nailed her hand to the table. Leaving her, he tells her that she can remove the nail whenever she likes and if she is still there when he gets back they can start to discuss what he wants from her.

At Angel Investigations the hotel foyer is filling up and the phones are still ringing. Lorne has the responsibility for talking to non-human clients and is having an interesting conversation with three masked and robed demons who communicate by means of a clicking sound. These nice guys, Nhadras by name, have a job (and a lot of money) for Wesley. Having learnt that he isn't lacking in the brain department they are willing to pay for his mind to help them solve a traditional puzzle to present to their prince. Taking an interest in their clothes Fred explains one of the puzzles thereon. This excites the demons somewhat and they rush off consult their leader, or eat with a cheese monkey, Lorne is a little rusty on the translation.

The others haven't been neglecting their number one priorities either, Gunn has taken on a case for a young girl who is being stalked by her dead ex-boyfriend, and Angel has got a big new case of his very own. Leaving Connor with Cordelia he meets his new client at his rather large office. The new client, Mr Elster (owner of the company) has a vampire problem, apparently a protection racket vampire problem, and he is willing to pay well for the removal of this problem.

As Angel leaves the office with half his payment, the real Mr Elster returns and gets knocked out by the impostor for his trouble.

In the underground cavern, Holtz returns to find his faithful Justine right where he left her looking a little worse for wear. He tells her that he wants her to go out and find more like her and removes the nail. He also gets punched for his trouble.

At the hotel, Angel returns proudly clutching a cheque for $5,000 but Cordelia is becoming slightly worried that they may be taking on a little too much and losing track of what they are really there for. Lorne returns from his own mission, finding out about Holtz, a bit tipsy from the firewater he has been sharing with his sources. He has found out about Justine but still does not know where Holtz is hiding out.

The Nhadras soon return with news, they were so impressed with Fred that they now want her to help with the puzzle and would like to pay $50,000 for her services. Angel accepts on behalf of them all. Lorne and Fred set off to their barge where Fred begins work on the puzzle and Lorne, feeling a little sea-sick, declines their offer of eyeball and insect snacks.

Meanwhile, Wesley and Gunn are at Allie's place on the dead stalker case, as Wesley explains the different kind of 'dead-guys' there are, our particular 'dead-guy' Brain makes his appearance, they decide on zombie and manage to keep him out.

Angel himself has found the vamps nest and the vamps and takes out all three of them without too much trouble. Returning to Mr Elster's office to claim the remainder of his fee Angel finds his client a changed man, literally. A short chat and he has learned the truth of the matter, 1) the cheque he already has is worthless, 2) his 'client' was actually a Sam Ryan, former employee and 3) after his friend was killed Ryan had been seeking to avenge his death by taking out a vampire infested rat hole where said vampires guarded their treasures. The word treasure has Angel all perked up.

Back on the barge, Fred is making great headway with the puzzle while Lorne is still feeling seasick. Off to take some air and find a bathroom, Lorne stumbles across the prince himself who is badly in need of a new head. Eavesdropping, Lorne learns that, should Fred solve the puzzle they will remove her head and attach it to their prince. Before he can raise the alarm he is knocked out.

Now that his vampire problem has been solved, Ryan, finds his way to the nest to retrieve his lost treasure, the watch that his friend had been killed for. He finds Angel waiting for him and he's not best pleased. He killed three vampires and he wants payment, this is the part where he learns that there were actually seven vampires in the nest, meaning that four still remain.

Back at the Hyperion Hotel, Cordelia is updating Connor on the whole vision/demon thing when, picking up the Nhadras suitcase she gets a vision of what is about to happen to Fred. As usual she is unable to get hold of her colleagues when she needs to and so, leaving messages on their voice mail, she takes Connor and the money and sets off to the marina herself.

In the meantime Wesley and Gunn have managed to secure Allie's house against Brian, except that they forgot the kitchen skylight and that's exactly where Brian comes crashing through. Wesley and Gunn, hold the door but Brian keeps on trying to get through thinking that Allie is now dating Wesley and Gunn. When Allie points out that she is not dating them and that she ditched him because he is so jealous he goes off to sit down in a sulk. Frustrated with the situation Allie goes out to talk to him where it emerges that she poisoned him to get away from him. Poor Brian only wants her back and eventually they kiss and make up.

At the nest, Ryan is trying to keep the four remaining vamps at bay and Angel is refusing to help unless he gets paid, he agrees to help with the door and, realising that Ryan's motives where noble eventually agrees to help him escape. Ryan, however, doesn't want to escape, he wants to avenge his friends death. Frustrated by his 'nobility' Angel lets the vamps in and dusts them, walking out to the sound of his voicemail bleeping.

