
Category: Behind the Scenes » Fans »

Angleman and Polgara

Season four’s Dr. Angleman and the Polgara demon were named by David Fury after regulars at the official Buffy site’s posting board (Angle_man and Polgara).

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Costume drama

Some of the Scooby Gang members wore clothes with numbers on them in the episode Bargaining (Part 1). Willow wears ‘11′, Xander wears ‘13′ and Dawn wears ‘7′. In Flooded, Dawn wears shirts with the numbers 2 and 55 on them. Many fans thought they were some kind of cryptic …

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There are a couple of in-jokes aimed towards Buffy’s strong internet community in the episode Bad Eggs. In the science lab during the dissection, the words ‘Posting Board’ can be seen on a blackboard - for those who go to the main Buffy forum. Then, when Joyce enters the library, …

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Nod to the fans

In the episode Phases, when Buffy is talking to Willow and Xander she stops and stands in front of a noticeboard. If you look to the right of her shoulder, you can see a little notice thanking all of the Buffy fans at the official website.

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PB Crazed

One of Michelle’s weaknesses in Buffy’s list in Homecoming is that she’s “PB Crazed”. This probably a nod to the fans that visited the posting board on the official Buffy web site.

[Hits: 605] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 2]
Sneaky BBC

The BBC promised to show the longer version of the musical episode in the UK but in fact showed the much shorter one. Finally, in the very late night slot the following evening they showed the full length one - after lots of complaints. However it was so late and …

[Hits: 860] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
Stunt potential

In Joss Whedon’s DVD commentary for the season seven DVD, he says that the potential Slayer seen at the beginning of Lessons was actually a member of the stunt team. Many fans thought that the character could be a new Slayer, activated when Buffy died in season five.

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