Fiction By Title
A Damned Interlude by Karen (FR-15) Willow/Spike This is a brief interlude between The Morning After...And Then Some and The Chase 3rd in the Damned Series
A Day Of Revelation by Angelina (FR-18) Buffy/Willow Feelings are revealed 2nd in The 3 R's Series
The Deal by Collie (FR-18) Willow/Spike Willow helps reverse the effects of Spike's chip, but things don't go as planned
Dear B. by Carol A. Clarke (FR-15) Buffy/Faith Faith writes a letter to Buffy from prison.
Dear Diary by Mac (FR-21) Dawn/Faith Dawn wrote a lot of diary entries – these are the ones that are about Faith.
Dear Sister by Pixie Child (FR-13) Kennedy/Chloe (friendship) Angels and Potentials, maggots and guilt
Death Is But A Memory by Kylia (FR-18) Willow/Spike After 200 years Willow and Spike are reunited
Deathwish by Caitlin (FR-15) Buffy/Spike Spike finally decides to go through with what he set out to do in 'Fool For Love'
Deathwish by Wildecate (FR-7) Willow/Spike Willow does something stupid and Spike acts out of character.
Desperate Measures by Moonloon (FR-21) Spike/Methos Spike needs to get rid of a 'houseguest'. Crossover with Highlander
Devastation Series by Luisa (FR-18) Willow/Spike Spike kidnaps Willow Warning: The following stories deal with rape. Please do not read if you are easily offended.
Later On
The Spectre Of Dead Thing
Floating Stakes
Same Girl
Devil In A Blue Dress by Akane-Chan (FR-13) Xander/Anya From the point of view of the resident Vengence Demon
Diary by Lady Jesca (FR-7) Xander/Dawn Dawn tells Xander about her feelings in her own little way.
Dies Irae by Medea (FR-21) Willow/Spike/Angel(us) What would drive Willow to a murderous rampage? CHARACTER DEATH & GRAPHIC VIOLENCE WARNING (Dies irae = Latin, "Day of Wrath") Off-site link. 4th in The Masters And Minions Series
Distraction by Mac (FR-21) Faith/Angel(us) Faith and Angel come to blows.
Divide And Attract by Pixie Child (FR-13) Fred/Faith, Cordelia/Faith Fred's just too cute to kill
Divinity of Hell by Malana (FR-15) Willow/Lex Luthor Willow travels to Smallville to get a book from Lionel Luthor, trouble and romance ensue.
Drawn To The Fire by Angelina (FR-21) Angel(us)/Spike, Buffy/Faith Sometimes we just can't stay away. Sex. Violence. Guilt.
Dreams Of Death by Kylia (FR-18) Willow/Spike Willow and Spike are having strange dreams
Dreams Of Nothing by Annanara (FR-7) Xander/Willow Xander has some rather revealing nightmares
Drinking And Dreaming by Nightbird (FR-15) Willow/Spike, Buffy/Giles Buffy & Willow get drunk and Spike learns a few secrets
No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.