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Works in Progress

Come Back to Me - (NC17) Set post-Chosen BtVS; Dawn's in a coma and Buffy's keeping vigil.  She reflects on her life and what brought her so far.  Starts off G but becomes NC17 overall. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 1617/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23

Spuffy Prompt Table - (NC17) A series of one-word prompts spark "snapshots" of the kinkfest that is Spuffy.  As a story is written, the word will link you to the story.

Octobuffy - (NC17) Fourth in the Spike Blond series.  Takes up where Mr Kiss Kiss Gang Bang leaves off.  Buffy goes active agent. 1/ 2/ 3


Avowal - (G) Set post-Chosen BtVS.  Buffy muses on things past.

Ebay Nights - (G) Silly little drabble prompted by some extremely silly e-bay bidding.

Dark Princess - (G) My contribution to a drabble series called "Shape of Spike" dealing with the way Spike affected those around him. 

A Mother's Love - (G) Another "Shape of Spike" drabble.  The mother he never had. 

Answers to a Writer's Prayers - (G) Another "Shape of Spike" drabble.  What's a writer to do when he finds his ideal villain.


Short Fics (Completed)

Kiss the Bridesmaid - (NC17) A little smutlet of fun.  Set during "Hells Bells" Season 6 BtVS but with a different outcome for Buffy and Spike.

Gone for Good - (NC17) Buffy's invisible and loving it.  Spike gets a visitor to his crypt who wants to play a game.  Fun, fluff and smut. 

A Marriage Made in...Sunnyhell - (NC17) Written for the Halloween challenge on Live Journal.  A Gift for Sadbhyl.  Details outlined in the first chapter.

The Very Thought of You - (NC17)  Challenge response to #62 at the Bloodshedverse; it intrigued me! Set season six during "Gone" it's a bit of smutty fun and frolics. 

Hey Little Sister - (NC17) Challenge response to # 39 at the Bloodshedverse. Set post NFA. Spike and Dawn have regained their friendship so when Dawn is getting married she hounds the poor bleached one to attend her wedding. Buffy in the meantime is thoroughly pissed that SPIKE of all people is going to be there. She, of course, attends with that slimy Immortal git.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time - Just Plain Wrong - (PG) Spike/Harmony.  Ever wonder how our bleached-blond vamp met up with the disaster called Harmony?

Cosy Little Crypt For Two - (NC-17) Fic for Spikeslovebite. Buffy's got a new job in the one place she's guaranteed to bump into Spike. Not that she wants to see him. At all. So the hot sex that follows is all purely by chance!

Birthday Girl Buffy - (NC-17) Fic for Jerzeyanjel. Set S6 round about “Older and Far Away.” Not cannon, simply my yearning for something Spuffy.

Demon Dreams - (PG-13) Twist of the episode, Nightmares.  Written for the LJ community twisted_spuffy.

Promise of a Kiss - (PG-13) A little ficlet for Shady, for her birthday.  Not set any time in particular, although I suppose it fits in season five kind of.  Not at all canon, and entirely schmoopy. 

Symbiosis - (PG) Twist of the episode, Phases.  Written for the LJ community twisted_spuffy.

Long Fics (Completed)

Midnight in the Garden of Evil - (NC17) Co-written with SpikesKat. This fic is a challenge response for a dark fic with an evil Giles.
1/2/3/4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ Epilogue

Keep the Night - (NC17) It's another Bloodshedverse challenge response.  #50, this time. Takes place during season 2, and a forgetting spell is accidentally performed on our blonde duo.  Hijinks ensue. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8


Series (Completed)

License to Thrill - (NC17) A "Bond Buffy" spoof.  A friend of mine loves Bond; I love Spike.  What could be more natural for our intrepid hero.  Started as a ficlet, ended up in 3 chapters and is now spawning sequels. 

You Only Unlive Twice - (NC17) Sequel to "License to Thrill".  More Spike Blond adventures, but this time with the evil Faith in the mix. 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/ 10/ Epilogue

Mr Kiss Kiss Gang Bang - (NC17) Third in the Spike Blond series. The wedding’s over, the honeymoon’s started.  Back at headquarters, life goes on apace.   Will our two heroes get to lather each other up without interruptions, or is a superspy’s work never done?  1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ Epilogue

I Just Can't Fight This Feeling Inside - (NC17) A fic written for Jerzeyanjel and Bittenandstaked's "Spuffyverse."

Have to Have You - (NC17). Sequel to "I Just Can't Fight This feeling Inside."

Monster in Her Man - (NC17). Sequel to "Have to Have You." 1/ 2/ 3

Fly Me To the Moon - (NC17) I'm also a Trekkie; I was watching Voyager one night and thought how wonderful it would be for Seven of Nine to come across Spike and Buffy.  What would happen?  Well - this is where my mind took me.......  A little smutty ficlet.

Let Me Play Among the Stars - (NC17) Set roughly post Tabula Rasa, although I'm messing with the timeline a little.  Assuming that although Tara was suspicious of Willow’s use of magic, it hasn’t quite reached the proportions where she felt it necessary to leave.  Also assuming that there has been time after TR for Spike and Buffy to develop a relationship so as to get to this stage.  So, basically – kind of canon but with a twist.  It starts right where Fly Me to the Moon ends. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6


Original Fiction

One More For the Road - (NC-17) A vampire relates his tale for posterity, encouraged by a liberal dosing of ale and scotch.  His tale  contains a twist that the Watchers Council would do well to note. 

Just A Girl - (R) A new Slayer and a new Watcher, both of them finding their feet.  A journal of their meeting and their getting to know each other, until finally, the Slayer is assigned to the Hellmouth in Cleveland.  A journey………