Back on the barge Fred solves the puzzle and is dragged off to meet the prince, here she finds Lorne bound on the floor and herself being strapped into the decapitation chair. It doesn't take her long to figure out her doom. Cordelia walks in just in time and tries to reason with the Nhadra, offering to give them their money back. Unaware that Wes and Gunn aren't right behind Cordy, Lorne adds a few threats to his translation and the Nhadra get ready for battle.

Having completed their case and got their voicemail Wesley and Gunn arrive just as Cordelia is reeling from an attempted kick to the Nhadra where it hurts and the fight begins and is brought to end by the decapitation of the prince. Now the Nhadra are really pissed off and the fight begins for real. Angel of course arrives in the nick of time (one assumes with a little help from Ryan in retrieving his voicemail) and the floor is soon littered with bodies.

Having learnt his lesson, Angel admits that money isn't everything, family and the mission are more important, but seeing as there is so much of it lying around he isn't too proud to take it at a hint from Cordelia. They have earned it after all.

The fun all over, Angel and Cordelia lie exhausted on his bed with Connor between them and discuss what they will do with the money. They both agree, robot chipmunks are nice.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

13 Waiting in the Wings Whilst working on Cordelia's most recent vision, Wesley muses over Fred's many attributes. Bored of hearing him constantly mooning on and reminding him that he once thought her the most beautiful woman in the world, Cordelia tells him that if he likes Fred so much he should go ahead and ask her out. As she goes on to bemoan her lack of dates, Angel appears all excited because he has managed to procure tickets to see Blinnikovs World Ballet Corps production of Giselle.

Fred and Gunn arrive for work together after he has taken her on one of eating binges (and told her she is gorgeous). Gunn is delighted to find that Angel has managed to procure the tickets that he wanted. Unfortunately, tickets to the ballet aren't quite what he was expecting. Angel, however, saw the troupe performing Giselle back in 1890 and is thrilled to be able to see them again. Everybody else seems up for a night out and so Gunn reluctantly agrees to come along.

Next job, finding outfits. While the guys are out hiring tuxes, Cordelia introduces Fred to the art of buying an expensive outfit and then returning it the next day. Finding themselves alone girl to girl, Fred tentatively begins to ask Cordelia a question, but Cordy, thinking Fred is going to ask her about Wesley, interrupts to tell her that they are perfect for each other and that she knows that Wesley has feelings for her. All they need to do now is find the perfect dress. Fred counters by saying that Cordelia should also dress to impress Angel, Cordelia shrugs it off saying that Angel wouldn't be interested in a girl like her.

Angel himself is having a man to man with Lorne (whilst removing baby sick from his tux) who has overheard him singing Conner to sleep and discovered Angel's growing feelings for Cordelia. Angel denies he has any such feelings and anyway, what could he possibly offer Cordelia? Lorne isn't convinced and Angel can't get away from cyrumption again. As they talk Cordelia walks in to stun them both in her little black outfit.

Downstairs Fred and Gunn are stunning each other by how pretty they both look. Wesley is also mightily impressed with how Fred has scrubbed up, especially when Cordelia hints that tonight might just be the night.

At the ballet, Fred sits between Wesley and Gunn, while Angel and Cordelia sit behind them. The ballet starts and Cordy is soon sound asleep and snoring away, Fred is entranced, wide-eyed and even Gunn is having a good time. Angel, however, is finding it all a little too familiar.

In the intermission Angel tells them that this is not just the exact same ballet he saw in 1890 but the exact same dancers. While the others wonder how that could possibly be, Gunn embarrasses himself by enthusing about the ballet. As the others stream back into the auditorium Angel decides to do a little investigation, and, not being quite so taken with the ballet, Cordy goes with him.

Heading back stage Angel makes short work of the bouncer and they find themselves in a never-ending hallway with no apparent way out.

Back in the auditorium the manager watches his female lead perform her dance solo while backstage Angel and Cordelia have found the dressing room. Making her way inside, Cordelia picks up a cross on a chain while Angel comments that even the dressing room is the same as it would have been. Under the rooms' spell they both begin to feel rather hot, sensing that something happened here they begin to re-enact the tale of a dancer and her secret lover. They begin to share a passionate kiss when the cross Cordy has picked up brushes across Angel's face bringing them to their senses with a start. They find their way quickly back to the never ending hallway.

Back at the Hyperion Hotel, Lorne sings a lullaby to Conner while someone or something climbs the stairs. Going to investigate Lorne opens the door, his jaw drops as he utters the words 'oh my god.'

