No Giles

Giles is not in the episode Potential as he is in Shanghai picking up Chao-Ahn, a new potential Slayer. Also missing is the potential Slayer Chloe, though no explanation is given for this.

Related Trivia:
  • Giles jogs
  • Giles the animal
  • Giles and Joyce
  • Watcher boy
  • [2.16-38.34] Giles’ cravat
  • [5.20-20.11] Speared Giles?
  • Buffy’s man
  • Hearing about Jenny
  • Suggested by: superdinosaurboy
    Added: › 18th May 2005
    Updated: › 3rd August, 2005
    Hits: › 548  

    17 Comments about “No Giles”

    1. Abby M. says:

      Where do you think Giles gets all this money for air fare? I mean, flying back and forth from England to California (at least 4 times) and all over the world to get potential slayers. He was a paid watcher for Buffy for only a bit over 2 years and had other employment as a high school librarian and a magick shop owner. Plus, he gave that check to Buffy (which was sold on eBay and was written for $10,000.00). Just a thought! :)

    2. ant4buffy says:

      He got reimbursed from when he got fired in the Season 5 episode, Checkpoint. The council paid him from when they fired him and paid him full wages from then on.

    3. Abby M. says:

      Thats true, but really. How much do watchers get paid? Maybe his family was wealthy or he had a stash hid away or something. I am just saying Giles sure does have a lot of money for all these trips! :)

    4. Jess says:

      Flats in Bath aren’t that cheap either. The Watcher’s Council must pay very well.

    5. Donna says:

      Sorry to stray a little here but wouldn’t you think the Watcher’s council would pay the slayer some sort of allowance. Save them slinging burgers.

    6. ant4buffy says:

      Probably not. Mainly because they infected the first slayer with a demon so i don’t think they really care all that much. Maybe they wanted the slayer to learn all about life and not take things for granted.

    7. Abby M. says:

      I’m surprised that the watchers got paid! The council doesn’t really care about the slayers. They are just “instruments” the council uses to fight the war. They probably only pay the watchers because Quentin wanted to get payed!

      Also, they might figure the slayer is chosen out of destiny while a watcher is a career you can pick (maybe Giles circumstance was special). Also, not that a watcher is going to live a long life but it is probably going to be a lot longer then a slayer so they figure, ‘Why pay her? She is going to die soon anyway and not get to spend the money!’

    8. MagicBone says:

      I would have thought that the Watchers Council paid for all of Giles’s trips around the world considering he’s doing all of that to save the Slayer line which the Watchers Council are supposed to be doing themselves.

    9. ant4buffy says:

      Actually when Xander says that he paid Willy in Season 3 he asks Giles if the council reimburse and Giles says “did you get a receipt?” Xander says “Damn”.
      I presume that Giles keeps his receipts.

    10. MagicBone says:

      Well, he’s pretty smart

    11. Abby M. says:

      Yeah, MagicBone and ant4buffy. Remember, we find out in Angel the only reason Wesley he didn’t go back to England at the end of Buffy’s 3rd season was because of the council wouldn’t pay for his ticket. I guess it is like taking a business trip: If you have to travel, whatever you spend, you get reimbersed (I don’t think I spelled that right).

    12. MagicBone says:

      Was Wesley fired because he was Buffy’s Watcher when she decided not to “work” for the Council anymore?

      Abby M, I think it’s reimbursed, with a U

    13. storyteller says:

      um..back to the original topic..

      Where was Chloe in this episode?!

    14. storyteller says:

      Maybe she was off in a corner being tortured by the first…

    15. Jess says:

      You’d have thought Giles might have thrown a bit of cash in Buffy’s direction (before he gave her that cheque) considering he’s been earning the money from the W. Council because of her. Tut.

    16. Abby M. says:

      Maybe he was being extremely stuffy, he gets all ‘flustered’ when it comes to things like that.

    17. Longlostscooby says:

      It doesn’t matter if the Council reimburses because in season 7 when Giles is doing all this traveling the watchers council has already been destroyed. Maybe he is just running up his credit card thinking the world might end anyway.

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