[7.22-01.20] Angel’s error

Goof seen in: Chosen at 01.20

Angel says the First tried to make him kill himself (in Amends) but it actually tried to make Angel kill Buffy. Angel decided to kill himself to stop this happening.

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  • Farrah Fawcett
  • [2.16-31.30] Time error
  • [2.09-30.21] Time error
  • [7.14-01.14] Spike’s error
  • [4.15-39.09] Continuity error
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 20th September 2004
    Updated: › 11th May, 2005
    Hits: › 873  

    5 Comments about “[7.22-01.20] Angel’s error”

    1. apocplypse says:

      true,when he said it that way it didn’t relly make sense!
      I mean, WHy would the first bother to bring angel back, if their only purpose was to make him kill himself? Just seems kinda empty..

    2. Abby M. says:

      Aren’t you supposed to think that The First wanted Buffy dead and that is why it brought Angel back? It knew it would be difficult to get just anybody to kill Buffy and it figured Angelus was closet to ever doing that so it brought him back from Hell so he would sleep with Buffy so he would go evil and kill her? That is what I sort of figured.

    3. Jess says:

      Hi all…

      many, many, many apologies for the site being down over the past few days. There have been major technical errors combined with me starting a new job and having absolutely no time to try and work out what’s going wrong.

      As you can see, a lot of data is still missing from the site. Don’t worry - it has not been lost. All your comments and trivia from the past few days are all safely stored away, waiting to be added back to the site.

      I’m trying to go slowly as the site seems to be very sensitive at the moment for some reason, with small changes sometimes rendering the site unusable.

      No, I don’t have a clue what’s going on either - and I miss the site as much as you do! Having no Buffy Trivia Guide for the past few days has been like giving up smoking all over again, but without the benefits!

      Anyway, as you can see, the site is being mended slowly. Suggestions are not available for a while.

      So sorry again about this,


    4. slightlyembarrased says:

      “Having no Buffy Trivia Guide for the past few days has been like giving up smoking all over again, but without the benefits!”

      Oh, I suspect there were some benefits…like parents and children reconnecting for the first time in months. I actually left my apartment! There was this big ball of fire in the sky, which scared me at first, until someone pointed out that it was called the “sun” and not really a threat to humans. Imagine my surprise.

      Take your sweet time putting the pieces of the site back up. It sounds to me like you have a real life that probably has slightly more importance than this site…well, except for MY posts, which you should put back up immediately….

    5. somethingblue says:

      Gee, I thought Jess took the site down because I’ve been out of town for so long! Now, only to find it was technical difficulties! Thank you for working so hard on the site, Jess! (now have it all done for when I’m back in town — just kidding!)

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