Backstage Angel and Cordelia are feeling a bit awkward until Cordelia remembers something she said. She had been afraid of their lover's tryst being found out and, she figures, whoever she was afraid of is the one that has them trapped. She tells Angel they should go back into the dressing room and find out what happened. Angel's not so keen, he's been taken over by the spirits of dead lovers before and knows it cannot end well. Cordelia's not a girl to take no for an answer and they are soon back in the dressing room.

Back in the auditorium both Wesley and Gunn move their hands slowly towards Fred's but she suddenly remembers that Angel and Cordelia have been gone an awful long time. They set off to look for them.

Back in the dressing room the spell isn't taking hold straight away, Angel and Cordelia recite the lines they said before but the passion just isn't there. Just as Angel begins to think it can only work once Cordelia takes him in a passionate kiss.

Meanwhile the others have found the unconscious bouncers and find their way back stage with the sound of eerie laughter behind them. In the dressing room things are hotting up as the story unfolds some more, the owner of the dance company, Count Kirskov, is in love with the dancer and believes that she dances just for him. Her lover Stefan tells her not to be afraid, but she informs him that he has mystical powers, lowering her into a passionate embrace Stefan asks his lover to run away with him.

Outside, the others have found their way to the dressing room and can hear moans coming from inside. Inside Cordelia's dress is nearly off when they are attacked by the laughing demons with painted comedy/tragedy faces. Angel springs into action as Cordelia gets dressed. They manage to fight them off and get outside before things get any worse. In the hallway Wesley, Gunn and Fred have also been attacked by the demons. Gunn has been wounded, Fred has battered one demon with a nearby bucket and Wesley is sword fighting his demon.

Tending to a wounded Gunn, Fred becomes emotional believing that Gunn had been killed, Gunn laughs it off as just a scratch but when he realises that Fred has been really concerned for him he comforts her and they kiss. Having finished off his own demon, Wesley returns in time to see them. Walking away he falls to his knees devastated and then suddenly looks up.

Angel and Cordelia soon meets up with Fred and Gunn and fill them in on the lover's story. Appearing from behind, Wesley completes the tale. Count Kirskov was a wizard who was obsessed with his female lead dancer, when he found her with her lover he became mad with rage and pulled her out of time, forcing her to always dance Giselle just for him. It seems Wesley found his own little hot spot.

Wesley continues that the only way to break the spell is to drain the wizard's energy and destroy his power centre. Before they can do anything one of the dead demons rises and splits into two, as Angel swiftly breaks their necks, they continue to multiply. As they do, small pockets of reality keep appearing, creating the demons seems to be draining the Count's energy.

Angel sets off to find the Count while the others try to hold the multiplying demons at bay. Finding a large enough reality pocket, Angel leaps through and lands where the dancer is waiting to go back on stage. Approaching her he talks to her and tells her that he knows what happened to her. She explains that it's not just the same ballet each night but the exact same performance, step by step. Angel tells he that he can help her but that she has to change the performance in some way. She returns to the stage and does just that, enraged the Count rises from his seat as the scenery around the dancer changes and the temporal fold is lifted. Leaping from the wings Angel lands in the Counts' box and destroys the power centre that hangs around his neck. In the hallway the others find themselves fighting nothing and the dancer bows to Angel as she is freed.

Back at the hotel, Fred and Gunn can't take their eyes off each other while Wesley desperately tries to take his disappointment like a man. Finding himself alone with Cordelia, Angel says he wants to forget what happened at the ballet and start afresh, he tries to admit his feelings to a confused Cordelia unaware that behind him the Groosalug has appeared. Cordelia flies into his arms.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

14 Couplet It's still the night of the ballet and upstairs Angel is watching Connor and trying to convince Lorne that there is nothing between him and Cordelia and that he's not bothered that Groo has turned up at such an inopportune moment, although he does feel that Groo has possibly shrunk a little.

Groo himself, meanwhile, has found himself back at Cordelia's apartment and, as Cordelia slips into something a little more comfortable he explains how he came to be deposed in Pylea. Just as they are about to get groiny with each other the Powers step in and give Cordelia a vision.

The next morning Angel is concerned that Cordelia is in late but Wesley values the opportunity to have a heart to heart with Angel about Connor. Wesley feels that they need to find out all they can about Connor and how he came to be, but without the Nyazian scrolls they are struggling. Angel agrees and is all for storming Wolfram and Hart and retrieving them, Wesley, however, has a more subtle approach. He is sure that over the centuries someone must have done their research for them and he will be able to find a relevant text.

