Fiction By Author
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The Aftermath (FR-15) Spike/Buffy Willow is killed during a 'to the death' fight with a powerful sorcerer bringing two unlikely enemies together
Better This Way (FR-7) Angel(us)/Buffy Buffy and Angel reflecting.
Deathwish (FR-7) Willow/Spike Willow does something stupid and Spike acts out of character.
History (FR-7) Angel(us)/Cordelia A brief look at Angel and Cordelia
In Dreams (FR-21) Willow/Bill Weasley Two redheads are sharing the same dream
I Watch Her From Afar (FR-7) Willow/Legolas Greenleaf Willow has a guardian angel. Or should that be guardian elf?
The Lesson (FR-15) Spike/Buffy Buffy is sick of being predictable and when she finds that Angel and Spike are fighting over her, she decides to teach them both a lesson.
Letting Go (FR-7) Tara/Willow Set after “Grave”. Tying up some loose ends.
Looking On (FR-7) Tara/Willow Bit of weepie
Lullaby (FR-7) Cordelia/Doyle This is a Doyle and Cordelia piece.
Moving On (FR-7) Willow/Legolas Greenleaf Willow is transported to Middle Earth and finds comfort in the arms of someone unexpected.
Obsession (FR-13) Angel(us)/Drusilla Drusilla is sitting and thinking about Angel.
Rebellion (FR-15) Dawn/Draco Malfoy Draco Malfoy faces up to reality as he relocates from Britain to LA. Rated for swearing.
Hello LA
Precarious Position
Giles Comes Clean
Seperate Lives
Giles Explains
Chance Meeting
Damage Control
Safe House
Secrets And Revelations
True Colors
Run But Can't Hide
Confusion Reigns
Rude Awakening
Reminder (FR-7) Angel(us)/Buffy Short story - Angel musing on Buffy after Joyce's stern motherly talk.
Second Time Around (FR-13) Willow/Draco Malfoy Angst fic - Willow loses someone she loves dearly.
Secret Garden (FR-13) Angel(us)/Cordelia Cordelia finds that she's bored with her trendy world.
Seduction (FR-21) Buffy/Draco Malfoy Buffy meets Draco. Sparks fly
Singing Lessons (FR-13) Angel(us)/Cordelia Cordelia needs singing lessons and turns to the only person who can help her.
A Slayers Holiday: There And Back Again (FR-7) Buffy/Legolas Greenleaf Buffy saves an old man who turns out to be Gandalf....
Stripper Wicca (FR-21) Giles/Willow After vanishing from Sunnydale after a fight with Buffy and Xander, Giles finds Willow working in a most unusual place.
Unexpected (FR-18) Cordelia/Giles Cordelia attends a function with Wesley and finds herself with an unlikely dance partner.
Unforgiveable Sinner (FR-13) Angel(us)/Willow Angel makes a drastic decision and saved by an unlikely friend.
Wild Night (FR-21) Spike/Buffy Set after "Smashed"
No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.