Buffy Season 2 Characters

Absalom (Brent Jennings)

Absalom was a religious African-American vampire working for the Anointed One. He attempted to resurrect the Master by kidnapping Giles, Jenny, Cordelia and Willow, and was burnt to death by Buffy in When She Was Bad.

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Acathla was a demon entombed in rock with a sword sticking out of his chest. Buried deep underneath Sunnydale and unearthed by some construction workers before being stolen by Angelus. He removed the sword from Acathla’s chest which created a vortex which began to suck the world into a hell …

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Ampata (Ara Celi)

Ampata was an Incan princess who was mummified. A protective seal over her body was broken and she came alive, though she was forced to drain the life from people to stay alive. She pretended to be an exchange student staying with Buffy and fell in love with Xander. She …

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Amy Madison (Elizabeth Anne Allen)

Amy was a friend of Willow’s at Junior High, and later got to know Buffy. Amy’s mother (Catherine Madison) practised dark magics (The Witch) and Amy later began to dabble in witchcraft. She helped Xander to create a love spell on Cordelia, which went wrong (Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered). She …

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Angel (David Boreanaz)

Angel was born Liam in Galway, Ireland and sired as a vampire by Darla in 1753. He then became known as Angelus and the two terrorized humankind, murdering and torturing anyone who crossed their path. Angel was then cursed by gypsies who ensoulled him, making him suffer horrible guilt over …

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Anointed One
Anointed One (Andrew J. Ferchland)

The Anointed One was a small boy named Colin who became a member of the Master’s Order of Aurelius. Buffy believed she had killed The Anointed One in Never Kill a Boy on the First Date but she got the wrong vampire. The Anointed One led Buffy to the Master …

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Aunt Maureen

Maureen was Oz’s aunt and the mother of Oz’s cousin Jordy, who bit Oz and turned him into a werewolf. Oz called Maureen in Phases to confirm that Jordy was indeed a werewolf. Maureen was married to Oz’s Uncle Ken.

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Ben was a student at Sunnydale High who asked Buffy out whilst in the Bronze in I Only Have Eyes For You (the first of the Bens to be let down by Buffy!). She refused as she wasn’t over Angel yet. Ben described himself as “We had Algebra II together …

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A prehistoric parasite living underneath Sunnydale High. The mother lays eggs, not dissimilar to chicken’s eggs. Whilst inside the egg, the parasite grabs a victim by using its long tentacles. They take control of the victims’ mind and, in this case, brainwash them into breaking open the floor of the …

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Billy “Ford” Fordham (Jason Behr)

Ford was a school friend of Buffy’s at Hemery High, and also her fifth grade crush. He founded a cult of vampire worshippers and offered them - and Buffy - to Spike in exchange for becoming a vampire. Ford wanted to become a vampire because he was dying of a …

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Bob, the Police Chief

Sunnydale’s Police Chief aided Principal Snyder to cover up Spike’s vampire attack in School Hard (blaming the event on gangs on PCP). He also helped to cover up the incident in the school when cafeteria spaghetti turned into snakes in I Only Have Eyes For You.

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Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar)

Buffy became the Slayer in 1996, which turned her life around completely. She was expelled from Hemery High School for burning down the gym (which was full of vampires). Buffy and her mother moved to Sunnydale where she met her new Watcher, Rupert Giles, and her friends Willow and Xander …

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The Bugman was a member of the Order of Taraka who posed as Norman Pfister, a cosmetics salesman from the company ‘Blush Beautiful Cosmetics’. He was actually a demon who could turn himself into thousands of maggot-type creatures at will. He attacked Cordelia and Xander, who later killed him …

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Caine was a werewolf hunter who argued with Buffy about the ethical treatment of werewolves in the episode Phases. Caine believed they should be killed but Buffy realised that a werewolf is also human. Caine kills werewolves and sells their pelts in Sri Lanka.

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Callie Megan Anderson

Callie was a student at Kent Preparatory School who was kidnapped by the Delta Zeta Kappa frat boys as a sacrifice to the demon Machida. She was saved when the Scoobies rescued Buffy and Cordelia from the frat house in Reptile Boy.

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