Cordelia finally arrives with Groo, news of her latest vision and the welcome news (well to Angel anyway) that she was unable to Comshuk with her Groosalug due to that fact that she might lose her visionity.

Getting to business, Wesley soon finds the demon from Cordelia's vision and disturbs one of Fred's big breakfasts by bleeping her and Gunn mid feast. Luckily Groo has come across one of these creatures before and knows just what to do. He chooses Angel's favourite broadsword as his weapon of choice for the job.

Angel and Groo hit the sewer tunnels and soon find that they are being attacked from above by the very creature they have been tracking. But when the demon hurls itself through the tunnel and into the daylight it's down to Groo to save the day which he does to much applause and adoration from the gathered crowd. Angel can only watch from the shadows.

Back at Angel Investigations, Groo relives his adventures while Angel half listens to a new client that believes her boyfriend, Jerry, has been bewitched. Wesley thinks this will be the perfect assignment to keep Gunn away from Fred, but to his dismay Fred goes with him. But Wesley has other things to occupy his mind, he has found a Greek text and he and Angel set off to the bookstore. While they wait for their text Wesley takes the time to reassure Angel that he cannot be replaced by Groo and that they do still need him. The main warrior himself is back at the hotel getting a makeover.

At the stake out, Gunn and Fred are having trouble keeping their mind on the job, and their canoodling soon leads to them losing their prey. Well more like one minute he was there and the next he was gone. Walking over to the spot where he was last seen, they remember their camcorder which shows Jerry being dragged underground by the roots of the tree. It's their turn next.

Arriving back at the hotel, text in hand, Angel and Wesley are stunned to see an almost perfect replica of Angel staring back at them. Complete with spiky hair and leather jacket, Angel's leather jacket no less. With her man more to her liking, Cordelia is more desperate then ever to comshuk and has found a potion which will enable her to do so without losing her visions. Unwilling to let Groo loose in the wide world (and a demon brothel) all on his own she asks Angel to help get the potion for her.

At the brothel, Angel and Groo get the required potion and are about to head home when Gunn and Fred ring requesting the help of the Pylean champion. Reaching the tree monster's lair, Angel warns Groo to be cautious, they don't know what they will meet around the corner. Being the true champion that he is, Groo can't wait and, handing his potion to Angel for safekeeping, storms in to the rescue sword in hand.

Angel watches as Groo gets in a few seconds of true heroism before he is grabbed by the tree and pinned down. Angel steps in and listens as Fred tells him what she has learned. The tree beast captures humans (the stronger the better) and sucks the life out of them in order to live itself. Stepping up to its ugly mouth, Angel first starts taunting the tree-beast and then lays into Groo, venting the frustrations of the last 24 hours he batters him about the head and shoulders until the tree beast lets go and latches on to Angel instead.

Being a vampire does have it's advantages and the tree beast, finding no life in Angel to suck out, soon weakens enough for Gunn to escape it's clutches and finish it of with the sword. Case solved and boyfriend saved.

Potion at the ready and Groo all patched up the lovebirds are eager to leave but Angel calls Cordelia back. Pushing a thick roll of notes into her hand he tells her to take a couple of weeks off. Wesley meanwhile, busy translating his texts scribbles away. He looks down at the paper to read what he has written:

'The father will kill the son'.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

15 Loyalty At Angel Investigations, Gunn and Fred arrive to find Wesley asleep at his desk, he wakes as Angel enters with Connor. As the four talk, Angel invites them all to watch Connor's new trick, morphing into his vamp face he bends over his son to take a bite. Wesley looks on with horror then looks down to see blood seeping from his hands as Gunn tells him in his best exorcist voice that time is running out.

Waking up for real, Wesley finds himself alone in the office. He sits up as Angel walks in with Connor.

In the hospital waiting room, Angel swaps baby tips with the other mum's. Their turn soon comes and Wesley is sticking awfully close. The doctor takes some blood and gives Connor a clean bill of health. As they leave the room one of the other mums comes in and swaps Connor's blood sample.

Back at Angel Investigations, Angel gets a delivery, a whole box of gifts for his son. Unpacking the miniature hockey sticks, still a bit on the big side for Connor I feel, Angel muses, looking forward to spending the future watching his son grow up while Wesley listens from the office.

With Cordelia and her visions out of town, Angel and Gunn find the time for a game of hockey, despite the fact that it is the whitest game ever invented. As Angel smashes a window with the puck their latest client walks in. Aubrey has a vampire problem in that her son went to the pier and came back one. Her son went up in flames when she wouldn't let him in but her tale has got Gunn thirsting for a vampire dusting.

