Put off magic


In Bring on the Night, Willow tries to find the First with a locator spell. It backfires and the evil possesses her briefly, exploding out of her and terrifying everyone in the process. When it’s gone, Willow is devastated, realising that any time she uses her power; she is liable to hurt someone. This relates back to Conversations with Dead People when the First told her she’d kill everyone with her magic.

Related Trivia:
  • Magic has consequences
  • Magic Box
  • Different magic
  • Giles and Magic
  • Magic box jars
  • Remedial Magic
  • Magic Box magazines
  • OWMF goof
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 18th May 2005
    Updated: › 8th March, 2006
    Hits: › 307  

    5 Comments about “Put off magic”

    1. Lilwenn says:

      The ghostly-demony thing that “exploded out” of Willow (and can be seen a few times throughout the season) was the same as in Amends, was it ?

    2. Abby M. says:

      Yeah, it was the same ghost thing that appeared to Buffy in Amends.

    3. Longlostscooby says:

      An earlier indication that Willow goes a little evil when she uses magic is in Season 7 ep. Selfless. In the ep. Anya summons a Grimslaw Demon (giant ugly spider demon) to punish a mean house of frat boys. Willow finds the girl who unwittingly made the wish hiding in a closet, and when the Demon trys to attack Will she protects herself with a barrier charm, while she is using magic her eyes turn black and she yells at the girl to stop her whinning. Very un-Willow like behavior. Then when the spell is over she feels bad and apologizes to the scared girl.

    4. Wynter says:

      I rewatched Conversations with Dead People and during the scene where Cassie/The First tries to convince Willow to kill herself, I had a sudden thought.

      What if the reason for that wasn’t just because The First was all evil and wanted a bit of fun, but because it thought that, on some level, Willow’s power could be a plausible threat to it? I mean, in the end it’s her powerful white magic and spell that leads to all the potentials becoming Slayers, which in turn plays a part in the defeat of The First, and tips the “good-evil” scales in major favour of the good side. Obviously, The First couldn’t have known that’s specifically what she would do, but it still might have thought she was a danger to it.

      It’s a theory, anyway.

    5. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      True. The First doesn’t seem to be the type to go out of it’s way for only the sake of being cruel (although it clearly is fond of cruelty). It had to be at least a bit concerned that Willow could hurt it to make the effort required here.

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