Episode Guides Cast Guides Angel Home
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1 Deep Down | 2 Ground State | 3 The House Always Wins | 4 Slouching Toward Bethlehem | 5 Supersymmetry | 6 Spin The Bottle | 7 Rain of Fire
9 Habeus Corpses | 9 Long Day's Journey | 10 Awakening | 11 Soulless | 12 Calvary | 13 Salvage | 14 Release | 15 Orpheus | 16 Players | 17 Inside Out
18 Shiny Happy People | 19 The Magic Bullet | 20 Sacrifice | 21 Peace Out | 22 Home
1 Deep Down At Angel Investigations, the gang sit around a dinner table laden with good food, Angel and Cordy, Gunn and Fred, Lorne and Connor all dining together. As the food gets passed around, Angel wants to join in but the others ignore him, finally he grabs a tray of food from Conner but finds it full of muddy water, turning to Cordy he knocks over a glass and finds that water is filling the room. As the skin on Angel's face becomes cracked he finds he is alone in the room with Connor who looks at him and says 'freeze the moment, dad, it'll last forever.' Angel awakes from his hallucination still trapped in his watery grave.

Gunn and Fred run through the streets to Gunn's truck, they set off but a vamp launches himself onto the bonnet and they have no choice but to stop. Getting out they tell the vamps that they are just looking for Marisa, who is their only lead to what happened to Angel and Cordy. Reluctantly the vamps tell them where she is, Gunn and Fred turn to go, but the vamps want a fight and Gunn steps up to the challenge. Fred's not doing so bad herself, making use of Angel's crossbow and his strap on stakes. They whittle the vamps down to one, who grabs Gunn's axe and hurls it towards Fred. Just before it hits her, Connor steps in from nowhere, grabs the axe and throws it back at the vamp making a clean cut at the vamp's shoulders saving the day. He's mightily impressed with his own work.

Back at Angel Investigations, Gunn gives Connor his axe to clean and walks into the office where Fred sits at Wesley's old desk. They discuss whether they should tell Connor that they could be close to locating Angel but Fred doesn't want to get his hopes up. They've spent the last six months searching for Angel and Cordy by themselves and all they've managed to get close to so far is an eviction. They've been trying to contact Lorne but he's too busy in Vegas to take their calls. At the computer, Fred comes up with a possible lead for the condemned building that Marisa is hiding out in, they believe she could know something because Angel's car was found close to her old hunting ground.

At the sea front, Angel stands waiting for Cordelia, he is about to leave as she arrives, dressed in a flowy white dress. As they talk, Angel has flashbacks to what really happened on the cliff and realises that this is just another hallucination. Cordy tells him that she is in love with him and deep down she has been for a long time, they kiss but Angel, starved of blood, takes a bite, pulling away he tells her he's sorry and then leans in for the kill. Under the sea he wakes, screaming.

At Angel Investigations, Connor walks in on Gunn and Fred's conversation and they have to fill him in on their possible lead to finding Angel and Cordy. Connor says he's coming with them and goes to get his weapons. Left to themselves, Gunn runs over all the options that they don't have, they can't find Holtz or Justine, Lorne is uncontactable, and Wolfram and Hart would be too expensive even if, by some miracle, they would agree to help. Fred starts to suggest that they contact Wesley for help but Gunn cuts her off in her prime telling her that Wesley made his choice and now he has to live with it.

Wesley himself seems to be enjoying his choice back in bed with Lilah, when their fun is over she tries to pump him for information on where Angel is, but Wesley is saying nothing. When she leaves, Wesley unlocks a closet door, he opens it to reveal a cage containing a bound and gagged Justine. Wesley tells her they're going for a boat trip.

Out at sea, Wesley and Justine search the depths of the ocean for Angel's metallic box. Wesley busies himself with charts and other equipment while Justine sarcastically remarks that at least their little trip is better than sitting in her cage all day with nothing to do but fill her bucket. They taunt each other, Wesley with his back towards his captive, she picks up a wrench from a table and is about to hit Wes with it when he warns that he will take away her bucket. She throws down the wrench, defeated.

In the condemned building, Connor bursts through the door of Marisa's apartment followed by Gunn and Fred but they find the place apparantly empty. As Gunn and Fred look around, Connor stands still listening, turning to the vamp's bed he finds a walkman still playing, just as Marisa jumps down from her hiding place on the ceiling. Marisa and Connor fight and he walls her, sword against her throat. She admits that she saw Angel, but takes Connor by surprise and is out of the window before they can stop her, Connor goes after her. The vampire runs and climbs the walls of another building reaching the roof only to find Connor waiting for her. He asks her what she saw and she makes it known that she knows what happened, but Connor stakes her before she can say much more. Hearing Gunn and Fred approach, he cuts his own arm and tells them that she attacked him before running away from Gunn's anger.

Connor sits on a rooftop in LA when Angel walks up behind him. They face each other and then find themselves surrounded by vampires. Father and son fight together, taking out all the vamps within minutes. Alone with his son again, Angel turns to Connor and thanks him for his help before snapping his neck. In his box beneath the ocean he wakes again, screaming.

In a Las Vegas casino, a lavishly dressed Lorne is getting ready to go on stage when Fred finally gets through to him. She asks him for help but he hasn't heard anything and really doesn't have the time to talk.

Meanwhile at Wolfram and Hart, Gavin has had a breakthrough in regard to Angel, it's not much more than vague but Linwood seems to be happy with the fact that Angel is out of their way, at least for the moment. Lilah has to point out that Angel is a major player and a pet project of the senior partners, but Linwood doesn't seem to be phased. He and Gavin leave reminding her that there's a staff meeting in an hour.

Out at sea, Wesley has found a solid, metallic contact down below and sends Justine down to investigate and there lies Angel, just where she left him. His box is winched up onto the boat and Wesley gets to work at setting him free with the reluctant help of Justine. The box open, Angel lies there motionless, eyes shut, as Wesley frees his arms, Angel reaches out and grabs him by the throat. They stare at each other for a moment and then Wesley gently moves Angel's arm from his neck and Angel's eyes close again. Lifting Angel onto a table, Wesley produces a jar of blood from his bag and feeds the starved vampire.

Back at Angel Investigations, Connor returns home ready to face the music, but Gunn and Fred tell him they were worried about him and he apologises for going off on his own then goes to his room. Left to themselves Gunn and Fred can't resist each for long but their amour is interrupted by the phone ringing.

Back on the boat, Angel is hallucinating again, this time he sees Lorne and tells him that everything he touches turns to ashes. Wesley returns and tries to calm Angel, looking up, Angel sees not Wesley but Connor and says 'I should have killed you'. Wesley realises that the pigs blood is not enough, Angel has been starved too long, cutting his own arm he gives it to Angel to drink.

At Wolfram and Hart, Lilah waits in the boardroom by Linwood's chair for the rest of the staff members to join the meeting, hearing the others coming she goes to her own chair. Linwood commences the meeting and immediately starts on Lilah, telling her that her failures have outstripped her successes by an uncomfortable margin and suggests that she may fare better at another office. Lilah apologises for her mistakes, and goes on to ask why they haven't captured Connor and why they are not trying to find Angel. Standing up she holds a remote control in her hand, telling Linwood that he is afraid of Angel and his son, that he is weak and that the senior partners, agree with her, Lilah presses a button on her remote control and a blade comes out of Linwood's chair, slicing his head neatly off at the neck. With the announcement that she is now in charge, the meeting is closed and Gavin gets the job of removing Linwood's detached head.

At Angel Investigations, Fred brings Connor a snack, he accepts greedily. Watching him eat, Fred tells him she can't imagine what he must have gone through, and that she knows he's still hurting but not nearly as much as he is going to hurt for what he did to Angel. Producing a taser from behind her back she knocks him out with it.

He comes round downstairs, tied to a chair, in the face of Fred's wrath and the good news that daddy will be home soon. At the seafront, Wes bundles Angel into a car, leaving Justine cuffed to a fence, before they drive off he drops the keys to the cuffs from the car window.

Angel and Wesley arrive at the hotel, Gunn rushes to help Angel to a seat. His delivery over, Wesley turns and leaves saying he's done. Gunn is about to get some more blankets when they hear Connor escaping, they rush into the office but Connor is waiting and takes them both out, he turns to leave but finds Angel standing in his way.

Angel tells him to sit, which he does. Taking the chair opposite, Angel starts the conversation, 'how was your summer'? and goes on to put Connor straight on who killed Holtz. Connor returns by telling him he deserved what he got anyway but Angel turns it round on him saying it's now a question of what Connor deserves. Connor tries to make a run for it but Angel sends him flying into a corner and, leaning towards him menacingly, says that what Connor deserves depends on whether he did anything to Cordelia. Connor protests his innocence on that score and Angel believes him, he tells Connor to get up, tells him he loves him and then tells him to get out of his house.

As Connor leaves, Angel collapses, Fred rushes over to him and he tells her there's only one thing he needs, Cordy.

Her face surrounded by light, Cordy looks down upon the world, a vision of brilliance. 'God, I am so bored'.

