
  • Online since 4th October 2002
  • 4613 pieces of trivia
  • 1476 registered users
  • 301,291 words written
Most viewed:
  1. Nude scene (6349 hits)
  2. David Boreanaz (6070 hits)
  3. Buffy Summers (5946 hits)
  4. Spike (5362 hits)
  5. Alternatives for the show (5328 hits)
  6. Angel and Buffy's last talk (5089 hits)
  7. James Marsters (4907 hits)
  8. Willow Rosenberg (4679 hits)
  9. Sarah Michelle Gellar (4464 hits)
  10. Alyson Hannigan (4214 hits)
Most Commented:
  1. David Boreanaz (84 Comments)
  2. Summers' Residence Floorplan (72 Comments)
  3. Crucifix (60 Comments)
  4. Telepathy (60 Comments)
  5. Dream time: Willow (54 Comments)
  6. [7.12-16.49] Slayer line (50 Comments)
  7. Xander handles a Tampon (49 Comments)
  8. Kennedy (47 Comments)
  9. James Marsters (46 Comments)
  10. About Firefly (42 Comments)
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