Deleted Scenes

Abercrombie and Fitch

The network was unhappy with D’Hoffryn’s Abercrombie and Fitch line in Selfless (”It looks like someone slaughtered an Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue”), not because they may lose a sponsor, but because D’Hoffryn didn’t care about the deaths of the frat boys. Drew Goddard explained that D’Hoffryn is in fact evil …

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Adam’s war

This speech of Adam’s was deleted from Who Are You?:
“You are here to be my first. To let them know I’m coming. I am the end of all life, of all magic. I’m the war between man and demon, the war that no one can win. You’re a part of …

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All about passion

The speech that Angel gives in the episode Passion is completely different from the one that was in the original script. The cheerful original version was as follows:
Passion, it is born, and though uninvited, unwelcome, unwanted like a cancer, it takes root. It festers. It bleeds. It scabs only to …

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Andrew’s antics

This conversation between Spike and Andrew was deleted from the episode Empty Places:
Andrew: “This one time, when I was in Sunday school, I woke up late, so my mom made me skip breakfast and I was really hungry, so I told the teacher I had to go to the bathroom, …

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Angel the attorney

The following line was deleted from Reprise:

Holland: “For a man who’s turned his back on his mission, you’re awfully scrappy. I do so admire that. No messy moral philosophy no guiding principles to muddle things. Just that pure, unpolluted human drive to win. You would have …

[Hits: 109] [Suggested by Mel] [Comments: 0]
Angel’s love metaphor

Angel’s original depressing love metaphor was more extended in Happy Anniversary:

“Well, you know, love… it’s a fire. It burns you. Alive. Down to the bone. Then it turns the bone to ash and the cold wind just–”

[Hits: 236] [Suggested by Mel] [Comments: 0]
Anya’s helpful advice

The following scene was deleted from the episode Help:
Anya: “What a creepazoid. It’s like he didn’t just forget your birthday, but the day on which, in keeping with modern American tradition, one’s life is celebrated. One’s very self. He didn’t celebrate your self.”
But later…
Anya: “But anyway, this boyfriend of yours …

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Bad eyes

This line of the vampire Marissa was cut from Deep Down due to length:

“I didn’t see nothing. I swear. You know how dark it is down by the bluffs? And hey, my eyes were never that good. Sure, the creature of the night thing helps, …

[Hits: 157] [Suggested by Mel] [Comments: 0]
Bargaining Edits

The gruesome scene of Buffy being resurrected was cut when Sky One and the BBC showed Bargaining (Part 1) in the UK. Other edited scenes included Willow killing the deer; Willow choking up the snake; Tara’s comment about the vampire taking pescription medication; everything at Dawn’s school before they are …

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Best day ever

Xander’s excitement over the explosion at Sunnydale High in Graduation Day (Part 2) was deleted from the episode: “Guys, we blew up the school! It’s the best day ever!”

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Better left unsaid

In the original promotion for the episode Same Time, Same Place, Spike was shown saying, “I mean, who doesn’t like skin?” but this line wasn’t aired in the episode.

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Better the odds

The following scene was cut from the original script for Lonely Hearts:
Doyle: “Good. The two of you working separately. Better the odds.”
Angel: “Not of her surviving if she finds this thing before I do.”

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Blank mind

The following is a deleted scene from The I in Team, while Riley is showing off the Initiative to Buffy:
Riley: “That panel – say something into it.”
Buffy crosses to it, is about to speak, then stops.
Buffy: “My mind’s a blank.”

[Hits: 393] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
Blank of the Blankthuselah

The following line was deleted from the scene in End of Days where Willow and Giles try to find out what the scythe is:
Willow: “It doesn’t have any markings. Would it be so hard to include a little sticker? ‘Hello. My name is Blank of the Blankthuselah, consult operating instructions …

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Alyson Hannigan claimed that she filmed a much stronger version of the scene in Prophecy Girl where Willow and Cordelia discovered the bodies the students:
“We did the tame version for America and…a bloodier version that we thought we could get away with in Europe. We poured blood everywhere…It’s probably …

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