Episode guide
© Cider
23 October 2002
Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

2 Ground State Gills Rock, Wisconsin, October 28 1985, a car drives along a country road and pulls up outside the academy, a school for children with 'special abilities'. A family get out of the car and are greeted by Miss Thorpe who thanks them for the generous donation and takes their daughter, Gwen, off their hands. Gwen, whose small body is entirely encased in thick pink clothing, follows her new teacher who warns her not to go near the other students.

At break time, Gwen sits apart from the other children, watching them play. Still covered head to foot, she removes one of her gloves to eat her lunch. A boy playing with a car comes running over to her and offers her the car. Using her ungloved hand, Gwen reaches for the toy, from a distance Miss Thorpe sees what is happening and shouts to Gwen to stop, but it's too late. Gwen takes the car and as she does so a spark flies from her hand, the boy is thrown to the floor where he lays motionless.

Angel, Gunn and Fred are at Cordelia's apartment looking for clues, unable to keep up the rent, Fred and Gunn have been clearing the apartment. Fred shows Angel a box full of stuff that they found left on Cordelia's table. Looking through the box, Angel finds pictures of him and Cordy as Gunn explains that the police have been less than helpful.

In a basement somewhere, Wesley has got himself a crew of his own and appears to be back out rogue demon hunting. He is mid-fight when Angel arrives to offer him some help, Wesley politely declines being just about done. He dismisses his new crew leaving himself alone with Angel who thanks him for finding him. Angel goes on to say that he's had a lot of time to think over the last few months and that they are OK again. Wesley says nothing in return but hands Angel a file, everything he has on Cordelia's disappearance.

Wesley has done his own investigation but all he can really tell Angel is that he doesn't believe that Cordelia is in this dimension anymore. His file contains information on Dinza, a dark demi-goddess of the lost, only the dead can enter her presence and those that do she often traps for eternity. He managed to locate her lair but this is where Wesley's lead, came to an end. Dinza won't tell Angel where Cordy is, but, if he's lucky, she might just tell him where to look. With the warning that Dinza isn't trustworthy Wesley leaves.

Angel climbs into the sewers and into Dinza's lair, the door closes behind him. Although tempted to keep him, Dinza tells him that in order to find Cordelia he needs the Axis of Pythea.

In a bar, the now very grown up Gwen walks seductively through the tables, pulling on arm length black gloves as she walks, she stops and sits at a table occupied by a well dressed business man, Elliot, and gets straight down to business. It seems Angel is not the only one who is after the Axis (which is worth $33 million by the way), Elliott has hired Gwen to steal it from the highly secured auction house it is living in at the moment. They haggle over price and, to prove her worth, Gwen steal's Elliott's watch and, taking off her glove, zaps it. Handing it back to him she leaves the way she came.

At Angel Investigations, Fred has been studying the Axis and doing some basic drawings to enhance her presentation, she's a bit put out when Angel shows his much better artwork. One of the Axis' qualities is being able to find souls and entities across dimensions, such as Cordelia, who Angel has also done a pretty accurate drawing of. Angel, handily, has been to work with his fists and come up with the plans of the building where the Axis is being kept and Fred has done her research on the very high-tech security.

Fred takes the charts and her stand and strides off to complete the plan, leaving the guys amazed at how she has taken control since Wesley left. Operation Chance In Hell is in motion.

Gwen, however, has an operation of her own and she is one step ahead of them all the way. At the auction house, Gwen finds the external fuse box and carefully selects and blows the wires that she wants, turning the security cameras off. At the door, she puts her hand on the electronic locking device causing it to open. Angel and co arrive moments later, finding the fuse box, he looks at the numerous wires and pulls them all out, at the door, Fred has a device which opens the electronic lock and they are in. Consulting the plans, they split up, Fred to try and hack into the vault's security systems, Gunn to take out the armed guards and Angel to go for the vault. Unknown to them their actions have all been watched by Gwen, who's not too happy that she has company.

Angel finds the vault but Gwen is still one step ahead and bars come down shutting him out of the vault. He manages to lift the bars high enough to get under them when a charge knocks him backwards and the bars back down. Gwen appears from the ceiling.

Meanwhile, Fred hacks her way into the security system only to discover that someone has been there before her, at the same time as Gunn takes out a guard and drags him off to join the rest of his team mates who have already been bound and gagged.

In the vault, Gwen bends the security beams with her bare hand, drops to the floor and breaks into the safe holding the Axis. Angel tries to persuade her that there must be something other than the Axis in there to steal but Gwen is not convinced. Just as she is about to leave, Gunn joins Angel and the security systems activate, distracting Gwen long enough for Angel and Gunn to lift the bars and enter the vault. Gunn gets to Gwen first and grabs onto her legs, pressing her bare hands against his chest she electrocutes him and he falls to the floor just as Fred gets there. Checking Gunn's pulse Angel pronounces him dead.

Watching, Gwen is reminded of the kid who tried to befriend her. Knocking Angel and Fred out of the way, she leans over Gunn and, placing her hand on his chest again, brings him back to life. Getting up, Angel goes after Gwen and the Axis but Fred reminds him that they have to get Gunn to a hospital and he lets her go.

On the streets of LA, Connor beds down with the other homeless as Lilah watches from above. She is joined by Angel. He tells her he's not here for Connor, but for her. He thinks that she might just be able to find out who else wanted the Axis of Pythea and that she might just want to share that information with him. In return he will overlook the fact that she was within 50 yards of Connor, just this once.

Back at the hotel, Gunn is recuperating as Fred busies herself about the room. Taking charge of Angel Investigations is getting to Fred and she finally breaks down at the thought that she could have lost Gunn.

Gwen arrives at the drop off point; waiting for the lift she touches up her make up and is startled to find Angel standing behind her. Looking back at the mirror she notices that he is not reflected in it, spinning round she starts the fight and is more than a match for our hero. Frustrated that she cannot beat Angel, she rips off her gloves and goes in for the kill, but her powers do nothing, she slams him into the waiting lift and follows him in. Straddling him she rips open his shirt and presses her hands close against his chest, the power surges through his body and his heart begins to beat. Flushed with the energy Angel grabs her and they kiss.

Which is when the bars shut across the lift doors. They barely have time wonder about his heart beat when Elliot shows up. Not surprisingly he's double crossed her. The lift has been remodelled and covered in flexi glass so that her special 'abilities' won't work, as the gas comes pouring out from above, the lift doors shut.

Telling Gwen to get down, Angel starts punching his way through to the controls. As Elliot discusses dinner with his wife, Angel gets through the glass and, grabbing Gwen's hand, blows the controls. The lift doors open and Angel comes out carrying Gwen. He swiftly takes out Elliot's men and turns to find Gwen facing up to Elliot himself, she is about to nuke him when Angel butts in, telling her that she needs to let go, he takes Elliot out himself with one hard punch. Disappointed that she didn't get to fry Elliot and that Angel's affections obviously lie elsewhere, she leaves Angel and his Axis.

Back at the Hyperion, Gunn and Fred wait outside Angel's room while he hears of Cordelia's fate.

That evening they all three sit quietly in the lobby, taking in the fact that Cordy is really gone as Angel describes what he saw. Angel resigns himself to the fact that she is where she belongs, doing good in the heavens, although he can't be with her he knows she's still on his side. She is where she belongs.

Up in the heavens Cordy, all glowy and bright, looks down on them, 'What are you?, Deficient? Get me out of here!'

Episode guide
© Cider
25 October 2002
Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

3 The House Always Wins The LA streets at night, Connor fights a vampire watched from above by Angel, who gives advice that Connor cannot hear. From higher above Cordelia watches over them both, giving advice that Angel cannot hear.

As Connor stakes his vampire Angel lets Gunn and Fred know that he knows they are there and tells them they are going on a little vacation, to Las Vegas.

In Las Vegas they soon find The Tropicana, the casino where Lorne is singing, his picture blazoned across the outside. Inside, Lorne wows his audience in a dazzling outfit, surrounded by equally dazzling Lornettes. He moves through the audience, letting various audience members have a go at the mike as he goes, walking past Angel's table he completely ignores the three of them.

Backstage after the show, Angel and co wait at the stage door with the other fans just hoping for a glimpse of Lorne. Eventually Lorne appears and signs a few autographs before leaving again, ignoring his old friends from his less fabulous days in LA.

In his dressing room, Lorne gets a visit from, Lee, the manager of The Tropicana who congratulates him on his performance before forcing him to go through the seemingly regular routine of giving him readings on members of the audience. Particularly those that are going to be successful in the future. The reading over, Lee and his henchmen leave Lorne in his nice barred dressing room.

In the casino, Fred is doing very well at cards while the three discuss why Lorne has blanked them. As they talk, Angel spots a Lornette giving a chip to one of the girls Lorne pointed out to Lee. The girl has won the chance to win a million dollars in the spin to win game. Angel approaches and asks the Lornette to give a note to Lorne for him. Walking around the casino, Angel looks around at the seeminlyg mesmerised patrons, slotting quarter after quarter into the slot machines. From above Cordelia is watching and tries to tell him that something is not quite right, that these people need his help but, by the way, so does she!.

