Pep talks


Buffy writers realised that Buffy’s inspirational speeches in season seven were becoming annoying for fans. They began to make fun of her pep talks. In Storyteller, Andrew indicated that he felt they were dull, and once Buffy started she’d only stop when she had to go to work. He also made fun of them saying Willow had a high threshold for speech-making, but even she looked bored. In Lies My Parents Told Me, Buffy says, “Have you heard my speeches?” and “The other day I gave an inspirational speech to the telephone repair man”, showing again that Buffy writers can parody themselves - and that they pay attention to what the fans think.

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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 14th July 2005
    Updated: › 8th March, 2006
    Hits: › 832  

    15 Comments about “Pep talks”

    1. AnyasFloppyEars says:

      This topic perfectly illustrates my feelings on this site as compared with my feelings about the “Television Without Pity” serial castigation network.

      Here we have the gentle illumination of the fact that Buffy being written as a bossy pain in the backside began to grate with fans - informative and constructive; on TWOP we have pages and pages of cracks about how the writers are evil and incompetent (along with a great deal of oh so bitchy whingeing about how slender SMG is and what Aly wears on the show - as if any of that matters).

      I know where I’d rather spend my time. Yay here!

    2. mairceridwen says:

      yeah, but their explicit purpose is to be snarky and when it works, it really works…as I would direct you to their commentaries on such shows as ER and Dawson’s Creek.

      we’re just nicer (well, I’m not, but everyone else is). plus their message boards get difficult to follow and there are too many people

    3. slightlyembarrased says:

      “…and there are too many people,”

      I hate people. They screw up everything.

    4. somethingblue says:

      but why would such bitter people, like those on the TWOP site, spend so much time on shows they obviously despise? Personally, I like to talk about shows I love (Buffy) and not spend time with such negative endeavors! Yeah for the Trivia Guide!

    5. mairceridwen says:

      Because it’s fun. It’s fun to make fun of things which are obviously stupid…espcially if those things take themselves (or are taken) somewhat seriously, like Dawson’s Creek. I used to watch ER just to make fun of it, because it had gotten so out of control.

      The thing is…I think they do like the shows, but realize how stupid some of them are. I think, overall, most of the Buffy commentators on that site really liked Buffy.

      I like reading some of those commentaries, espcially the ones for Dawson’s Creek (a show, which I’ve stated before, that I LOATHED TO THE INNER CORE OF MY VERY BEING, yet I watched it every day, for two hours, when it was syndicated by TBS). However, the commentaries start to get old when they, like some of the shows they criticize, take themselves too seriously.

    6. Abby M. says:

      I think all of you guys would love Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K). For those who don’t know, it is a show where a guy and two robots sit down for a full length, 1.5 hour old crappy sci fi movie and just make fun of it. It is so funny! It is off the air now but you can get the DVD’s, if you’re interested.

    7. mairceridwen says:

      oh my god i love mystery science theater.

      i {heart} abby

    8. slightlyembarrased says:

      MST 3000 was pure, uncut genius. Even the crazy “between acts” routines were inspired lunacy.

      Never saw “Dawson’s Creek”, and never felt I was missing anything. Thanks for confirming that, mair.

    9. beagle says:

      “…and there are too many people,”

      I hate people. They screw up everything.

      Word, people suck. Misanthropic high fives!
      Unless you’re spike, then they are happy meals on legs.

    10. Abby M. says:

      I got hooked into Dawson’s Creek and I absolutly hated it but I couldn’t not watch it. It was so stupid…on a much better note, my uncle just gave me a whole bunch of VHS’s with episodes with MST3K, I have about 10 episodes I haven never seen. Yeah!

    11. Abby M. says:

      Yeah, the great thing about the DVD’s is that on one side it has the MST3K episode, and on the other the actual sci fi movie! Isn’t that cool?

    12. luckykitty89 says:

      I agree, mairceridwen. I think the people on TWOP do like the shows they write about. Why else would they spend so much time watching and writing and analyzing a show every week? They wouldn’t do that for a show they couldn’t stand watching. And if you really love a show, you can acknowledge the fact that, while it could be a really good show, some stuff is just so STUPID it really just boggles your mind. Plus, sarcasm is just so much fun.
      I love Smallville and I love to read Omar’s commentaries. He’s wonderful. And quite snarky. That’s the whole reason people go to TWOP: for the excellent quality of the snark.

    13. Comfortador says:

      1. Snarky? Is that some of this “text” speak I have been hearing so much about?
      2. Dawson’s Creek- Katie Holmes is yummy, though now that she has miniture Tom Cruise’s bun in the oven, not so much
      2b. Dawson (blonde Frankinstein Jr.) is the long-lost son of John Tesh
      3.MST3K (more “text” speak?) is funny but ditch the lame robots and get right to ragging on the movies
      4. Just as my job wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for the customers, the Earth wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for the people.
      5. There’s no I in TEAM but there is an M and an E

    14. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      I couldn’t agree more with luckykitty’s statement about TWOP (a site that I love as well).

      Also, is that Clerks reference intentional there, Confortador? If so, sweet!

    15. Comfortador says:

      Clerks reference? Let’s just say I named my cat Annoying Customer

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