Fiction By Rating FR-15
Naughty Things by SpiderQueen Willow/Spike Willow cuts loose much to Spike's delight and Buffy's dismay 5th in the Frustrations Series
Needing You by Kylia Cordelia/Angel(us) Post Episodic- 'To Shanshu In LA'
Never Ever And Always by Melissa Flores Cordelia/Xander A jealous confrontation and a need for answers prompts Cordelia to go to Xander with questions, and unexpectedly opens a torrent of emotions.
New Adventure by Spike's Sweety Buffy/Spike Now that Riley's gone, Buffy is free on Saturday nights. Spike realizes this and moves in to take her on a new adventure! The gang find out about last night's happenings, Angel shows up, and a character returns
The Night Calls by Kylia Willow/Spike When Spike becomes ill, Willow calls in reinforcements
No Regrets by Christine Xander/Dawn Takes place during ‘Empty Places’ after Buffy is forced to leave her house. Dawn can’t sleep and seeks out the one person who she’s worried about.
Not Here by SpiderQueen Willow/Spike Giles gives Willow and Spike a moment alone, much to their delight. However, Buffy isn't happy at all with the turn of events. 8th in the Frustrations Series
Nothing Special by Medea Willow/Angel(us) Sequel to 'Rematch'. Willow and Angel share a quiet evening doing nothing special and sharing thoughts about friends, love, and dealing with darkness.
Old Times by Ankhet Cordelia/Xander Cordelia catches up with Xander after the prom. From Cordy's POV
Pawn by Medea Willow/Angel(us) An alley. A stalemate between a frightened Slayerette and a persistent vampire. Can Willow match wits with Angelus in his deadly game? 1st in The Chess Vignettes
Perfect Misery by Eterniata Spike/Drusilla Spike reflects on eternity without Drucilla
Potential by Shannon Willow/Remus Lupin What if Willow’s spell in ‘Chosen’ activated a Slayer at Hogwarts.
Power And Retribution by Shannon Willow/Severus Snape Willow decides to she must return to Hogwarts to help her friends.
The Proposition by Swingchick Giles/Willow A morning of research turns into something more.
Protector by Serendipity Angel(us)/Willow How much is Willow willing to sacrifice in order to fulfill her destiny?
Queen by Medea Willow/Angel(us) Companion piece to King. Angel is back from hell after being defeated by Buffy and resouled by Willow. He and Willow need to talk about the cat-and-mouse games Angelus played with her. (Willow POV) 5th in The Chess Vignettes
Rebellion by Wildecate Dawn/Draco Draco Malfoy faces up to reality as he relocates from Britain to LA. Rated for swearing.
Hello LA
Precarious Position
Giles Comes Clean
Seperate Lives
Giles Explains
Chance Meeting
Damage Control
Safe House
Secrets And Revelations
True Colors
Run But Can't Hide
Confusion Reigns
Rude Awakening
Rook by Medea Willow/Angel(us) A small, dark broom closet is probably one of the worst places to be trapped with a vampire. 3rd in The Chess Vignettes
Seeing Clearly by Angelina Faith/Cordelia Faith and Cordelia are together during To Shanshu in LA, how does Faith react to Cordy's crippling visions?
A Silence Falls by JR Willow/Angel(us) Post-Angel ep 'Heroes'. A follow-up story to 'Wells of Silence', told from Willow's POV. 7th in The Scattered Thoughts Series
A Simple Plan by Christine Spike/Dawn Dawn takes someone's advice and follows it through
Sleep by Carol A. Clarke Buffy/Willow Buffy and Willow reconcile. 3rd in the CD Series
Slide by Carol A. Clarke Buffy/Willow Xander talks to Buffy about the events of "Change." 2nd in the CD Series
A Small Little Wager by Kylia Willow/Wesley Willow & Wesley's adventure continues. 4th in the Wesley's Wild and Wacky Demon Hunting Adventures Series
Sorry Now by JR Willow/Angel(us) Missing scene from Doppelgangland. What was going through Angel's head from the point where he sees Evil Willow in the Bronze to point where he finds her in the library? 1st in The Scattered Thoughts Series
The Spike Experience by Blue Zen Willow/Spike Willow casts a spell and Spike suffers
Spirit Guide by Moonloon Andrew/Anya Challenge fic. Andrew and ghost!Anya talk about the future
Strange Compulsion by Carol A. Clarke Buffy/Willow Joyce attempts to deal with her daughter's lifestyle. Set about a year after Reality Check. 3rd in the Strange Compulsion Series
Stupid Thing by Ankhet Buffy/Spike Spike's thoughts as he first sees the Slayer
Sugar And Spice by Pixie Child Fred/Wesley She will always be alone
Summoning Harpers by Moonloon Andrew/Harper Crossover drabble with Andromeda
Take Me Away by Crazy_Girl_Mary Buffy/Angel(us) The Shanshu prophecy is real, and the end of the world is inevitable if one of the two possible vampire heroes doesn’t fulfill it already.