At the black jack table, Fred continues to pile up the chips but is more concerned about Angel and Lorne, while behind them Angel himself is escorted out back by two of Lee's henchman. Fred and Gunn go off to find out what is wrong with Lorne, while outside Lee's muscle beat on Angel. He takes a few blows before getting tired of it, vamping out and taking them out. Walking back to the casino he bumps into the girl who won the chip, she walks past him blindly and straight into the path of an oncoming car. Angel dashes in to her rescue, asking her if she is OK she replies that she ran out of quarters and needs more. You have to play to win.

Meanwhile, Gunn and Fred have made it backstage and, noticing how Lorne's room appears to be rather over-guarded they figure out that something is wrong. Spotting a Lornette coming out of a near by room, Fred has a really bad idea. Minutes later she emerges out of the room herself and approaches the guards dressed as a Lornette. She manages to talk her way past the guards (who think she is Lorne's pre-show diddle) only to be accosted by the bottle wielding demon himself. It takes him a moment to recognise her but when he does he is really pleased that she has come to rescue him, which is where she admits that they didn't know that he needed rescuing and hadn't really caught on to his code words over the phone. Lorne explains that Lee is using him to destroy people's lives via the spin to win game.

Angel, however, has made it to the game and Lee kindly hands him a chip. Angel tosses it back and demands to know what happened to the girl he met outside. The chip, however, has found its way onto a spot and Angel is in the game. The wheel spins and comes to a stop, the house (as always) wins. Lee hands Angel and the other players a cup of quarters and they all leave to find a slot machine to play on.

Backstage, Fred leaves Lorne's room screaming and telling the guards that he attacked her with laser beams from his horns and then escaped. Gunn watches bemused as Fred frantically explains to the guards how Lorne has mystically slithered away. As they go to investigate, Lorne slips out and locks them inside.

Back in the casino, Gunn, Fred and Lorne, find Angel systematically slotting quarters into a machine, they bring him up to date with what has happened and leave him to slow down the guards while they escape, telling him they will pick him up later. As they leave Angel moves to another machine and carries on slotting in the quarters.

Gunn and co make it outside but are having trouble finding the car, Lorne explains the scam that Lee has been playing. Lorne picks out people with successful destiny's, they are then chosen to play spin to win, their destiny's are imprinted on the chips and of course the wheel is rigged so the house always wins. They players spend the rest of their lives shovelling quarters whilst their destiny's are sold off to the highest bidder. Gunn suddenly realises that Angel has fallen prey to this very game, right at the time that they see the Tropicana security coming towards them. Lorne lets out one of his high pitched screams causing light bulbs to explode all around them and in the mayhem they escape.

Having found Angel's car, they pull up near the Tropicana and Gunn goes off to get Angel. Finding Angel and tries to explain what has happened but Angel is more interested in playing to win. Gunn gets Angel up to leave only to be faced by security who already have Fred and Lorne. As they lead Gunn away Angel sits back down in front of another machine.

Gunn, Fred and Lorne are taken to Lee's office who's not too happy to say the least. Meanehile, from the heavens, Cordelia looks down, frustrated that she cannot help. Spotting Angel still at the slots she gets an idea, as Angel puts his last quarter into the machine and pulls the lever he wins the jackpot. Lights flash and sirens go off.

Just as Gunn and Fred are going to be taken to the desert and shot, Lee is alerted to the fact that Angel has just one a little over $300,00 and a car. Angel is soon led into the office where Lee questions how he managed to win. Angel shows no signs of having his destiny back and Lee tells his men to pay him his winnings, in quarters, and to take the others on their little tour of the desert.

Gunn, however, is not going quietly, he throws a punch, Fred, coming to Gunn's aid, finds a different kind of gun in her face, Angel vamps out and the fight starts for real. Spotting a glowing sphere in the middle of the room Lorne makes for it, but Lee gets there first, he tries to talk Lorne around but he's having none of it and smashes the sphere with one blow, exploding it returns the destinies to their rightful owners.

The crew arrive back at the hotel tired and still curious as to how Angel managed to win on the slot machine. They walk through the doors to find a figure dressed in white standing in the middle of the foyer. Cordelia. She turns to look at them, confusion on her face, 'Who are you people?'

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

4 Slouching Toward Bethlehem Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

Cordelia is back but has no memory, afraid of scaring her the gang hide the truth from her and try to get her to settle in. When she is attacked by one of Lorne's clients, Connor steps in and rescues her. Meanwhile Wolfram and Hart have also heard of Cordelia's return and Lilah gets to business allowing Wesley to over hear some of her plan, knowing that he will go to Angel. With Angel and the team fighting off some of Lilah's men at Connor's, others arriive at the hotel and extract information about Cordelia from Lorne.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox
5 Supersymmetry Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

When Fred writes a physics article for a magazine she is invited to give a speech. Here she meets her old physics teacher and is almost sucked into another portal. Angel and Gunn's investigations lead them to a comic book shop where Angel not only learns that there have been other students that have dissapeared into other dimensions but that he is a hot topic of conversatoin on the internet. Fred has done some digging of her own and finds that the common link to the dissappearances is her old physics teacher. Fred is determined to take him out and when Gunn and Angel try to stop her she turn to Wesley for help. Meanwhile, Conner has been teaching Cordelia some moves and, after dusting a vampire the two share a passionate kiss. On a vegeance mission, Fred holds her old physics teacher at crossbow point while in the next room Angel battles a demon. Muttering a spell, Fred opens a portal of her own and is about to send her teacher through it when Gunn steps in, preventing Fred from killing, he snaps the professor's neck and sends him hurtling through the portal. Returning to the hotel, Gunn and Fred retire to bed and Angel finds Cordelia waiting for him. First making him promise to tell the truth she asks him if they were in love.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox
6 Spin The Bottle On stage, Lorne sings to a receptive audience. When the song finishes he starts to tell a story. A story about magic. A story with a moral.

Outside the hotel, Cordelia asks Angel if they were in love, Angel avoids the question at first and then admits that he doesn’t know the answer. He tries to tell her how it was, but she jumps to the conclusion that maybe he was harassing her. He finally tells her that she was his dearest friend and he wants that back and promises her that they will get her memory back. Lorne arrives clutching a memory spell, a sure fire deal, no side effects, nothing can possibly go wrong.

On the stage, Lorne explains that he had every reason to believe that the spell would work, and it did, sort of.

Back at the hotel, Cordelia jumps at the chance. Lorne explains all they need are the six and they’ll be ready.

Lorne gets busy rounding up the other three people needed, Wesley, Gunn and Fred, and while the atmosphere becomes cuttable with a knife, Gunn figures out that Fred turned to Wesley in her hour of need and not him.

While Angel goes to fetch Cordelia, who’s getting cleaned up, Gunn confronts Wesley with the facts and warns him away from Fred.

At last the preparations are all ready, the gang are sitting in a circle, and Lorne casts the spell, the bottle in the middle of the circle spins, releasing a light that touches each of them. Leaving them all feeling rather disorientated and acting rather strangely.

Standing up, Cordelia stamps on the bottle destroying the effects of the spell, but not quite. It’s clear that she has her memory back, she knows she is Cordelia Chase, however, she now believes herself to be a 17 year old cheerleader at Sunnydale High. In fact, everyone believes they are back in their teens.

Fred thinks she is also still in school, Wesley is at the Head Boy at Watchers Academy, Gunn is still on the streets, and Angel, is very disturbed by the whole thing as he believes he is still human and living in Galway (although, thankfully without the Irish accent).

Wesley soon figures out that they are all the victims of some scheme, possibly a test set by the Watcher’s council. Finding the stake strapped to his wrist, Wesley suggests they look for more weapons, which is when Cordelia stumbles upon the still unconscious Lorne and lets out a scream.

Out on the streets, Connor deftly fights a group of vampires, and, just like his dad, saves the girl, who then gives him the brush off when he can’t afford to pay for her services.

Meanwhile back at the hotel, Wesley and Gunn have Lorne tied up while Angel and Fred find the weapons cabinet and Cordelia demands to know what is going on. Wesley builds him self up to explain the stake when Gunn matter of factly states that vampires are real. Not to be out done, Wesley makes up a name for the demon that is Lorne, Gunn soon works out that he’s bluffing and the two start to fight. As Angel watches, Cordelia breaks them up and Wesley explains his theory. This is test set by the council, they are locked in the house with a vicious deadly vampire, the test is, kill the vamp before he kills you.

Which is where Fred mentions what nobody else has, none of them look exactly 17! The general consensus is, they find the vamp, whatever spell they are under is broken and they can go back to being whoever they all are. They spilt up, Gunn taking his axe is followed by Wes and Fred while Cordy pairs up with Angel, and they set off to look for the vampire.

Upstairs, Angel and Cordy search the hotel rooms. They sit on the bed and chat for a while, Cordy marvelling at Angel’s manly form. As they talk, Angel feels himself morphing and rushes into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror he is shocked to find he has no reflection and, experimenting with the morphing, he realises he’s the vampire. And the others are going to kill him.

