Fiction By Author
Moonloon - Email - Website
After (FR-18) Andrew/Warren Drabble. Andrew showers after his first time with Warren
Anchored (FR-18) Wesley/Connor Drabble. Connor's reality is based on pain
Ass (FR-15) Xander/Spike Xander does some thinking
Bit On The Side (FR-18) Andrew/Spike Andrew brings himself to Spike's attention
Converse (FR-15) Wesley/Connor Wesley gets a midnight caller
Desperate Measures (FR-21) Spike/Methos Spike needs to get rid of a 'houseguest'. Crossover with Highlander
Epiphany (FR-7) Andrew/Warren Drabble. A sudden revelation
Escape (FR-15) Warren/Ethan Ethan needs help
First Date (FR-15) Andrew/Warren Challenge drabble. Their first date
Fucking In The Dark (FR-21) Andrew/Warren Short. Warren's master plan, in miniature
Holiday Sinn (FR-21) Andrew/Giles SAC fic. What Andrew wants for Christmas
Journal (FR-18) Andrew/Warren, Andrew/Xander Short. Xander returns Andrew's Klingon journal
Oven Gloves (FR-21) Andrew/Spike The oven gloves are the last straw
Rough Trade (FR-21) Andrew/Spike Challenge fic. Spike and Lord of the Rings.
Sleeping Arrangements (FR-18) Andrew/Giles Andrew needs some comfort
Spirit Guide (FR-15) Andrew/Anya Challenge fic. Andrew and ghost!Anya talk about the future
Strange (FR-21) Connor/Wesley, Connor/Holtz Connor watches
Summoning Harpers (FR-15) Andrew/Harper Crossover drabble with Andromeda
Summoning... Stuff (FR-18) Andrew/Xander Crossover drabble. Written for the Azrec Gold challenge
Talking The Talk (FR-18) Andrew/Warren Challenge fic. Andrew knows how Warren feels
Three Hundred Words on Love and Conflict (FR-18) Andrew/Warren, Andrew/Xander Three drabbles. Andrew's emotional baggage is called Warren
Wants And Needs (FR-21) Andrew/Spike There's a big difference between what Andrew wants, and what he gets
You May (FR-15) Wesley/Connor Drabble. Dialogue only
No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.