e p i s o d e . g u i d e

Season 3

1. Anne
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Buffy slings some hash and gets sucked into a hell dimension. New season, same story.
2. Dead Man's Party
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Think I'll skip that party.
3. Faith, Hope & Trick
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There's a new slayer in town, and she wrestles aligators nude. According to Xander... and me.
4. Beauty and The Beasts
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Werewolf vs. Magical Fluid Drinking crazy guy vs. Unleashed Vampire...in a steel cage! $29.99 on Pay-Per-View!
5. Homecoming
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It's Slayerfest '98. Here, Slayer, Slayer, Slayer...
6. Band Candy
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Giles and Joyce have sex on the hood of a police car. 'Nuff said.
7. Revelations
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Obviously, it's easy to influence Faith.
8. Lover's Walk
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Willow and Xander finally get caught, as Spike rolls into town only to get drunk and leave again. That's our Spike.
9. The Wish
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It's an alternate dimension where Buffy has an unattractive scar on her face. Bring us home!
10. Amends
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Christmas is here. Full of toys, and goodies, and the first evil. 'Tis the season.
11. Gingerbread
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Fairy Tale characters are real, and Joss must've been asleep when they made this up.
12. Helpless
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Giles causes Buffy to lose her powers. He was bored.
13. The Zeppo
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Xander saves the day, and no one knows it. Oh, and Faith has sex with him. You win some, you lose some.
14. Bad Girls
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The bad slayer gets worse...with the stabbing and the not caring.
15. Consequences
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Faith turns to The Mayor for guidance, because she's evil and stuff.
16. Dopplegangland
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The gang is seeing double...or they've been taking drugs.
17. Enemies
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Angel pretends he's evil to learn what Faith knows about The Mayor. Or is he pretending? Hmmm...
18. Earshot
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Buffy hears everything, thus causing her to go insane. Fun times.
19. Choices
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Willow for creepy-spider-demon-things. Sounds like an even trade.
20. The Prom
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The class protector award is given out. I wonder who won it?
21. Graduation Day I
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Angel's poisoned. He doesn't mind sucking the life out of Buffy so that he won't die. What a guy.
22. Graduation Day II
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Getting your diploma, killing a big giant demon snake and burning down your school. Ah, Graduation.