He emerges from the bathroom and he and Cordy continue their search, meanwhile, Gunn, Wesley and Fred are searching the kitchens. Finding nothing, they head back to the lobby where they are soon joined by Angel and Cordy. Angel takes the earliest opportunity to leave and not get himself staked, but soon returns when he encounters the traffic outside.

Their search having proved negative, Wesley decides that the vampire must be one of them. Whipping out a cross he proceeds to test each member of the group with the cross, ignoring the pain Angel grips the cross and, just as the others smell burning, distracts their attention by noticing that Lorne has woken up.

They gather round as Lorne, who has not been affected by the spell, comes to and realises that the spell has gone wrong. Not being up to date with the situation he soon gives Angel up as the vampire, which leads Angel to knock him out, again.

The game finally up, first Gunn then Wes come after Angel, and they too, get knocked out for their troubles. Cordy makes a run for it, but Angel soon catches her up which is when Cordy screams and Connor shows up, closely followed by Wesley. Throwing Angel through a window into the kitchen, Connor asks Cordelia why Angel attacked her. She tells him to kill Angel and Connor doesn’t need telling twice. Dropping down into the kitchen the he soon finds his father and the fight begins.

Back in the lobby, Lorne comes too and tries to explain what has really happened to Fred and persuades her sto untie him.

Meanwhile, in the basement, Angel and Connor come to a stand off which turns into a meaningful conversation about fathers. Seems they both have a grudge against theirs. Then the fight continues.

Upstairs, Lorne has concocted an antidote to the spell and cures Fred first who then rushes to the kitchen before Angel and Connor can kill each other.

Back in the lobby the team are all gathered again, as Lorne administers the last dose of the antidote to Cordelia. Opening her eyes, she looks around her in horror and runs out of the room. Back on the stage Lorne explains that what they didn’t know was what Cordy saw when she opened her eyes, the two glowing eyes of a monster. The moral of his story, stay away from the magic.

Following Cordy, Angel stops her before she leaves, she tells him that she remembers all of it, and she needs to be alone. She turns to leave but Angel asks the burning question, ‘were we in love’, Cordelia replies ‘we were’ and is gone.

Episode guide
© Cider
23 November 2003
Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

7 Rain Of Fire
(Apocolypse Nowish)
Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

Back at Conner's place, her memory fully intact again, Cordelia has been having nightmares, she knows something evil is coming and she doesn't know what she can do about it. Meanwhile, Angel Investigation's phones are ringing off the hook, paranormal activity is overflowing in the city. Conner pursuades Angel to go and speak with Cordelia, who tells him that she is in love with him but can never be with him because, whilst she was a higher being, she saw and felt all that Angelus was and did and now she really needs some time. At Wolfram and hart, Lilah is concerned about what appears to be an impending apocolypse that isn't being run by her bosses when she walks into her office to find Angel waiting for her. He makes her an offer she can't refuse and walks away with all the evil lawyers know about what they took from Lorne's brain. Returning to the hotel, he finds that Fred has gone after a bust up with Gunn and that Wesley has returned. Together they try to decipher the information that they have while Cordelia and Connor discover the coming evil, The Beast, rising from the very spot where Connor was born. The Beast soon betters the pair of them and leaves. At Angel Investigations our friends have figured out where to find The Beast and they tool up and find him right where they thought he would be, a ring of bodies around him. Despite their best efforts he defeats them all and, after asking Angel 'do you really think she's safe with him' rises into the air in a column of flames, which is when the rain of fire starts falling. The group watch from their different vantage points, Fred from the diner, Gunn, Wesley and Lorne from where The Beast left them and Angel from a rooftop overlooking Cordy and Connor, getting groiny.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox
8 Habeus Corpses Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

Defeated and bruised, the gang return back to the Hyperian and Angel, moodily, goes to his bed, while at Connor's Cordelia wakes to find that the world has not ended. She tells Connor, although the night before was special, it cannot happen again. Connor storms out and heads straight to Wolfram and Hart to find the answers he is seeking. Unfortunately, The Beast has found it's way there too, and is hell bent on killing all the employees, including Gavin Park. As the building goes into automatic shut down, calling him by name The Beast throws Connor into a concrete wall leaving him burried in the rubble, and Wesley arrives just in time to save Lilah. Taking the only escape route left, they land in the sewers where she tells him that Connor is still in the building. Wesley goes straight to Angel and they mount a search and rescue operation. Entering the Wolfram and Hart building they soon locate Connor and find that the employees have been turned into zombies, although whether this is company policy or something The Beast did remains a mystery. Surrounded by zombies, they find that the only way out is through the White Room. With a little help from Fred, Angel gets them there, where they find The Beast waiting for them. After draining what appears to be the little girl's evil power The Beast approachs our gang menacingly. With her last strenghth the girl tells them that the answer is among them and gets them out just in time and they find themselves back at the Hyperian to the astonishment of the waiting Lorne and Cordelia. Without a word Angel goes into his office and Cordelia follows him there. Looking straight at her he tells her to take her new boyfriend and get out.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox
9 Long Day's Journey Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

As the city falls apart around them, Angel sits alone on his room while the rest of the team research The Beast in the Lobby. At Connor’s, Cordelia tells Connor that Angel knows what happened between them and then has a vision of The Beast. She rushes to the Hotel to tell Angel leaving Connor at home. In an oilfield Gwen Raiden meets her latest client to tell him that she cannot help, before he can persuade her otherwise, he is killed by The Beast, who pulls an artefact from his chest. Gwen turns to the only other freak she knows, Angel, and tells him most of what she knows. The team’s heads all back together, they discover that The Beast is after 5 totems who each carry an artefact. He has already acquired 3 of these, the little girl from Wolfram and Hart, Gwen’s client and a shop keeper. To Cordelia’s chagrin, Angel takes Gwen with him to find and protect the last two. Arriving at a cave they find the fourth already dead, but the fifth is still alive and fills them in on the missing parts. The Beast needs the five artefacts that the totems carry in order to carry out a ritual which will block out the sun’s light forever. First in LA and then the rest of the world. Returning to the hotel, Gwen tells them she has a safe place for them to stay. Angel, Gwen, Gunn and Cordelia take totem guy to Gwen’s place where he is locked into a steel room. They split up and take turns to watch, but Gwen and Gunn find Angel and Cordelia asleep on theirs and the totem guy dead. With their options running out they head for Connor’s, all finally admitting that they think that The Beast is somehow connected to Connor. Meanwhile Connor himself, answers the door to The Beast, who hurls him easily out of the window, where he lands at the foot of Angel’s car. Cordelia stays with Connor while the others go up to confront The Beast who has already started the ritual. Their attempts to stop him are all in vain, and, once the sun disappears, The Beast confronts Angel, calling him Angelus and telling him they will meet again. Down below, Cordelia receives more of her vision, and sees The Beast speaking to an 18th century Angel. The gang all meet below where Angel says he can’t ever remember meeting The Beast, and well, if he had, he would. Wesley agrees, maybe Angel can’t remember, but Angelus would, they need Angeles if they are to defeat The Beast and bring back the sun.

This episode in loving memory of Glenn Quinn

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

10 Awakening Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

Back at the hotel the gang are still researching The Beast while in the office Angel sings for Lorne hoping to learn something of The Beast. Meanwhile, Wesley fights his way into the presence of a shaman Wo-Pang who has the power to remove and restore souls. At first Angel will have none of this, but when Cordelia points out that Angelus is, well, a lot smarter than Angel, he realises that Angelus might indeed be their only chance. With Angel strapped to a table that is securely locked in a steel cage, the others watch as Wo-Pang starts the ritual. Muttering some words, he suddenly pulls out a knife and is about to behead Angel when he frees himself and, with the help of the others, kills the shaman. De-robing him they find his body covered in a text which tells them that The Beast can be killed with a magical sword which can be found right there in Los Angeles. Wesley, Connor, Cordelia and Angel go in search of the sword while Fred and Gunn stay behind to continue the research. Underground the group split up, Cordy and Angel taking one way and Connor and Wesley taking another. Finding the sword, Angel and Cordy find themselves in each others arms, where they are caught by Connor. After a brief spar with daddy, Connor runs off and the others return to the hotel where Fred and Gunn have learnt that The Beast can only be defeated by being stabbed in the head with the sword. Before Angel can set off to find him The Beast appears and they fight, The Beast has the best of Angel and it is nearly all over when Conner appears to help his father, together they kill The Beast and sunlight returns to Los Angeles. The fight over Angel and Cordelia cannot restrain themselves any longer and they head for the bedroom. The inevitable happens and Angelus returns, to find himself strapped to the table in the cage, Wo-Pang standing over him. It had all been a hallucination brought on by Wo-Pang to release Angel's soul. On the table, Angelus turns his head toward the others watching outside the cage and lets out a long and gleeful laugh.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

