Buffy Season 7 Characters

Amanda (Sarah Hagan)

Amanda was a tall, thin, dark haired school mate of Dawn’s who first appeared in Help when she asked Buffy’s advice as a school counsellor. Amanda was revealed to be a potential Slayer (discovered in the episode Potential), and she joined the other Slayers-in-training. She was killed in the final …

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Amy Madison (Elizabeth Anne Allen)

Amy was a friend of Willow’s at Junior High, and later got to know Buffy. Amy’s mother (Catherine Madison) practised dark magics (The Witch) and Amy later began to dabble in witchcraft. She helped Xander to create a love spell on Cordelia, which went wrong (Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered). She …

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Andrew Wells (Tom Lenk)

Andrew Wells was a Bond wannabe who was in actual fact a powerless nerd. He banded with Jonathan and Warren with the intention of taking over Sunnydale (Flooded). The three nerds’ plans became increasingly dangerous culminating with the deaths of Warren’s ex-girlfriend (Dead Things) and Tara (Seeing Red). Andrew and …

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Angel (David Boreanaz)

Angel was born Liam in Galway, Ireland and sired as a vampire by Darla in 1753. He then became known as Angelus and the two terrorized humankind, murdering and torturing anyone who crossed their path. Angel was then cursed by gypsies who ensoulled him, making him suffer horrible guilt over …

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Annabelle was an English potential Slayer who arrived in Sunnydale with Molly and Kennedy and Giles in Bring on the Night. She was a vegetarian and (according to Kennedy) a snorer. Annabelle was seemingly ‘together’ but she panicked and ran away from the Summer’s home. This led to her being …

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Spike’s mother’s first name was Anne, seen in Lies My Parents Told Me. She was a sickly woman who doted on her only son. When Spike was sired by Drusilla, he immediately brought the vampire home so they could sire Anne and become a group. Spike’s intention was to aid …

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Anya (Emma Caulfield)

Anya first came to Sunnydale as Anyanka, a vengeance demon, but was made mortal when Giles destroyed her power source in The Wish. She began dating Xander, much to the astonishment of his friends. The two eventually decided to get married, though Xander left her at the altar in Hell’s …

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Beljoxa’s Eye

Beljoxa’s Eye is a huge eyeball covered with smaller eyeballs and chains. It exists in another dimension (seemingly a black wind-tunnel), of which only demons can open the gateway. The eye is an oracle. It tells Giles and Anya, “The Eye sees not the future - only the truth of …

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Bernard Crowley

Bernard Crowley was Nikki Wood’s Watcher. He took her son, Robin Wood, in and raised him after Nikki was killed by Spike. Robin related this tale in Lies My Parents Told Me.

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Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar)

Buffy became the Slayer in 1996, which turned her life around completely. She was expelled from Hemery High School for burning down the gym (which was full of vampires). Buffy and her mother moved to Sunnydale where she met her new Watcher, Rupert Giles, and her friends Willow and Xander …

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Caleb (Nathan Fillion)

Caleb posed as a Southern preacher, but was in actual fact the right-hand man of the First. He was in charge of the eyeless Harbingers who killed potential slayers in an effort to destroy the slayer line. He took an active part in this also, by blowing up the Watcher’s …

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Caridad was the potential Slayer who Xander fantasised about talking with in bed in Dirty Girls (the first girl who told him she’d never had a boyfriend, and that she was scared). She also appeared in Touched and End of Days. Caridad survived the bomb blast at the end of …

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Carlos Trejo

Carlos was a student at the new Sunnydale High who ended up being terrorised by a group of zombie ghosts with Dawn and Kit in Lessons. He showed promise as being Dawn’s new friend but was never heard of again.

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Cassie Newton (Azura Skye)

Cassie Newton was a Sunnydale High student who predicted her own death in Help. Despite Buffy’s attempts to save her, she died of a heart abnormality. The First Evil later assumed her shape to visit Willow in Conversations with Dead People. The production team at Buffy created a website in …

[Hits: 1911] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 14]

Chao-Ahn was a potential Slayer from Shanghai in China, first seen in First Date. Buffy told Xander that Giles was picking her up at the airport in Potential so she must have gone on the vision quest field trip in The Killer in Me. She spoke no English and none …

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