Clara Bryant

Clara Bryant played the potential Slayer Molly. She played Annie, the daughter of Billy Connolly, in the ABC series Billy. She has guest-starred on shows such as Roseanne, Fastlane and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. She has also starred in various other TV shows, and acted on stage. Clara has been nominated three times by the Youth in Film/Young Artist Awards.

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    Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 30th September 2004
    Updated: › 27th October, 2005
    Hits: › 945  

    11 Comments about “Clara Bryant”

    1. ant4buffy says:

      Terrible accent! who really speaks like that?

    2. Jess says:

      It’s annoying that the show handled the English character of Giles so sensitively, then bungled it by introducing stereotypes such as Quentin and, to some extent, Wesley (before he got cool). Really, Molly’s daft accent was unnecessary.

    3. ant4buffy says:

      I loved Wesley in Angel after the bumblingness. I don’t really know when he got cool. It just happened over a few episodes but I do miss the old slapstickness of him. Like when he tries to jump out of the car at the spa in the episode “She” and completely flops it. And the falling over on the coffee beans in Angel’s first office. Brilliant stuff. Hope he is in more comedy programmes.

    4. Saintsaucey says:

      Honestly I don’t get why people care about the accents. I liked the characters so the accents don’t really bother me.

    5. mairceridwen says:

      Was Quentin really a stereotype? I felt that the actor handled the character really well, (bringing in a subtlety to it) especially considering how little time he had to develop it.

      Angel’s Irish brogue is painful even for this Yankee. It’s bad acting and it undermines the characters just as any other bad acting job would do. That’s why people care.

    6. Puja says:

      I liked Quentin - he was a little bit of a stereotype, but a stereotype of a stuffy political animal, rather than a stereotype of an Englishman, and I thought he was done quite well.

      I was really annoyed when the English slayer who came with Molly and Kennedy died in Bring on the Night. I was praying that Molly and her crap accent would be the one to perish, but no, we got rid of the one with the half-decent English accent.

      Another thing that bugs me is the fact that England is always portrayed as either a big green field, or London. It’s one of the most over-populated countries in the Western Hemisphere and every single shot is of green fields stretching as far as the eye can see!


    7. mairceridwen says:

      I think that was to showcase Anthony Head’s home (unless it was stock footage), but also playing on the magic-addiction thing, perhaps it was supposed to parallel, hollywood style rehab clinics, which are always these big-huge spa-like entities, which only the wealthy can afford and aren’t like the state-run, or otherwise more affordable clinics that most people wind up in.

    8. Saintsaucey says:

      That was Anthony Head’s property not stock footage.

    9. Comfortador says:

      Isn’t that how people in England speak? Lots of pip pip and cheerio. Seriously, she did sound like she was from L.A. doing an over-the-top fake British accent. Which she was, so mission accomplished. I just thought she was pretty so I’m trying to defend her, sorry.

    10. ghola8 says:

      Hey, listen, maybe Irish accents really sounded like that back then, okay? Angel was alive, but you weren’t!

    11. Jess says:

      If they did (and they didn’t) that was very well researched by the Buffy and Angel crew.

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