11 Soulless Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

Out on the streets of LA, the vampires are enjoying the endless night and it’s all Connor can do to fight them off. While in his cage, Angelus, sings a sinister sounding version of ‘If you go out in the woods today’. Upstairs Wesley secures Angel’s soul in the safe and, warning the other’s that Angelus will play tricks with their minds, goes down to see if he can persuade Angelus to tell them anything. Armed with a crossbow and seated a safe distance from the bars of the cage, Wesley begins. Angelus is one step ahead of him all they way and taunts him with his love for Fred and his longing for his father’s approval. Wesley takes it all on the chin but gets nothing from Angelus. Upstairs the others watch via CCTV and the bickering has already begun. Wesley tries to turn things around by bringing Cordelia into it, but Angelus just lets everyone know that she slept with Connor. Giving up for now, Wesley returns upstairs and Fred ventures down to take Angelus a drink, feeling protective after the revelation of Wesley’s feelings for Fred, Gunn goes with her. Fred lingers just a moment too long near the cage and Angelus has her by the throat, leaving Gunn powerless to help her, rushing down the stairs, Wesley deftly fires two darts at Angelus, knocking him out. Back upstairs Connor has returned looking slightly the worse for wear and Cordelia tells him that everyone knows what happened between them. Fred goes to thank Wesley for saving her. Wesley approaches her and kisses her, Fred returns his kiss but they are interrupted by Gunn who can sense that something was going on. With the other’s backs turned Connor sneaks down to see Angelus and tells him that he is his real father, not Angel. Cordelia gets her turn with Angelus and manages to persuade him to talk by offering herself to him should they kill The Beast and save the world. Wesley goes back to get the information that they require and Angelus tells them that The Beast needed his help back in 1789 to kill some priestesses who had the power to banish him. Angelus refused and The Beast almost killed him for his trouble but the priestesses turned up in the nick of time and banished The Beast. With as much information as they are going to get, the team locate the descendants of the priestesses but find that The Beast has got there before them. Returning to the hotel they decide it is time to restore Angel’s soul, only to find that it has gone from the safe.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

12 Calvary Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

While Cordy, Wesley and Connor pay a visit to the shaman in search of Angel’s soul, Fred and Gunn are left to bicker at the hotel, while down in the basement Angelus, adds fuel to their fight. Frustrated, Gunn switches off the monitor giving Lilah the opportunity to sneak into the basement and have a chat with Angelus. Gunn tells Fred it’s over between them as the other’s return. All they have learned is that Angel’s soul is still contained in the jar, switching the monitor back on Gunn notices Lilah in the basement and runs down followed by Wesley. Lilah makes a dash for it through the sewers followed by Wesley. In the basement, Angelus reveals to the others that The Beast is not acting alone but taking orders from someone even more powerful. Back in the foyer, Cordelia has a vision of a spell that will return Angel’s soul to him. The ingredients gathered, the gang return to the basement and begin the spell, Angelus continues his bravado from within his cell, but appears secretly worried. The spell over. Angelus falls to the floor and awakes as Angel again. Apologising for the things Angelus said he advises the gang against letting him out of his cage, after all they don’t know how long the spell will work. Instead he says he will take charge from there and begins giving the gang orders. He is soon left alone with Cordelia who tells him he is a coward for staying in his cell and persuades him to come out. She unlocks the door and lets Angelus out, knocking her out he takes to the stairs and then to the streets before the others can follow. The others immediately set out to look for him, while Angelus himself finds the streets bare of food. Returning to the hotel, he finds Lilah and Cordelia waiting for him. Lilah fires her gun but misses, Cordelia is a better shot but Angelus catches the arrow before it can hit home and throws it after her. Giving Lilah a ten second start he begins his favourite pastime, hunting for food. Finding Lilah he pounces, but she manages to throw him off and makes a run for it straight into Cordelia, frightened she tells Cordy that Angelus will kill them all. Stabbing Lilah in the neck Cordelia replies ‘Why d’you think I let him out you stupid bitch’ as Lilah falls dead to the ground.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

13 Salvage Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

Turning a corner Angelus is disappointed to find Lilah already dead, he takes a swift drink anyway and is caught red mouthed by the rest of the team. Before they can do anything he’s off via the window. Following the smell of Lilah’s blood, Angelus finds The Beast waiting for him, the weapon used to kill her (a dagger made from The Beast’s bones) waiting for him. Telling The Beast that he doesn’t want to deal with the messenger but wants to talk to The Beast’s master direct he soon makes off with the weapon. Desperate times call for desperate measures and a desperate Wesley pays Faith a call in gaol. With the news that the only person that never gave up on her is gone and Angelus has returned, Faith asks Wes to step away from the glass that separates them and dives through. The two of them are off and in Wes’ car before the guards can do anything to stop them. Arriving at Angel Investigations, Faith causes a stir, much to Cordelia’s chagrin, she immediately takes over giving orders, this is a salvage mission and not search and destroy. The gang, minus Cordy and Fred, sets off and Faith even manages to put Connor in his place and sends him home with Gunn when he dusts a vamp obviously believing it to be Angelus. Meanwhile, the news of a slayer in town soon gets around and Angelus quickly establishes which one by means of a quick phone call to Sunnydale and when Faith and Wes find him, he’s ready and waiting, with a welcome home sign for Faith. Faith falls into Angelus’ trap and soon finds herself fighting The Beast while Angelus looks on, inserting the odd quip where appropriate. Battered and bruised, Faith can take no more when Angelus sidles up to The Beast and kills him with his own weapon, daylight returns to LA and Angelus makes an exit for cover. Back at Angel Investigations all except Cordelia rejoice, when Connor runs upstairs to share the good news she takes him to one side and tells him that she’s having his child.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

14 Release Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

Wesley takes Faith back to his apartment to clean up after the fight, while at Angel Investigations, Cordelia tells Connor that they must keep her pregnancy a secret in order to keep their family safe, her baby is growing fast and the others would not understand. Angelus, meanwhile is basking in his glory at pitting Faith against The Beast when his play is stopped by the voice of The Beast’s Master in his head. In her room, Cordelia holds a sphere in her hand, her eyes pure white, sending her voice, distorted into Angelus’ head. Seeking answers, Angelus returns to the hotel where he finds Fred alone researching The Beast and it’s Master. Carrying a trinket he scares her into thinking that he is immune to the anti- demon violence spell. However, she soon realises that the amulet is fake and tries to shoot Angelus with the tranquilliser dart, but in a vampiric leap he reaches the first floor and Fred takes out Lorne instead. Upstairs Angelus runs into Connor who takes a swipe at him but is forced back by Lorne’s spell and falls to the ground. Angelus is off, but not before he has swiped all the gang had on The Beast including the information that came out of Lorne’s head. In the hotel’s grounds he bumps into Faith and Wesley but soon escapes them too. And they go on the hunt. Still trying to figure out who or what The Beast’s master is, Angelus starts to hear the voices in his head again, he is defiant as ever until the voice tells him that it has his soul and will return it to him if he does not do as he says. In her bedroom, Cordelia speaks as he holds Angel’s soul in front of her. Tracking Angelus, Wesley and Faith find themselves at a shopkeepers, unfortunately they find the shopkeeper dead and Angelus waiting for them. Swiftly taking out Wes, Angelus turns to Faith and they fight, long, hard and vicious with Angelus always just ahead. Taunting her between bouts, Angelus tells Faith that she is evil, just like him and that she always will be. Faith resists his taunts at first but eventually lashes out, knocking Angelus to the floor she relaxes for a moment and tells him she is not like him. Rising quickly Angelus grabs Faith from behind and, with the words, ‘You will be’ leans down and takes a bite.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

15 Orpheus Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

At the shopkeeper’s, Angelus bites down and drinks deep, Faith helpless in his arms, suddenly he draws away and falls to the ground unconscious, Faith has drugged herself and her blood. With only time enough to tell Wesley that she kicked Angelus’ arse, Faith herself falls unconscious. Back at the hotel, Gunn drags in an unconscious Angelus and he and Connor chain him up in the basement while Wesley carries in the unconscious Faith. As the others are discussing what to do next, the only living person to ever have restored Angel’s soul walks through the door, Willow. After greetings all around, and an impressed up and down look at Fred, Willow goes to catch up with Cordelia. Lying in her bed, Cordelia plays with a knife as she chats to Willow and inadvertently gives her the answer to the problem of how to get Angel’s soul out of it’s impenetrable glass jar. They need to break the glass. As Willow heads back downstairs Cordelia throws the knife after her but only manages to hit the door Willow closed behind her. Downstairs Willow works on a spell to break the jar containing Angel’s soul while upstairs Cordelia uses everything she has to counter the spell. Meanwhile the drug that Faith has used on herself, Orpheus, a magical opiate, courses through hers and Angelus’ veins and sends them to their own personal hell. However, Faith ends up in Angelus’ hell, his past as Angel, doing good deeds, but Faith and Angelus are non corporeal and can do nothing but watch.. He takes us to 1902, the 1920’s (where Angel saves a puppy to Angelus’ disgust) and the scary 1970’s where Angel witnesses a shooting and feeds on the victim, to Faith’s disgust. Finally they make the 90’s, Angel dishevelled and smelly, feeding off rats, hating himself for what he has done, pretty much how Whistler found him. Back in the now at the hotel things are getting bad as upstairs and downstairs, Cordelia and Willow battle it out, concerned for the mother of his child, Connor barges into Cordelia’s room breaking her concentration, the jar is smashed and Angel’s soul is released to the ether. While downstairs Willow and Fred prepare the potion to take Angel’s soul from the ether and put it in the orb of Thesula so that it can be returned, while upstairs Cordelia tells Connor that it is too late and he must kill Angelus in order to save their family. In Angel’s past things have changed, with the release of his soul Angelus and Faith have become corporeal and Angelus takes Faith out before Angel and Angelus go head to head in a fierce battle. It’s close, but Angel finally manages to knock Angelus down long enough for him to give Faith the pep talk needed to bring her back to life. At the hotel, Connor rushes to the basement where Gunn is guarding Angelus, taking Gunn out with one punch, he moves toward the cage, as, in her room, Faith’s eyes snap open and she races for the basement just as Angel’s soul is returned. Faith makes it just in time to stop Connor and Angel is back. Upstairs, Faith and Willow say their goodbyes and head back to Sunnydale. Angel surveys the room, all the team back together under one roof, but before he can say the worst is over, Cordelia enters, looking radiant and very pregnant.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

