Companies or Products

Abercrombie and Fitch

The network was unhappy with D’Hoffryn’s Abercrombie and Fitch line in Selfless (”It looks like someone slaughtered an Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue”), not because they may lose a sponsor, but because D’Hoffryn didn’t care about the deaths of the frat boys. Drew Goddard explained that D’Hoffryn is in fact evil …

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Agnes B

In Chosen, the Scoobies talk about the shopping mall before the big fight. Willow says, “There’s an Agnes B in the new mall.” Agnes B is a French designer with shops all over the world.

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American Red Cross

An American Red Cross poster can be seen in Some Assembly Required, posted on a bulletin board in the high school library.

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Big Mel

In Flooded, Andrew wears a t-shirt depicting ‘Big Mel’, who is the mascot of writer and director Doug Petrie’s favourite comic book store - Meltdown in Los Angeles.

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Billy Dee Williams

Doyle says in ‘City Of…‘: “You kow, I’m parched from all this yakkin’ man. Let’s go treat me to a Billy D”. This is a reference to the Billy Dee Williams (Lando Carlissian in Star Wars) commercials for Colt 45 Malt Liquor.

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Buffy says in Family, “I saw a really cute sweater at Bloomies but I think I want me to have it”. She means the department store Bloomingdales.

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Lorne says of Lilah in Calvary (about the episode Slouching Towards Bethlehem in which his reading of Cordelia was stolen by Wolfram & Hart), “I haven’t forgotten how she poked my head open like a Capri-Sun”. He’s referring to the drink which comes in a foil pouch, often used in …

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Chia Pet

Cordelia says of Xander in Homecoming, “He kind of grows on you. Like a Chia Pet.” Chia Pets are pots in the shape of various animals which are used to grow plants.

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In Choices, Cordelia calls M.I.T. (Massachussets Institute of Technology) “a Clearasil ad with housing.” Clearasil is a cleansing product for acne/spots. Nicholas Brendon made his television debut in a Clearasil commercial.

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Country Time

In Villains, Clem says, “I was just about to make some Country Time”, referring to the American lemonade product.

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DefCon and NORAD

Faith says in Faith, Hope and Trick, “The vamps, they better get their asses to DefCon One.” This term derives from ‘Defense Condition’ which has a rating level of 5 - DefCon Five is peace time and DefCon One is all out war. In Bargaining (Part 2), Xander says, “this …

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In Surprise, Xander references restaurant Denny’s when he says, “It’s sad, granted. But let’s look at the upside for a moment. I mean, what kind of a future would she have really had with him? She’s got two jobs — Denny’s waitress by day, Slayer by night…”

[Hits: 330] [Suggested by emlem25] [Comments: 9]
Department stores

In Welcome to the Hellmouth, Cordelia tells Willow she’s seen the “softer side of Sears”, which is a department store. Buffy later says that Sunnydale is “two hours on the freeway from Neiman-Marcus.” Neiman-Marcus is an upscale department store, (considered to be better than Sears!).

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In Normal Again, Buffy asks Willow why she is all, “home, hearth, and DSL anyway?” DSL, which stands for Digital Subscriber Line, is American broadband Internet.

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Willow uses the internet search engine Google to find out more about Cassie Newton in Help (Willow: “Have you googled her yet?”, Xander: “Willow… she’s 17″). We see in that episode that the Sunnydale Police Department keeps personal criminal record files online, which seems to be available to anyone with …

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