Aubrey, however, has just been doing a little recon for her new boss Holtz with who she proudly shares her pictures and information. His plan all in place, Holtz is watching his new crew learn how to fight using some chained vamps when Sahjhan turns up not the happiest of immaterial demons as Angel still appears to be alive and well. Holtz, however, has been doing his homework and telling Sahjan that although he cannot kill him he can trap his essence in a Resikhian Urn he explains that he will take his revenge on Angelus in his own way and time.

In the office, Wesley is becoming more stressed (and less shaven) over the latest prophecy and his findings and has turned to a wizard for help. Meanwhile at Wolfram and Hart, Lilah is on the phone to her somewhat senile mother when Sahjhan appears before her. He is the one that is shocked though when he learns that she knows all about him and what he wants. She regrettably informs him that, whilst her company does indeed rock, they are in the business of keeping Angel alive. Lilah, however, would very much like Angel dead and she subtly lets Sahjan know this.

Sahjhan has a plan and this plan requires a rare and hard to obtain substance, namely, Connor's blood. Fortunately, Lilah happens to have just what he is looking for.

At the pier, Gunn and Fred are looking for a vampire nest but Gunn seems more interested in winning Fred a cuddly toy. It's soon dark and they haven't really found what they were looking for. They are about to head for home when they spot someone breaking into the now closed carousel. Following, they find the nest. Holtz has set them a nice little trap and Justine films as Gunn and Fred fight for their lives. And win of course.

At Angel Investigations, Angel is drinking again whilst seeing to Connor and Wesley is on his way out. Studiously following a course plotted out for him by the wizard Wesley arrives at a burger bar right outside what should have been a statue but is in fact, a large plastic burger. Sprinkling the burger with a mystical powder Wesley begins his spell. Suddenly the burger rises and speaks to him. Wesley says he has come to learn whether the prophecy about Angel killing Connor is true. The burger tells him he already knows it is and that is not the question that he has come to ask. The real question is not if but when. The burger tells him there will be three portents:

The first will shake the earth
The second will be the air and
The third will turn the sky to blood.

Warning Wesley to be heedful of the signs, earthquake, fire and blood he returns to his normal state.

Meanwhile Lilah meets Sahjhan in a bar to let him know that the plan is in effect. Both state they have their reasons for wanting Angel dead but neither is willing to share.

At the Hyperion Hotel, Wesley is doing a fine impression of an Angel brood when Aubrey returns with a cheque. Moving in close she asks Wesley on a date but she has been rumbled and Angel appears behind her. Aubrey whips out a stake but Angel easily knocks it out of her hands and, walling her, gives her a warning. Although Holtz is a good man and has good reason to hate Angel, Angel in turn will kill anyone who tries to harm Connor.

Aubrey leaves as a tremor shakes the hotel: earthquake.

In the underground cavern, Holtz is giving his crew a lesson in dying for the cause when Aubrey returns. He is not concerned that she was rumbled more that she allowed Wesley to follow her to their lair. Wesley tries to explain to Holtz that Angel is not responsible for the actions of Angelus, that he is a changed man. Holtz, however, now knows of the gypsy curse and still wants his revenge for the death of his family. Wesley offers himself instead but Holtz also knows of Wesley's fears that Angel will kill his son.

Returning to the Hyperion Hotel, Wesley enters Angel's bedroom where he is heating a bottle for Connor on the gas stove. They talk as Angel tidies Conner's clothes, Angel tells Wesley that he would die for his son. Realising that his fears were unfounded, Wesley begins to laugh, which is when earthquake number two hits. Stronger than the first one the quake causes the stove to fall over setting fire to the room, grabbing Connor, Angel leaps over the burning debris, blood dripping from his forehead.

Earthquake, fire, blood.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

16 Sleep Tight As the portents showed themselves just as Wesley believed he was worrying for nothing, he is now back to pondering over his prophecies. He walks over to the crying Connor just as Angel walks in, drink in hand. Their chat is interrupted by the sound of music, Lorne has brought along a client.

Gunn arrives, talking with Fred on the phone as she walks down the stairs to meet him, phone still to her ear. After chastising Gunn for using the company phone for something so frivolous Wesley suggests to Angel that he take Connor out for a walk in the park someday. Lorne interrupts and introduces them to his client, Kim. She has a slight demon problem, namely that she turns into one and vomits green slime when she sings. Lorne explains that he met Kim a couple of years ago when she was wasting her life in med school instead of getting a real job singing. Recently she has started singing with a rock band who are a group of nice clean living young boys except for the demon parts they keep sprouting.