16 Players Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

Cordelia’s revelation that she is pregnant, very pregnant has caused a bit of a stir at Angel Investigations and the gang each do their own bit to try and find out just what she might be carrying. Lorne goes off to see his contacts, Wes and Fred research mystical births, Angel pores over notes of his time as Angelus, and Gunn? Gunn has been handpicked for a job by Gwen Raiden. While the gang do their research, Gunn gets all dressed up and heads off to a glitzy party to play the hero and rescue a young girl named Lisa, who has been kidnapped. He soon discovers that he has been duped by Gwen and that she really brought him there as a distraction while she steals the real LISA, Localised Ionic Sensory Activator, a device which when worn enable suppress her electricity and enable her to be like a normal girl. Meanwhile back at the hotel Cordelia is trying to prevent the gang from finding out who the beasts master is but it seems that their efforts are getting them nowhere without her help. Back at the party, Gwen persuades Gunn to help her and they make it out of the party and back to her apartment with LISA, which the proceed to try out in the bedroom. Back at the Hyperion Lorne returns, he has been unsuccessful in finding out anything of the beast master but he has found a cleansing ritual which will restore his emphatic abilities and enable him to read Cordelia’s ever expanding stomach. The ritual must be carried out in a dark place and he heads of to find one. In an abandoned warehouse (of which there appear to be an abundance in LA) Lorne prepares for his ritual watched by Cordelia, knife in hand. As he begins to chant, Cordelia moves closer and closer to him until standing right behind him she raises the knife. Before she can plunge it into his back the lights come on and she finds herself surrounded, pulling out a magic 8 ball Lorne asks if Cordy has been a bad, bad girl, as the magic ball rolls to a stop we see the answer ‘Definitely’.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

17 Inside Out Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

In the abandoned warehouse Cordelia finds herself surrounded by Angel, Wes, Lorne and Fred. Asking where the real Cordelia is, Angel approaches and grabs Cordelia by the throat, before she can answer, Connor dashes in to the rescue, taking Angel out with a tranquilliser dart, and the two make good their escape. Back at the hotel, Gunn returns from his night of passion with Gwen and the gang bring him up to date and start linking the events of the past few weeks together. Cordy and Connor find themselves in another abandoned warehouse, where Connor starts to question why Angel would want up hurt Cordelia, thinking that it may, in fact have been Angelus. He remembers everything that Angel told him about good and evil and being a champion, but Cordy tells him that these are just words, they are special and have no need to live by the rules of good and evil.

Desperate for answers, Angel enters Skip’s dimension and confronts him. He learns that Skip too, is not all that he seemed and has been working for the beast’s master all along. The two fight, this time it’s not as easy for Angel as Skip informs him that he let Angel win last time. Eventually Angel gets the upper hand and Skip awakes to find himself at the Hyperion surrounded by a containment spell. At the warehouse, Cordelia tells Connor that there is a way to bring the birth forward and reluctantly he sets off to find what they need, a young girl. Connor has no trouble locating a suitable young lady and bringing her back to the warehouse where Cordelia tells him that her blood will help bring their baby into the world. At Angel Investigations Skip begins to talk. He explains that everything that has happened to the gang over the last few years, Cordelia receiving the visions, Gunn losing his sister, Lorne leaving Pylea and even Wesley sleeping with Lilah had all been planned, Cordelia’s ascension was needed so that she could receive the being that is now controlling her body and Connor was needed to impregnate her. Nothing could now stop what is inside Cordelia coming out, except killing her. In the abandoned warehouse, Darla appears to Connor with a message from the Powers That Be, and tries to persuade him not to kill the girl, Cordelia, however has more power over him and the ritual is started and her labour begins as Angel appears sword in hand. He tries to explain what has happened to Connor, but Connor will not listen and the two fight, Angel gets the upper hand and, standing over Cordelia, sword in hand, he is about to strike home when a light comes from her stomach, the light hangs in the air turns into a female human form. As Cordelia falls back unconscious, Connor and Angel drop to their knees in awe saying ‘You’re beautiful’

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

18 Shiny Happy People Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

In the warehouse, Conner and Angel gaze adoringly at the woman that Cordelia has given birth to as she crosses the room and wraps herself in a blanket while Cordelia herself lies unconscious. She thanks Cordelia for giving her life and promises Angel an end to all his suffering and is gone. Back at Angel Investigations the others are cleaning up the latest mess when Angel and Connor return with the still unconscious Cordelia. They try to explain what has happened when the woman herself appears and they all kneel in front of her. In Cordelia’s room, she lays apparently peacefully, while candles are lit around the room and the woman explains who she is. She is one of the great beings who walked the earth before man, or even good or evil, then came the demons and then man and the great beings watched from afar. But she wanted to come back, to make things right again, and so arranged for Connor to be born, a unique soul, so that he could father her. And here she is and now it is time to change the world. They begin in a bowling alley filled with vampires, when Angel chases the final vampire out into the crowded street the woman follows him and all kneel before her. All except one man who comes toward her with a knife, Angel stops him just in time, punching him repeatedly until the woman tells him to stop and touches the mans face though he begs her not to. Back at the hotel Lorne takes the woman upstairs where he has made up a large room for her filled with the scent of Jasmine which she loves. Fred follows them into the room but when she looks at the woman, instead of a beautiful face she sees maggots crawling out of rotting flesh. Making her excuses she leaves the hotel and makes her way to the hospital where the man who tried to kill the woman has been taken. She finds him in the psychiatric ward and confirms that he has seen the same thing that she did. He begs her to help him to kill the woman and tells her that she has been called. Leaving quickly, Fred returns to the hotel where she finds that many people have come to see the woman. Believing that Wesley will listen to her she confides in him, but instead of helping her he tells the others. Grabbing a crossbow Fred tries to fire at the woman but Angel takes the bolt for her. Fred runs and the woman tells them to leave her for now, concerned, the gang all wonder how Fred can have become evil and determine that they must kill her. Jasmine, however, says that first they must try to help her but it will be easier to find her tomorrow when they will have more people to help. The next day Fred sits in a diner, eating a hearty breakfast when the woman, now calling herself Jasmine, appears on the TV screen, all the customers kneel before the TV as Fred leaves and walks hurriedly away, alone.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

19 The Magic Bullet Episode summary - full episode guide to come soon(ish).

It’s a happy, sunny, blissful day in LA, everybody has a smile on their face and there is peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind. That is until Fred comes crashing by on the run from Wes and Gunn. She manages to lose them by giving her coat away and returns to her hiding place in the sewers. Meanwhile, at Angel Investigations, the hotel is back in business and they are turning away guests who just want to be near Jasmine. When Jasmine herself appears all eyes turn to her as she wanders through the crowded lobby speaking to people in their own language and always saying exactly the right thing. Wesley and Gunn return and watch on as Jasmine picks two of her followers to accompany her to her room. Meanwhile Fred returns to a book shop, The Magic Bullet, looking for more books on mass hypnosis or mind control. The shop keeper remembers her and, telling her he knows what she is planning to do, removes first a gun and then a book, ‘Making Mind Control Work For You’ from a draw. Holding the book away from her he tells her that she does not need this, she should trust in Jasmine to spread the word herself. Meanwhile, Jasmine telepathically calls the remainder of the gang to her and gathers them in a circle to look for Fred. As they stand in the circle, imagining Fred, Jasmine transmits the image to the rest of the followers and through them sees Fred. Fleeing from a car, Fred runs into the wood and tripping falls through a hole onto a demon lair where she is attacked by a rather small demon. She easily throws the demon off and is about to hack him to pieces with an axe when he begs her to stop. Talking nervously the demon manages to get Fred to let her guard down and then attacks again, biting her arm. Grabbing the axe, Fred imbeds it in the demons head. Getting up she examines her wound and a wave of inspiration appears to hit her. Returning to the Magic Bullet book shop, Fred confronts the shopkeeper and soon finds that Jasmine is waiting for her with Angel and Conner. Grabbing the gun from the draw she shoots Jasmine, the bullet going right through her and into Angel. Vamping out Angel attacks her, but she tells him to look at Jasmine and he too now sees the maggot infested rotting flesh. Fred shoots Jasmine again until Connor throws both her and Angel across the room. Awakening in a dark alley Fred finds Angel brooding and explains that it is Jasmine’s blood that has broken the spell and that they need more of it to rescue their friends. Angel, however, has his own wave of inspiration, and after seeing off a few of Jasmine’s followers, they return to the hotel and sneak into Cordelia’s room. As she lies there comatose, Angel drains some of her blood into a cup. Coming in to visit Cordelia, Lorne disturbs them and they mix his blood with some of Cordelia’s, breaking the spell. As Cordelia gave birth to Jasmine she shares a blood link with her. Lorne in turn brings them Gunn and Wesley. The spell broken they are all suddenly gloomy, feeling the loss of the happiness and peacefulness that Jasmine’s spell brought to them. Meanwhile Connor is waiting outside Jasmine’s room, standing guard, as inside she eats three more of her followers. In Cordelia’s room, Angel tells the others that he is not leaving without Connor and Wesley offers to fetch him, after all he’s kidnapped him before. Wesley soon returns with Connor who struggles as Angel holds him and Wes cuts his chest, mixing the blood. The spell broken, Connor calms and, released from Angel’s grasp, walks to the door, shouting down the hallway, ‘Come quick, they’re here’.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

