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Buffy & Angel

:: Staffel Eins
:: Staffel Zwei
:: Staffel Drei
:: Staffel Vier
:: Staffel Fünf
:: Staffel Sechs
:: Staffel Sieben

:: Staffel Eins
:: Staffel Zwei
:: Staffel Drei
:: Staffel Vier
:: Staffel Fünf

:: 7x01 Lessons
:: 7x02 Beneath You
:: 7x03 Same Time, Same Place
:: 7x04 Help
:: 7x05 Selfless
:: 7x06 Him
:: 7x07 Conversations With Dead People
:: 7x08 Sleeper
:: 7x09 Never Leave Me
:: 7x10 Bring On The Night
:: 7x11 Showtime
:: 7x12 Potential
:: 7x13 The Killer In Me
:: 7x14 First Date
:: 7x15 Get It Done
:: 7x16 Storyteller
:: 7x17 Lies My Parents Told Me
:: 7x18 Dirty Girls
:: 7x19 Empty Places
:: 7x20 Touched
:: 7x21 End of Days
:: 7x22 Chosen

Buffy Episodenguide

7x07 "Conversations With Dead People"

[Gespräche mit Toten]

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  • Buffy: Yeah, what I really need is emotional therapy from the evil dead.

  • Andrew: We find it. We alert the Slayer. We help her destroy it. We save Sunnydale. Then we join her gang and possibly hang out at her house.

  • Warren: We've been over this. Now that death thing was all part of themaster plan. Come on, "If you strike me down..."
    Andrew: "...I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." (lacht) Of course. Do you think maybe Willow could kill me, too?

  • Holden: Oh, my god!
    Buffy: Oh, your god what?
    Holden: Oh, well, you know, not my god because I defy him and all of his works but - does he exist? Is there word on that, by the way?
    Buffy: Nothing solid.

  • Jonathan: We almost got this thing uncovered.
    Andrew: Yep.
    Jonathan: I hope Buffy'll know how to destroy it. (kurze Pause) 36-19-27! That's it! That was my locker combination. God, it's been bugging me all night.

  • Jonathan: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day. I miss the people who never knew I existed. I miss 'em all. I want to talk to them, you know. I want to find out how they're doing. I want to know what's going on in their lives.
    Andrew: You know what? They don't want to talk to you - all those people you just mentioned. Not one of them is sitting around going, "I wonder what Jonathan's up to right now." Not one of them cares about you.
    Jonathan: Well, I still care about them. That's why I'm here.

  • Cassie: (kalt) You don't know hurt. This last year's going to seem like cake after what I put you and your friends through and I am not a fan of easy death. Fact is, the whole good-versus-evil, balancing the scales thing - I'm over it. I'm done with the mortal coil. But believe me, I'm going for a big finish.
    Willow: From beneath you, it devours.
    Cassie: Oh, not it. Me.