Drink firmly in hand, Angel listens to their tale throwing in the odd Angelus-style quip for good measure. The team are on the case, using some of Kim's demon vomit, Fred has managed to find a cure for her demon episodes and prescribes a mystical antibiotic, meanwhile Lorne has identified the demons as Wraithers. Demons that can masquerade as humans, but only for a couple of weeks.

All that remains to do is kill, kill, kill and Angel's more than ready for that. While the others go off to fight Wesley tells them he has a prior appointment he needs to keep.

Holtz's crew are training with the chained vampires, Justine is leading while Holtz sits back and watches. Justine is all for killing the vampires but she is having problems coming to terms with having to kill the humans that work for Angel. Holtz soon puts her mind at rest, they work for a vamp, they must be evil and if they get in the line of fire they must be killed. Right on cue, Wesley walks in.

Holtz tells his men to back off and the two Englishmen chat. Whilst Wesley makes it clear to Holtz that his loyalties lie with Angel, Holtz tells Wesley that if he doesn't remove Connor from harm's way then Holtz will take matters into his own hands. He gives Wesley one day to get it done.

Meanwhile, Angel and co have found the demon band who are rehearsing in front of a couple of groupies. Fred gets the girls out of the way while Gunn arms his crossbow. To his surprise the demons back away from him in horror, it soon becomes clear that it's not Gunn they are scared of, it's what's behind him: Angel, in full vamp mode and itching for a fight. He charges and takes out all three demons in a matter of minutes.

Back at Angel Investigations, Lorne is telling stories to Connor when the crew return, heading straight for the fridge Angel pours himself a much needed glass of O pos. Disturbed from his story, Connor starts crying, rather than going to his aid, Angel becomes irritated and shouts at Connor to shut up. When Fred remonstrates that he's only a baby it's the last straw for Angel and, hurling his glass at the wall he warns 'he keeps that up, he won't be a baby for much longer.'

Fred picks up the still crying child protectively while the others stare at Angel who steps back himself, realising that there is something very wrong with him. He tracks it back to the last batch of pig's blood which has seemed to be a whole lot tastier than usual. Fred gets to work analysing bodily fluids for the second time that day. She soon discovers what Angel, deep down, already knows, the pigs blood has a trace of human blood in it. Connor's blood. Who could be behind this latest scheme but Wolfram and Hart.

Walking back to the hotel, Wesley finds that he has been followed by Justine who still seems to be having some doubts about her new leader. Wesley again points out where his loyalties lie, as does Justine who promises that Holtz is a good man and will keep to his word. As Wesley walks away, Justine turns to find that she herself has been followed by Holtz.

Lilah sits in a bar sipping her drink when Angel appears behind her, ordering himself a large whiskey (on Lilah of course) he takes a seat. Their cosy chat is interrupted by Sahjhan who surprise Angel by declaring him as his sworn enemy. Angel doesn't remember ever having met Sahjhan before, let alone swearing. Finding that Lilah has not gone to Angel behind his back as he thought, Sahjhan leaves them, telling Angel that he will pay, though neither of them are clear on what Angel will be paying for.

When Wesley gets back to the hotel he finds, Lorne alone with Connor. He gathers some things together and tells Lorne that he has arranged with Angel to take Connor for the night. Lorne begins to update Wesley on the latest events while Wesley picks Connor up and starts humming a lullaby. He realises his mistake too late, putting down the baby he turns on Lorne finally knocking him out behind the desk.

Picking Connor up he turns to leave only to find Angel standing in his way. Nervously he tells Angel that he planned to take Connor to his place and take him to the park in the morning, Angel agrees with the plan as Gunn and Fred return, puzzled as to where Lorne might be. Wesley is eager to leave and when Angel asks him to do some research on Sahjhan he makes the excuse that he has better materials at home and leaves with Connor.

Angel is missing Connor already when they are disturbed by Lorne's groans coming from the office and then find themselves surrounded by Holtz's men. After a brief exchange of small talk the fighting begins, but Holtz leaves that to his men and, finding the fight is not going so well for his side, he quietly slips away.

The fight over, the others notice that Lorne seems to have taken a beating. He soon explains that it was Wesley that has left him looking more red than green. As if that's not enough to confuse them he goes on to tell them what he has read, Wesley has seen Holtz twice behind their backs and is not intending to bring Connor back. Angel wants blood. He scares information on Holtz's hideout from his remaining men and he's off on the warpath. Worried for their friend's safety, Gunn and Fred set off to find Wesley before Angel does.

Outside his apartment Wesley takes Connor to his car, he is about to get in when he sees a badly beaten Justine approaching him. She tells him that he was right about Holtz, that he hadn't kept his word and had gone after Connor and that he had beaten her when she tried to stop him. It only takes the one moment that Wesley's guard is let down for her to slit his throat and take Connor for herself. As Wesley falls to the ground, Justine drives off in his car with Connor.

