K. D. Aubert

K. D. Aubert played Robin Wood’s mother, Nikki Wood, in season seven. The character was played by April Wheedon-Washington in Fool For Love. K.D. Aubert co-hosted the MTV show Kidnapped before playing a Harem Girl in the 2002 movie Scorpion King, which starred wrestler, the Rock. K.D. was also in the 2003 movie DysEnchanted, in which she played Red Riding Hood. K.D. ranked number 91 in Maxim’s Hot 100 2003, ahead of Avril Lavigne and behind Jennifer Sky (who played Heidi in The Pack).

Played: Nikki Wood
Related Trivia:
  • Woodside and Aubert
  • April Weedon-Washington
  • Bones
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 2nd June 2005
    Updated: › 27th October, 2005
    Hits: › 617  

    One Comment about “K. D. Aubert”

    1. Longlostscooby says:

      Why doesn’t Nikki Wood have a character bio on this site?

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