Buffy’s feelings for Spike

In First Date, Buffy says, “Why does everyone in this house think I’m still in love with Spike?” She’s never said before that she was in love with him, just that she has strong feelings for him - is this an admittance that she loves the vampire? Later, when he offers to leave town, she stops him saying, “I’m not ready for you to not be here.”

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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 5th July 2005
    Hits: › 638  

    6 Comments about “Buffy’s feelings for Spike”

    1. Mel says:

      I believe that Buffy did love Spike (even though I am a big Buffy/Angel shipper) but she loved him in a completely different way the Angel.

      I believe that Angel is and always will be her true love but Spike was there for her at a time when she needed someone and he ended up being truely loyal to her.

      She was using him at that start just to feel something, but I think Spike ended up proving himself to Buffy.

      Although, I do think the rape thing was kinda washed away - there was a couple of mentions and a flashback but that was it.

    2. ant4buffy says:

      Yeah, they didn’t seem to talk about that much. But she took a bit of time to trust him again.

    3. Effulgent says:

      The old Freudian slip there! I surprised that willow didn’t stop her and say “what? your in love with spike?” which makes me think that the Scooby’s already knew how she felt about him.

      She did love him, not the same way as Angel or anyone else, every time you fall in love its different.

      They both forgave each other in Season 7, I sometimes think that she kind of forgave him immediately after the ar, she didn’t want Xander to hurt him, and she took dawn over to his crypt because she knew she would be safe with him, and she was just bitter about the whole AR situation when he came back.

      She told Spike that she had to trust someone in order loves them and in season 7 it was obvious that she did.

      Looking at season 7 I wasn’t surprised that she had loved him after all Joss did say that their relationship was a romantic relationship and not just friendship.

      I know that if it was the last day of my life I would want to spend it with someone That I loved and not someone That I just had “feelings” for, Buffy knew that she might die again in the battle in chosen and she spent her last nights with Spike, In the arms of the man she loved, that tells you a lot.

      When she finally told him she loved him, I knew that she did, it made perfect sense, It was as they looked into each others souls at that moment, and Buffy could see Spikes soul, I do not think she would lie to him to make him happy, after all she had already given him the happiest night of his life (touched) and I don’t think Joss would want his main characters last sentence to be a lie, no… It was a revelation.

      Spike’s “no you don’t” was understandable, Spike is a insecure character, He might act like a tuff guy, but he’s a softy at heart, all the women he has loved have broken his heart, Cecily denied his love and turned him down, Drusilla saw that he loved Buffy and cheated on him and Buffy broke up with him because she couldn’t stand the fact that he was using him, I don’t think he could genuinely think that someone could love him, He didn’t realise that Buffy had forgiven him for what he did, actually I think he did, But I don’t think he forgave himself, I think the fact that he “hurt the girl” still haunted him. If you cant love yourself, your going to think other people aren’t going to love you too, you’re going to think that people see you as a unlovable person.

      Joss, JE, MN, DF, Buffy and Andrew have all said Buffy loves spike and I take that as confirmation that she did.

    4. All4Spike says:

      I like to believe that at the end Buffy really did love Spike. Not perhaps the idealistic romantic love she had for Angel, but a more mature love based on friendship and loyalty.

      After all they have come to mean to each other during the season as they had come to trust each other completely I can’t see her lying to him at that moment she expected him to die just to make him happy, she had come to respect him too much to do that.

      After all we know she doesn’t say the words easily, she never once told Riley she loved him!

      It is Spike’s immediate reaction not to believe her because he still doesn’t consider he is worthy of her love, he still hasn’t forgiven himself for hurting her.

    5. Angel31 says:

      Its not really that hard to figure out that Buffy had always loved Spike since she’s been ressurected. Spike loved her since he say her in School Hard. Even Dru new that. I couldn’t believe that Spike went that far to rape Buffy. He obviously got carried away. I’m surprised that Buffy forgave him for that, but I guess since he forgave her for using him she decided to forgive him back. When she to Dawn to his crypt I don’t think she wanted Dawn to be there but she new that Spike would never hurt her and that he would protect her even after what he had done to her.

    6. Abby M. says:

      I don’t think she loved him when she was resurrected, I think her resurrection gave her a new perspective and relationship with Spike that allowed her to open up to him more. I think she had feelings for him as something more then a friend and in my opinion, she only started to “love” him when she found out he had a soul. I mean, yeah, she had feelings for him for a while but I think she was only able to really and honestly care for him in an “I love you” capacity when she realized he fought for his soul for her.

      From that point on, I don’t think she was “in love” with Spike like she was “in love” with Angel. But he defintely had a special place in her heart and she loved him in a sense of two people having a close connection that is like no other. She found in the end he was really someone she could trust and will be there for her and she loved him for it.

      That’s my 2 cents. :)

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