Outside Holtz's hideout Angel finds that he is not the only one looking for Holtz, Lilah has got there first with an armed team of men at the ready. Holtz himself is not home but it doesn't take long for the lawyer's men to find him. As they set off, Angel acquires one of their vehicles (taking out two of their men in the process) and follows.

Down a dark back street Holtz waits for Justine and his new son. Getting in the car with them he introduces Connor to his new parents, his new name, Stephen Franklin Thomas, and informs him they are going to live on a ranch in Utah.

They are about start their new life when Lilah, her team and Angel arrive. Holtz takes Connor and gets out of the car. As they come to a stand off, Angel in the middle of the two groups who want to take his son, Sahjhan appears rather upset that he keeps being betrayed.

With Lilah and her men on one side, Holtz with Connor on the other side and Sahjhan wanting Connor dead, Angel has a difficult decision to make. Holtz promises that he will raise Connor as his own but also threatens that he will kill him should Angel come after him. Reluctantly Angel tells Holtz to take him which he is about to do when Sahjhan steps in. With a flash he opens a portal to Quor'toth, another one of those pesky hell dimensions and threatens to have the world sucked into it if someone doesn't kill the kid.

Seizing his opportunity, Holtz pushes Justine out of the way and runs for the portal, Angel hot on his heels. As Holtz and Connor disappear, Angel is thrown back and Sahjhan closes the portal behind them. Connor's not dead, but he is gone, which works just as well for Sahjhan. Mission accomplished he leaves. Lilah's plans foiled once again, they leave too, not really looking forward to the amount of explaining she's going to have to do.

Angel is left on his own with his pain, completely destroyed.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

17 Forgiving Angel stands in the wreckage of his bedroom, staring at Connor's empty cot.

At Wesley's, Gunn and Fred find the apartment deserted, it's obvious he's not planning on returning any time soon. Frantically Fred searches for any sort of clue as to where and why he's gone. Searching his desk she realises that his diaries have gone. They leave to continue their search, Fred constantly trying Wesley's mobile. In the park, opposite his house, Wesley's phone rings as he lies there, lifeless.

Justine returns home and, telling the remainder of Holtz's crew that training is over, she stakes the two chained vamps. She tells them that Holtz has gone with Angel's son but that he has charged them with completing their mission and killing Angelus.

Back at the hotel, Lorne breaks the bad news to Gunn and Fred. While they ponder over why Wesley would hand Connor over to Holtz, Angel comes downstairs and announces that he's going to get his son back and when he does everyone, including Wesley, will pay for what has happened. Lorne gets the job of finding out about Quor'toth while the rest of them are going to find out about Sahjhan. Without Wesley's help the research is not going too well and fathoming out Cordelia's filing system is a job of work in itself. Fred suggests they call Cordelia but Angel won't have it. When she returns she will have presents for Connor and he's going to make sure Connor is going to be there to receive them. Realising their research is getting them nowhere Angel tells them to forget it and walks out, a determined look on his face, leaving them all concerned for Wesley's safety should Angel find him.

In the park by Wesley's apartment, a homeless man rummages through the bins, spotting Wesley he at first thinks he must have been mugged, but finding a large wad of notes on Wesley realises this is no mugging. Frightened he drags Wesley's body behind some bushes, alive, but unable to speak, Wesley can't to ask for help.

Lorne returns home to find Angel staring thoughtfully at the weapons cabinet. He has bad news, there are no portals to Quor'toth, the only way to get to it is to rip right through the fabric of reality and only the darkest magics can do this. As he talks Angel picks up some staple removers and a letter spike from his desk and heads upstairs followed by Lorne.

They enter Angel's room to find Linwood there tied to a chair and not looking too happy at his new circumstances. Angel methodically sets out his torture instruments on a table whilst Linwood introduces himself to Lorne. Noticing Angel's nice array of handy torture instruments Linwood promises the full backing of Wolfram and Hart in finding his son. Leaning over him, spike in hand, Angel quietly asks Linwood who Sahjhan is. Sweating, Linwood tells Angel to take his mobile and press 3, which he does holding the phone to Linwood's ear. Lilah answers and Linwood tells her he's sending over a client and she should give him everything he wants.

Justine is whittling a stake when Gunn and Fred walk in. She isn't very forthcoming where Wesley is concerned and they don't get to leave without a fight. One of the gang is about to slit Gunn's throat when Justine steps in and tells them to leave.

