o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s

The Dimension

- The ULTIMATE BUFFY Episode Countdown
by Matt -4.1.05
[ mlee@blkswan.com ]

  We're into the top 50, finally! Someone call the cops. I don't know why, just go with it.

#48 - When She Was Bad
[episode 2.1]

Buffy's back from vacation, and she's brought a 'tude with her. She's all mean and stuff, and the gang doesn't like it very much. She does a dance with Xander, makes her bitch-face at Angel a lot, and basically doesn't listen when they tell her that the annointed one is setting her up. So she crushes The Master's bones (which by the way, still doesn't make much sense to me that he has bones - old or not). It's a therapy session, Buffy style.

#47 - The Pack
[episode 1.6]

Xander becomes a possessed by a hyena. Apparently hyena's are extremely horny, because Xan decides to get as physical as he can with Buffy. Although his "you like bad guys, right?" speech to her when he was a hyena actually made perfect sense, and that's just scary. Oh yeah, and Principal Flutie gets eaten. Bye Bob.

#46 - Potential
[episode 7.12]

There's a potential slayer somewhere in Sunnydale, so Willow, Xander and Anya do a spell to find out where she is....turns out it's Dawn, but not really. It's just that glowy thing hit her on accident. So we get everyone being all "this is big", and Dawn's all freaked out -- which is always good. By the end we find out it isn't really Dawn, it's Amanda who is the potential. We also get the so totally awesome Xander speech to Dawn at the end, which makes this episode 50x better than it was before the scene occured.

#45 - Fear, Itself
[episode 4.4]

You better FEAR GACHNAR!!! He will destroy you!!!! ....Or be a nice keepsake in your pocket. Whichever. Buffy is Little Red Riding Hood, Xander is James Bond (or a Head Waiter, depending on who you ask), Willow is Joan of Arc and Oz is God. But we already knew Oz was God, he really didn't need to tell us. So anyway, some fear happens, chaos ensues....we find out Anya is afraid of bunnies, and Giles has a CHAINSAW! Halloween is so much fun.

#44 - The Prom
[episode 3.20]

Oh, I will get thrashed for this one. I can't help it, people. There are some things about this episode that leave me with a "just threw up and swallowed it" feeling. The umbrella scene, for instance. The sappiest thing ever. Not to mention Angel coming to the Prom after he broke up with Buffy, wearing a tux, and telling her "this doesn't change anything" to which she DOESN'T get upset. That's ridiculous. Now after all that you're probably wondering -- if I dislike this so much -- why isn't it lower? Well, there are SOME good things about it. Everything with Wesley and Giles, the stuff with Xander and Cordelia, and Buffy being all tough and determined. So it isn't all crap.

Parts -> [18]     [17]     [16]     [15]     [14]     [13]     [12]     [11]     [10]     [9]     [8]     [7]     [6]     [5]     [4]     [3]     [ 2]     [1]


Scott: Hyenas ==> plural - no apostrophe.
(19.05.2005, 12:29)

Atalanta: Potential should be higher up. It's one of Dawn's best episodes. And so should The Prom, finally acknowledging that not all the students at Sunnydale High are complete idiots and have actually noticed all the weird happenings.. even When She Was Bad should be a bit further up. And Fear, Itself too. On the other hand, The Pack should be much further down.
(07.05.2005, 17:44)

brodie_182: Update already
(11.04.2005, 04:08)

gorram reavers: When She Was Bad is one of my fav's but holy cow!..was that the worst montage (the training one) in the history of television? I assumed that they were trying for that title during filming/editing.
(04.04.2005, 12:57)

sunnycide: When She was Bad is such an underrated episode. It's at least top 25 in my world.
(04.04.2005, 07:11)

Mike: Do you like ANY episodes?
(04.04.2005, 04:34)

brodie_182: When she was bad was alright, the pack rocked, potential SUCKED, fear itself was alrightc and the prom was really really really really really really really really really really cool!! oh and im getting angel season one and the first half of season two!!! yay!!
(04.04.2005, 01:32)

Vampire Lady: Prom needs to be higher, The Pack needs to be higher, When She Was Bad needs to be lower
(03.04.2005, 19:12)

Spike_and_Angel: I love When She Was Bad and Fear Itself!!! They rock!
(03.04.2005, 13:16)

Lurker: When she was bad has to be a lot higher and Potential a lot lower - anyway, I like them all so.
(03.04.2005, 09:22)

10 of 17 comments (part 1) [ » ] [ * ]

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