20 Sacrifice At the hotel, Connor shouts for help, warning Jasmine and her followers of Angel’s presence. Angel tries to warn his son against Jasmine but to no avail, Connor has chosen his path and it does not run with Angel’s. As Jasmine approaches, Angel slams the door in Connor’s face telling the others to leave. Taking charge Wesley leads the others down the fire escape while Angel holds firm against Connor’s battering of the door.

Connor finally breaks through and takes a beating from his father, while down below Wesley and the gang are considering their next move. Their deliberations are interrupted by Connor falling unconscious onto the car, qickly followed by Angel who gets in and tells Wes to drive. Finding himself surrounded by Jasmine’s followers, Wesley does as he is told.

Driving into the night the gang listen to the news of Jasmine’s latest good deeds and muse on their poor outlook. Back at the hotel, Connor regains consciousness in Jasmine’s room as she feeds on her latest naked victims. Placing her hand over his face, she heals his wounds and tells him to rest. She tells him not to be afraid of Angel and the others, she will take care of them when the time is right.

Meanwhile Team Angel pull up at a gas station, where they take what they need and leave quickly as each person they encounter speaks to them with Jasmine’s voice. They soon find themselves the only criminals in LA with a whole host of bored cops on their tail and decide its time to disappear. Leaving the car they head for the sewers.

Back at the hotel, Jasmine finds Connor holding the still comatose Cordelia’s hand. She tells him to leave so that she can be alone with her mother and sits by her. Connor soon returns to find Jasmine sitting where he left her but Cordelia gone.

Trudging on through the sewers, reminiscing about Jasmine, the gang find themselves walking straight into a trap and Angel finds himself at the wrong end of a pointy stick. It doesn’t take Angel long to realise that this new threat is just a bunch of kids, and what’s more, a bunch of kids who have been living underground long enough not to have fallen under Jasmine’s spell. Despite their dubious reactions to Lorne, the kids soon come around when one of them, Randall, recognizes Gunn. A sound from above them sends them all retreating to the kids’ lair.

Here the kids explain how they have been hiding since the daylight ended. They’d been fine until recently when something else moved in and started picking them off one by one. They don’t know what it is but they’re out to get it and Angel leads the way.

Back at the Hyperion, Connor begs to be able to go after Angel, but Jasmine tells him to be patient. Jasmine has good news, the mayor has handed over his power to her, and that is just the beginning, first LA then the world, while Connor stands by her side.

In the sewers, the extended team make their way to the place where the creature had taken its last victim. Striking from above the creature grabs Randall, Angel follows and Randall drops back to the floor. Angel drops down after him, face angry in vamp mode. Seeing him, the youngest of the group, Matthew, who witnessed his parents murdered by vampires, makes a run for it. Gunn and Fred go after him which is when Angel notices that Wes is missing.

The creature drops Wesley in its lair telling him, ‘We loved her first.”

In it's lair, the creature tells Wesley that his kind loved Jasmine, ‘the devourer’, first and now she has come here, and humans have dared to give her a name. Scuttling over to a wall, where a body hangs, he tells Wesley that love is shown by sacrifice. Meanwhile in the tunnels, the gang of kids have taken offence to Angel, and Fred and Gunn follow Matthew up to the surface.

Back in the lair, the creature, messes with the body while Wesley tries to draw information from it. Noticing an orb, Wesley approaches and the creature invites him to use it, telling him it is a key to his world, but the air there would burn Wesley’s lungs. Asking it what it is doing, the creature explains that it is preparing blood magic for ‘the devourer’, that she does not care for words, except one…. He stops as the body he is working on lets out a cry and begs to be staked. Confused as to why the man won’t die, the creature rips out his tongue to at least stop him from speaking. Wesley tries to explain that he is a vampire, like Angel, and the loss of his organs alone would not kill him. The creature scorns humans for giving their names away too loosely and the connection drops with Wesley, the one word that Jasmine cares about is her name. This does not please Wesley’s captor.

In the tunnels below, Angel persuades the kids that it would be better all round if they just stepped aside and let him go help his friend.

Back on the sunny streets of LA, Gunn and Fred soon find Matthew staring at the sky amazed that the sun is back. They tell him that he should return with them but he refuses and starts screaming for help, to Fred’s horror, Gunn knocks him out with one punch and tells her to help him carry Matthew back.

In the lair, Wesley continues to try and get information from the creature about Jasmine but he is not listening. He realises that Jasmine’s real name has power over her and that is why they had to choose another for her. Maddened, the creature pins Wesley to the wall and tells him that the high priest keeps the name, and he is just the messenger. Wesley’s life is in imminent danger when Angel appears and the fighting begins.

Down in the kids’ lair, Lorne is trying to explain the difference between good demons and bad demons when Gunn and Fred return with the unconscious Matthew. As the gang ask what happened the boy awakens and starts to laugh in Jasmine’s voice. As Matthew sits up, Gunn, Fred and Lorne decide its time to go and, heading off through the sewers, run right into Connor and a team of Jasmine’s followers.

Back in the creature’s lair, Angel finishes off the creature, but not without taking a hit or two himself, and Wesley fills him in on all he has learned. As they talk, Angel suddenly stops, he can sense something is wrong, he can sense Connor. At the same time, Connor stops in his chase of Gunn, Fred and Lorne and senses Angel.

While Wesley figures out that the orb key must be activated by blood, Angel finds the others and they barricade themselves into the demon's lair. As Connor and his army reach the door, Wesley activates the orb using his blood and opens a portal, Angel tells them to go but Wesley explains that the air is not breathable and only Angel can go through the portal. Reluctantly, Angel leaves his friends to fight for their lives and walks through the portal. At the hotel, Jasmine stands arms outstretched laughing as, slashes appear and disappear on her body. While Angel finds himself in a strange and eerie world facing hundreds of the creatures. Looking about him, he sums it up, ‘Oh hell’.

Episode guide
© Cider
19 June 2003
Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

21 Peace Out With Angel gone, his friends turn and fight for their lives but are inevitably defeated and over powered by Connor. He lines them up and gives them the hard truth. While they talk all grand about saving the world, Jasmine has come along and done it and now they are alone and about to be killed. Before Connor can strike the final blows Jasmine intervenes telling him she wants them alive.

Meanwhile, in Jasmine’s former dimension Angel still faces hundreds of the creatures, but seeing the key to their world held aloft by Angel, the creatures flee leaving Angel alone with his key and facing a craggy, rocky mountain atop of which appears to be a temple. He begins the long climb to the top.

Back at the Hyperion, Connor brings our rebel friends to Jasmine who is preparing to feast prior to making a news broadcast to the world. Turning to them she asks where Angel is before revealing that she knows where he is and that he is wasting his time. Trying to reason with Connor the gang tell him that Cordelia’s blood should have released him from his delusion and shown him Jasmine’s true face. But Connor only smiles and, letting them know that he has always seen her true face, tells them that she is beautiful.

Jasmine reminds Connor that while she is feasting she will be out of touch with him and will need him to be her eyes and ears and to watch over their captives. Connor takes them to the basement, securing them in Angelus’ old cage. Connor sits and listens as Wesley tries to put doubt in his mind as to the whereabouts and safety of Cordelia.

In Jasmine’s old dimension, Angel reaches the top of the mountain and enters the temple. Here he finds a priest calling himself the ‘guardian of the word’. The priest tells Angel that the centuries of waiting have lead most of her followers to doubt but he still believes that Jasmine will return to them. Angel, however, is only interested in the word. When the priest will not tell him the word, Angel tries a little gentle persuasion and, as Angel’s grip tightens around his throat, the priest admits that he is only the guardian and not the keeper of the word. Releasing the priest, Angel finds that the keeper is also in the room. Turning to him, the priest tells him that the keeper will only speak the word with his last breath. Bracing himself for a fight, Angel notices that the keeper’s mouth is stitched closed.

