Joss on Donald Sutherland

Donald Sutherland played Buffy’s Watcher in the Buffy movie, and was a point of contention for Joss. He said in an interview with The Onion AV Club:

“He was just a prick. The thing is, people always make fun of Rutger Hauer [for his Buffy role]. Even though he was big and silly and looked kind of goofy in the movie, I have to give him credit, because he was there. He was into it. Whereas Donald was just… He would rewrite all his dialogue, and the director would let him. He can’t write - he’s not a writer - so the dialogue would not make sense. And he had a very bad attitude. He was incredibly rude to the director, he was rude to everyone around him, he was just a real pain. And to see him destroying my stuff… Some people didn’t notice. Some people liked him in the movie. Because he’s Donald Sutherland. He’s a great actor. He can read the phone book, and I’m interested. But the thing is, he acts well enough that you didn’t notice, with his little rewrites, and his little ideas about what his character should do, that he was actually destroying the movie more than Rutger was. So I got out of there. I had to run away.”

Source:The Onion AV Club
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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 20th August 2004
    Updated: › 26th May, 2005
    Hits: › 624  

    5 Comments about “Joss on Donald Sutherland”

    1. hailtothechimp says:

      This is an interesting point. Actors like Rutger Hauer are well used to “B-Movie” fare and thus (I imagine) have less inflated views of themselves as actorrrsss (darling). Mr. Sutherland on the other hand was obviously only doing the Buffy movie so he could buy himself a new ivory back-scratcher (or whatever).

      If I were making a cheapie, genre movie I’d much rather have someone who genuinely wanted to be involved, rather than someone who was constantly thinking “I used to be in ‘Don’t Look Now’ and Fellini films”!

      Oh and “The Hitcher” is a fine film, showing Rutger’s patented brand of dementia off to good effect.

    2. slightlyembarrased says:

      Chimp, well said. Actors, for the most part, are over-pampered preening prima donnas, who don’t realize how easy they have it. Consider what their job is — pretending your someone much more likeable than you really are. Hell, I do that every day!

      I cannot await the day that computer generated actors replace the self-indulgent lot of them. Then, when they return to their rightful place in the world as waiters and busboys, we can all join together and mock them.

    3. MagicBone says:

      Does this mocking include throwing “various fruits and meats?”

    4. MagicBone says:

      Does this mocking include throwing “various fruits and meats?”

    5. MagicBone says:

      Oops, sorry. (My evil twin submitted that.)

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