Take Your Time by Carrie Willow/Spike/Angel(us) Spike forces Willow to go back in time where she meets Angelus before he was vamped. Off-site link.
Temptation by Kylia Angel(us)/Willow Songfic - This is a companion piece to Your My Temptation
Thinking Non-Thoughts by Ankhet Angel(us)/Willow Angel's point of view of Willow in Evil Willow's clothes in Dopplegangland.
Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live by Angelina Buffy/Willow Willow gets cursed, they need the Charmed girlies to help them uncurse her. Crossover
To Hell And Back by JR Willow/Angel(us) Despite Angel’s warning, Willow brings him back from Hell. 3rd in the The Hell Series
Truth, Dolls, And The Damned by Karen Willow/Spike A Willow/Spike Romance 1st in the Damned Series
Truth, Justice, And The American Way by Malana Willow/Clark Kent Willow and Clark wake up married. Things only get more complicated from there.
No Jealousy
Telling Them
Defending Her Honor
Dinner Talk
Lost Girl
Moving Day
Unexpected by Hils Buffy/Spike There's a new evil in town. Spike saves Buffy and feelings develop
Us Against The World by Crazy_Girl_Mary Cordelia/Lindsey AU: Things are going even worse for Cordelia before City Of. She’s in a desperate place and meets a charming wealthy man who makes her an offer she can’t refuse. He’ll give her the acting start she could only dream of, if she kills a vampire from a past, barely a distant memory. What will she do?
A Visit by Eva Buffy/Spike Spike visits Buffy while she sleeps. I know, I know; its been done a million times. But what can I say? Enjoy
Waiting by Allura Buffy/Spike Spike's perspective on his newfound love for the Slayer, and his inner troubles and what not
Welcome Distractions by Angelina Buffy/Willow Buffy is distracted while talking on the phone.
The Wells Of Silence by JR Willow/Angel(us) Post-Angel ep 'Heroes'. Firmly settled into his new city, Angel struggles to cope with a devastating loss. 6th in The Scattered Thoughts Series
What Does It Take? by Alexandra Buffy/Spike Short-fic. A conversation between Buffy and Spike
Whenever I Breathe Out by Mandy C Buffy/Angel(us) The nightmares are the easy part.
Who Wants To Live Forever by Nightbird Willow/Spike Who wants to live forever when love has died? Warning: Character death
Why I'm Still Here by Cobalite Buffy/Spike Why is Spike still in Sunnydale? Takes place as Spike realizes he loves Buffy
Willow And Spike by Luisa Willow/Spike The characters interact with interesting consequences. All dialogue
Wishes And Magic by Shannon Willow/Severus Snape Willow makes a wish, which we all know never goes well.
Wolf Moon by Karen Willow/Spike Conclusion of the Damned Series 6th in the Damned Series
You Can't Go Home Again by Paradox761 Willow/Xander Xander’s frustration about being the Zeppo finally comes to a head mid season 4, so he takes off intent on proving himself to those he feels don’t believe in him. He comes to some realizations on his own, and he makes some new friends in the FBI. But a series of murders in Sunnydale forces Xander to come home sooner then he would have liked. Can he use his newfound wisdom to patch things up with his old friends while keeping the secret truth about vampires from his new friends, all while trying to catch a killer? Crossover with The Profiler
You May by Moonloon Wesley/Connor Drabble. Dialogue only
You Want by SpiderQueen Willow/Spike Spike notices that Willow likes him and decides to heat things up. 2nd in the Frustrations Series