Back at the Hyperion, Connor leaves his post to ask Jasmine about Cordelia, Jasmine chides him for leaving his post and tells him Cordelia is safe. Connor wanders through the foyer, sniffing for Cordelia’s scent. Finding the two who moved her, he follows her outside and convinces them to tell him where she is. Down below, Gunn kicks futilely at the door to their cage, to the annoyance of his fellow captives, and Wesley’s mind ticks on, musing that whilst Jasmine appears to need Cordy and be unable to harm her it is possible that Cordelia could hurt Jasmine.

Connor arrives at an abandoned church, entering, he finds a barred door and also a couple of polite guards who tell him he shouldn’t be there. Two birds with one stone and the guards find themselves thrown through the barred door to reveal the still comatose Cordelia lying within. While back at the hotel, Jasmine has feasted and is more radiant than ever and ready to face her public.

At the church, Connor sits by Cordelia telling her that he does not want to fight any longer, he wants to rest. He tried so hard to believe in Jasmine but he can’t, she can cleanse everyone of their anger except him. He knows it’s all a lie, after all, his whole life has been built on lies, he just thought that this one would be better than the rest.

As Gunn continues to kick the door of their basement cell, upstairs Jasmine prepares to speak to the world's waiting press. From the balcony she beams down on them and begins taking questions when there is a disturbance from the centre of the room and Angel bursts through the floor holding the disembodied head of the keeper of the word. With a brusque apology, Angel slices open the mouth of the keeper who lets out his last breath and the word along with it, releasing the world from its spell. On the balcony, Jasmine transforms back to her maggot-face self as the lobby clears itself of screaming ex-followers.As Gunn lets out a final kick the door to the cage swings open, whilst on the streets Jasmine walks through chaos calling out for Connor. At Cordelia’s side, Connor hears the call and comes running. On the street, Jasmine faces Angel and tells him that she only offered peace but Angel destroyed this and chose chaos. He retorts that she took away the choices that made them human, whilst they may not make the right choices all the time they have to decide their own fate. Whilst she may have offered peace this came with a price, rain of fire, blotting out the sun, eating people ringing any bells?? She replies that yes she killed thousands but saved billions, and though she is beaten she has not quite lost all her powers. With that she hits Angel, knocking him off the bridge they are standing on, a car follows and Angel rolls out of the way just in time.

In the hotel, the gang enter the foyer to find it deserted except for the severed head of the keeper, while on the street Angel and Jasmine continue to fight. Angel isn’t wining when Connor interrupts. Jasmine finds comfort in Connor’s presence, asking him to tell her that he still loves her and believes in her. Calmly repling ‘yes’, Connor puts his fist through her head and, leaving her dead on the floor, turns and runs.

Returning to the hotel, Angel finds the gang waiting for him, pleased to find them alive, he is bringing them up to date with recent events when Lilah appears to congratulate them on ending world peace.

Episode guide
© Cider
19 July 2003
Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

22 Home As the others gasp, stare and state that Lilah cannot be here, Angel confirms that it is indeed Lilah in the flesh. In return, Lilah clears him of her death and tells them that she is back as a messenger from the Senior Partners come with the offer of a lifetime. Well, not her lifetime, obviously. The offer? Wolfram and Hart, it’s theirs, warts and all, to do with as they see fit, just the LA branch of course. That’s the LA branch that has been totally re-fitted and re-staffed and is bigger, better and shinier than before, since The Beast destroyed the last one. They should think of it was their reward for ending world peace. Telling them there will be a limo waiting for them just before dawn to take them on a grand tour of their possible new offices, she leaves them with a thumbs up. Of course, the gang aren’t even thinking of accepting this preposterous offer. Nope. Not a one of them.

Out on the streets of LA, Connor wanders, lost, through the rioting and the looting. On a rooftop, he encounters a man so desolate at loosing Jasmine that he is about to end it all. Connor persuades the guy to go home, at which the man produces photos of his family. Enraged that he would even consider deserting his family Connor begins to punch him repeatedly.

In the hotel office, Wesley pores over a map trying to come up with a plan of action to find the missing Connor and Cordelia while Gunn points out that a nice shiny new law firm would make their search much easier. Lorne returns to the hotel to find Fred and Angel waiting for his entire lack of news on the missing person’s front. They are joined by Wes and Gunn and Angel reassures the gang that they will find Connor and Cordy no matter what it takes. About to suggest that the nice shiny new law firm might come in handy, Gunn is silenced by Angel who tells them that they all have to make their own decision about getting into the limo but they will be corrupt before they even get in.

Just before dawn, Fred creeps through the hotel and out into the courtyard where she sees the waiting limo, approaching it she finds Wesley waiting too. Gunn soon appears from the shadows and the three walk towards the waiting car to find Angel lurking, he opens the door to find Lorne sitting inside enjoying a cocktail.

The gang arrive at the new Wolfram and Hart building to be greeted by Lilah who introduces them to their individual guides. She provides them each with a weapon to make them feel more secure.

Lorne is presented to his guide, Present who will show him around the Entertainment Division. He hands Lorne an impressive lists of clients including everyone Lorne has ever wanted to meet.

Wesley’s guide is Rutherford Circe, an ex watcher who takes him to, wouldn’t you just know it, a library. Rutherford seems to think Wesley would be particularly interested in the ancient prophecies wing, which appears nothing more than a row of books until you look closer and find that each book acts as a template for any book in the Wolfram & Hart archives. Appearing only vaguely impressed Wesley knocks the ex-watcher out cold and exits via the ceiling.

Gunn is introduced to his guide next and he is pleased to find that he has been allotted a hot young woman by the name of Lacey Shepard. As Lacey leads Gunn down the hallway he wonders what he could possibly bring to Wolfram and Hart until they pass the security office. Lacey tells him that they have much grander plans for him than that and leads him upstairs.

Fred’s guide is mad scientist, Knox who takes her to the Science division, the fully equipped multi million-dollar lab, of which she would be department head.

This leaves Angel alone with Lilah. Lilah takes Angel to his new office, complete with his own private elevator leading to his own private motor pool containing 12 cars. But the best part, the office, and indeed the whole building is fitted with Necro-glass windows which keeps those harmful sun rays out. Next she offers him a file containing an amulet and some paperwork headed ‘Sunnydale’, Lilah explains that this is vital information regarding the latest big bad to hit the cosy seaside town. Angel dismisses this telling her that Buffy can look after herself. He is about to leave when Lilah plays her final card, just one phone call can lead to the discovery of Connor and Cordelia. She hands him the phone, Angel replaces it and turns to go again when a TV screen starts playing a news flash, Connor is holding a siege in a sports shop. Lilah reminds him this is a one time only offer.

The police surround the sports shop while inside Connor holds the shoppers hostage, all of them bound and sporting explosives as accessories. He soon senses Angel's presence who jumps down from a balcony.>

Gunn and his guide ride upwards in the elevator, hitting the button for the White Room, she tells him this is where he will find the answers he seeks. Gunn finds himself alone with a large menacing panther, Gunn and the panther pace around each other, eyes locking, then the panther opens his jaws.

Lilah finds Wesley in files and records, but he isn’t there for the reason that she thinks. Taking out Lilah’s contract, he sets light to it, hoping to release her from the standard perpetuity clause. Unfortunately, perpetuity means just that and, looking in the draw, Wesley finds that the contract is still there.

Approaching his son, Angel manages to set off one of the trip wires as Connor reveals that he too has explosives strapped to him, as does the still comatose Cordelia. An obviously disturbed Connor tells Angel that he is dead inside, his mother could not love him and, though Angel tried, he didn't love him, enough to stop Holtz from taking him. Angel replies by telling Connor that he does love him and wants to give him everything, help him start over. But Connor believes that death is the only way and is about to blow him self up when Angel steps in and they fight. Knocking Connor temporarily to the floor, he starts to free the shoppers. The fight continues until Angel disables Connor by hurling a knife at his leg, grabbing him, fist raised, he tells Connor that he loves him and that he is going to prove it.

Back at Wolfram and Hart, Lorne sings a tune as the gang reconvene in the lobby all agreed that they want to accept the deal, except that Angel has already made that decision for them. Lilah appears to tell them that Cordelia is safe and sound, still in a coma but receiving the best care. She hands Angel the file and the amulet and tells him that there will be a limo waiting outside that will take him to see Connor. As he leaves the others stare after him, confused and Fred asks ‘Who’s Connor?’

A limo races along a winding road, Angel steps out and looks through the window of house at a family sitting around enjoying dinner, Connor is the reason for this special occasion, celebrating his graduation from school in the top 10% of his glass. As Connor raises his glass in a toast to family, Angel turns and walks away.

Episode guide
© Cider
20 July 2003
Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

Page last updated 25 March 2006 | Page created, designed & maintained by Cider | Graphics by Angelus1753 | Written in Notepad, published by Homestead