At Wolfram and Hart, Angel has earned a visit to the White Room which has left Lilah seriously impressed. She didn't even know it existed until she had been there for three years. Taking the lift they find themselves in a white room, empty except for a child dressed in black sitting primly on a white chair.

The young girl tells them that demons like Sahjhan used to be all about torture and death, something Angel knows a lot about, but they caused too much trouble and were made immaterial and can only now be captured with the use of a special and expensive earn. But, she says, Angel doesn't want Sahjhan's essence in a jar, he wants something he can kick to hell and back. She gives him a ritual to make Sahjhan solid again.

The mess at Holtz's place has inspired Fred and she soon finds herself searching the dumpster at Wesley's apartment for his diaries. She soon finds them and they go back into Wesley's to trawl through them. While Fred looks through his notes on the prophecy, Gunn has found the piece of paper with the words 'The father will kill the son' written on it. Things start to become clear.

>Back at Angel Investigations, Angel is preparing for the ritual, watched over by Lorne, Lilah and Linwood. A large pentogram has been painted on the floor and the next required ingredient is blood. Knife in hand Lilah walks toward Linwood and, standing in front of him, slices her own hand, and drips it into the centre of the pentogram. Angel begins to read, there's a lot of flashing and sparking, then nothing. Angel is not happy.

On the streets of LA, Sahjhan appears in the middle of the road just in time to be run over by a truck. Tipping the truck onto its side, he stands up.

Back at Angel Investigations, Angel drags Linwood up the stairs as he shouts for Lilah's help. Trying to save her boss, Lilah gets on the phone and finds out about a severe bio plasmic disturbance and the accident that just occurred. Angel lets go of Linwood who tumbles down the stairs, breaking the chair and loosening his bonds. He follows him down the stairs just as Gunn and Fred return with news of the prophecy. Telling them the prophecy is a lie Angel leaves for the scene of the accident.

Outside the hotel he finds Justine and friends waiting for him, hardly breaking his stride he takes them out but still finds Justine waiting for him at the gate. Throwing her to the floor he tells her to find someone else to beat her up and before she can get up he's gone. Gunn and Fred come out just in time to see Justine leaving in Wesley's car.

At the scene of the accident Angel talks to the truck driver who tells him what happened, examining the truck he finds traces of demon goo.

Gunn and Fred find Justine back at home reminiscing. She tells them that, after it all, Holtz was only out for himself and that Wesley was innocent. She also tells them that she slit Wesley's throat. This is too much for Fred who strikes out at Justine, when Justine retaliates, Gunn steps in. The fight is interrupted by Sahjhan.

Not too happy with Justine as she previously tried to cut his head off, Sahjhan slams her across the room and is about to start on Gunn and Fred when Angel arrives. As the two demons face off, Justine, unnoticed, makes her escape.

Angel demands that Sahjhan take him to Quor'toth, but Sahjhan tells him he couldn't even if he wanted to, he could only open the doors once. He reveals that he went back in time and re-wrote the prophecy that Wesley had been working on. The original prophecy had stated that 'the one sired by the vampire with a soul shall grow to manhood and kill Sahjhan.' Enraged, Angel vamps out and charges at Sahjhan. The fight is vicious and the others try to help but to no avail. Throwing Angel about Sahjhan finally drops him onto the table, breaking off a chair leg he is about to drive the stake home when Justine arrives with the urn and sucks Sahjhan into it.

Justine tells them where she left Wesley, but when they get to the park there's no sign of him. The sun is coming up and Gunn and Fred persuade Angel it's time to go, staring into space Angel says 'he can't be dead.'

Back at the office Lorne tries to tell Angel that he did everything he could with the knowledge he had, as did Wesley and he should try to start forgiving himself and Wesley. The sound of the phone ringing disturbs them, Lorne answers to find that Gunn and Fred have found Wesley, he's in the hospital.

Angel joins them in the hospital waiting room and asks if he can see Wesley. In his room Wesley lies, motionless, as Angel walks over to him, his eyes open. Softly, Angel tells him that that he understands why he did what he did and how hard it must have been for him. But he didn't turn evil, he's not Angelus, he's Angel and he wants Wesley to understand this. Unable to speak, Wesley blinks his eyes, indicating he understands. With the words 'good' Angel grabs Wesley's pillow from under him and smothers him shouting 'You took my son..' As the alarms go off, people start rushing into the room, it takes 2 orderlies and Gunn to drag Angel out of the room leaving Wesley gasping for breath. Angel is dragged reluctantly out of the room still shouting 'You're a dead man, DEAD.'

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

Page created, designed & maintained by Cider | Graphics by Angelus1753 | Written in Notepad, published by Homestead