Rwasundi demon

Rwasundi are very rare demons whose presence in our dimension causes temporal fluctuations. Being around them for more than a few seconds can give people hallucinations. The Trio used these demons to make Buffy think that she had killed Katrina in Dead Things. Anya says they are, “very rare. Its presence in our dimension causes a sort of … localized temporal disturbance… Human perception is based on a linear chronology. Being exposed to the Rescindi for more than a few seconds can cause vivid hallucinations. And a slight tingly scalp.”

Appeared in: Dead Things
Related Trivia:
  • Strom demon
  • Gorrah demon
  • Pargo demon
  • Eyghon
  • Demon deformities
  • Ascension
  • Ryan Anderson
  • [6.14-02.26] Buffy’s demon
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 10th September 2004
    Updated: › 12th August, 2005
    Hits: › 451  

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