o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s

The Dimension

- The ULTIMATE BUFFY Episode Countdown
by Matt -3.29.05
[ mlee@blkswan.com ]

  It's another countdown page. There are a lot of these. There are a lot of episodes. By the way, my name is Captain Obvious. My powers consist of stating the obvious. Even my description of my powers are obvious.

#53 - Consequences
[episode 3.15]

Faith just killed the Deputy Mayor. That won't make her drunk with evil power or anything, right? Meanwhile, Buffy feels unclean and jumpy, and that's always a kick to watch.

#52 - Triangle
[episode 5.11]

Anya and Willow are fighting over Xander, which hey, finally the carpenter is getting some attention 'round here. Unfortunately, it leads to Olaf the Troll God being unleashed, as he brings forth destruction and a hunger for babies. So maybe people shouldn't place attention on Xander. Buffy is still trying to get over Captain Cardboard. Oh c'mon, Buffy, it's been a week... get over it already. I mean, it *was* Riley afterall.

#51 - Bad Girls
[episode 3.14]

Man, that Wesley is a nerd and a half. I bet he NEVER becomes cool or shoots people at random. Buffy and Faith start painting the town red -- literally. Especially Faith, and she doesn't care. Be prepared to see that last scene in the "previouslies" for the next 8 episodes.

#50 - The Yoko Factor
[episode 4.20]

Spike has a plan, and normally when he gets these it blows up in his face. This time is no exception. He's going to break up the scoobies from within, so that Buffy will have to go it alone in the war inside the Initiative. It worked for like one episode, which is actually the longest amount of time a Spike plan has worked. So give him props for that. Usually his plans work out until the next act-break. We get to see funny drunk Giles, so you can't hate this one.

#49 - The Dark Age
[episode 2.8]

We go from funny drunk Giles in the last episode to Ripper Giles in this one. He's almost as funny. So this demon named Igon that Giles, Ethan and some other british folks created has come back to kill them all. Some chaos ensues, 'cause well....Ethan's there and that's what he does. Then Buffy realizes that adults are humans, because apparently she didn't know this after her parents divorced. Oh Buffy, you're so 'special'.

Parts -> [17]     [16]     [15]     [14]     [13]     [12]     [11]     [10]     [9]     [8]     [7]     [6]     [5]     [4]     [3]     [ 2]     [1]


Atalanta: Triangle should be higher up.. hilarious. The looks on everyone's faces when they find out Anya dated Olaf are priceless.
(07.05.2005, 17:36)

my_angel: i agree with those episodes... guess u had a good day ;)
(31.03.2005, 07:23)

Rogue Slayer: I really love Bad Girls (c'mon, it's gotta be higher up just cuz of the dancing part!) and Consequences and Triangle are both good...the other 2 eps aren't that great
(29.03.2005, 21:36)

Spike_And_Angel: He he! Insane Troll Logic. I like this Tuesday! But honestly, Triangle should be higher up and the others suck so they should be lower down.
(29.03.2005, 19:35)

Joey: do more then 5 at a tiem so we can finnaly get to the end! haha
(29.03.2005, 15:02)

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