


Graduation Day 1 Episode Guide


Here we go! The much talked about Ascension is almost here and Buffy and company are still fairly clueless about what's going to happen. Until Anya finds out and tells about one she's seen. Start the panic.

Faith-wise, our girl is on the ball. Dropping Angel with a deadly poison via her much loved long bow, and the clock is running down on him. It's a showdown for the two Slayers. Life and death for Faith, Buffy and Angel.

Story Line

Pre-credit has Faith knocking on the door of a Professor Worth. When he opens the door, Faith says: "Hi. I'm looking for Professor Worth?" He tells her that she has to come back during office hours. She explains (a bit nervously) that she's not from the college, that she's there on behalf of the Mayor. He asks her in. He tells Faith (as she looks over his place), that he's surprised to be hearing from the Mayor. He didn't think...  (read more)


Well, so much for 'baby steps'. Faith's murder of the professor was the most shocking thing she's done. However, you really have to delve very deeply into her psyche. By this time, the term 'legally insane' can come into play. We also have to call into play, her childhood. Faith most likely witnessed or was even on the receiving end, of aggressive behavior. A way a child will learn to be aggressive, is from observing adults who are aggressive. It's...  (read more)