Fiction By Title
Baby-Sitting by Mac (FR-21) Willow/Tara, Willow/Dawn Willow and Tara baby-sit Dawn.
Back to the Uncharted Territories by Paradox761 (FR-18) Xander/Chiana Sequel to "A Sympathetic Ear", John Crichton finally makes it home only to discover that the life he left behind is no longer there. His father, DK, and Xander Harris are all dead. Then he meets an extraordinary man in a bar, a time traveler, with an extraordinary proposition. Will John risk it all to go back in time to save his father’s life? And what happens when the consequences are much worse than he ever could have imagined? Crossover with Farscape/Back To The Future/Other. 2nd in the Sympathetic Ear Series
Bad Blood by Elaine Dalier (FR-13) Spike/Dawn Sequel to Strangers In The Night 2nd in the Reflections Of Dawn Series
Bad Feelings by Pixie Child (FR-13) Willow/Spike Darn, stupid assuming vampire
Be Careful What You Wish For by Hils (FR-15) Buffy/Spike Buffy makes accidentally makes a wish in front of Anya and winds up taking a trip to Africa
Becoming Real Series by Carol A. Clarke (FR-21) Buffy/Tara/Willow/Other Duncan, the Renfield, wants to become real. Sequel to The Renfield
Shaking The Tree
Chains On The Mind
The Learning Curve
Pride And Falling
Seeing And Believing
Interesting Perspective
Truth And Point of View
Needing To Believe
The Heart And Feather Test
The Tail Pipe Affair
The Numbing Process
The Edge Of Sixteen
Leaving Tomorrow
Belonging by Lauralee (FR-13) Buffy/Spike Sequel to Why We Never Killed Each Other
The Bereaved by Bluebell (FR-18) Willow/Spike Willow and Spike get into a bitching contest. Fluff to the core, baby!
Best Laid Plans by Brenda Antrim (FR-21) Angel(us)/Lindsey Lindsey makes plans. Angel is confused. The Powers that Be lend a hand.
The Bet by Mac (FR-21) Buffy/Faith Buffy makes a little wager with Faith, but can the dark slayer handle the pressure?
Betrayal by Tracy G (FR-15) Buffy/Angel(us) Spike tells Riley about Angel. Riley doesn't like it
Better by Pixie Child (FR-18) Faith/Spike, Buffy/Angel, Faith/Buffy, Faith/Angel, Buffy/Spike, Angel/Spike Leather and kinks and talks about Him
Better Off Dead by Kylia (FR-15) Willow/Spike A one-part piece reflecting Willow's change from a mortal to a vampire
Better This Way by Wildecate (FR-7) Buffy/Angel(us) Buffy and Angel reflecting.
Biblical Sense by Kristen Elizabeth (FR-15) Willow/Doyle Two strangers from two different worlds...a chance meeting
Bishop by Medea (FR-15) Willow/Angel(us) Angelus has tasted Willow's blood. Willow has tasted his. Have the rules of the game changed? 4th in The Chess Vignettes
Bit On The Side by Moonloon (FR-18) Andrew/Spike Andrew brings himself to Spike's attention
Bleedin' Sunshine by Karissa (FR-18) Xander/Spike Vampires don't like the taste of trash. Spike knows for a fact that Xander doesn't taste like garbage, and lets him know.
Blinded With Science by Jonquil (FR-18) Willow/Spike Willow decides to help Spike with that pesky chip
Blood Like Roses by Mandy C (FR-21) Buffy/Spike You can't stand the thought of them finding out what you've become.
Borderline by Pixie Child (FR-18) Cordelia/Buffy She's not actually cheating, because she isn't gay
Borrowed Dream by Angelina (FR-13) Cordelia/Faith A fic set in the future.
Boundless Love by Paradox761 (FR-21) Xander/Drusilla His entire life, no one ever understood Xander Harris. No one ever cared. But then one day he fell in love, and his life changed forever. When she left, his heart was broken. But now that she’s back, his life will never be the same again. Everyone reaches a point in their life when they ask themselves what they would do for love. What will Xander do?
Braking The Rules by Lilly (FR-21) Buffy/Spike Sometimes you just have to make your own rules.
Breakdown by Hils (FR-21) Buffy/Spike Anything can happen on a deserted road
Breathing For Two by OneTwoMany (FR-21) Fred/Spike Learning to live.
Broken (And Mended) by Hils (FR-13) Buffy/Spike Spike has a little accident
Built For Challenges by Crazy_Girl_Mary (FR-18) Angel(us)/Lindsey Lindsey is charged by W&H to see that Angel receives his moment of true happiness and reverts to Angelus, but he’s in for a few surprises and one hidden challenge.