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Angel(us) - Cordelia

The Alone Together Trilogy by Cobalite (FR-15)
Three stories spanning more than a century telling of a C/A friendship

   Horrid Dreams
   Warning: Side Effects May Occur
   All Journeys Must End

Angelic Medicine by Sara (FR-21)
Cordy finds the perfect cure for her cold

Cleaning The Air by Kylia (FR-15)
Angel and Cordelia clear some things up after the events in 'Eternity'

History by Wildecate (FR-7)
A brief look at Angel and Cordelia

Kissing Raindrops by Nightbird (FR-13)
Cordy thinks about Angel

Lower Levels by Pixie Child (FR-18)
She can't, she won't, she must

Mind vs Heart by Malana (FR-15)
Chloe Sullivan loved three people in her life time. One she betrayed, one betrayed her, and the other almost killed her. Also contains Lindsey/Chloe Sullivan & Angel/Chloe Sullivan

Needing You by Kylia (FR-15)
Post Episodic- 'To Shanshu In LA'

Of Love And Vengeance by Malana (FR-18)
When Lex loses his wife, he swears revenge and remembers the events that brought him to were he is today. Also contains Cordelia/Lex Luthor. Incomplete

Pretender by Crazy_Girl_Mary (FR-21)
Basic PWP. It’s short so enjoy it while you can.

Punisher by Crazy_Girl_Mary (FR-21)
Angelus is back and the first place he goes is to Cordelia's because she needs to be punished and he's just the man to do it.

Remembering You by Sara (FR-21)
A different version of the "table" scene with Angel and Cordy

Secret Garden by Wildecate (FR-7)
Cordelia finds that she's bored with her trendy world.

Singing Lessons by Wildecate (FR-13)
Cordelia needs singing lessons and turns to the only person who can help her.

Sticky Night by Akasha and Seabreeze (FR-18)
Angel, Cordelia and a bottle of maple syrup. The story happens right after the events of **That Vision Thing**.

Talk Much? by Lady Jesca (FR-21)
Angel is trying to recuperate from Buffy's death...with a tag-a-long.

Upsetting The Average by Akasha and Seabreeze (FR-21)
Alternative ending of Double or Nothing in a slightly altered universe. Angel lost his soul in a card game. Cordelia didn't have the heart to obey Angel's advice and stake him. Crossover.




No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.