
At some point during the episode The Killer in Me, Dawn receives a phone call from Angelus that was made in the Angel episode ‘Salvage‘ (when he wants to find out if Buffy is after him in L.A - she’s not but Faith is). This event is never mentioned in Buffy.

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  • Brett Wagner
  • Faith’s entrance
  • Faith’s back
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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 5th July 2005
    Hits: › 480  

    11 Comments about “Salvage”

    1. wes-lover says:

      yes, that was weard.. i was thinking of that but just thought that it wasn’t showed….. hmmm

    2. southerngem65 says:

      Actually, If you watch the Angel episodes in order along with the Buffy Episodes (based on the original air dates listed on the DVDs), Angel was in the cage when The Killer in Me was taking place. The call in the Angel episode Salvage took place when no episodes of Buffy were airing - Sometime between Storyteller and Lies My Parents Told Me.

    3. melkite25 says:

      Ok, I looked all through this episode, and I can’t find the part where Angelus calls Dawn. I remember seeing it before, but I don’t remember which episode. Is it in another episode, or was this scene actually in the Killer in Me, but cut from the DVD version?

    4. Mel says:

      You don’t actually see Dawn speaking to Angel in a Buffy episode - you see Angelus making the call in the Angel episode Salvage.

    5. melkite25 says:

      I could have sworn I remember seeing Dawn pick up the phone, say hi Angel, or something like that, and then say, “that’s odd, he hung up.” I just saw Salvage for the first time the other day, and when I saw Angelus make that call, it made me remember seeing the corresponding scene in a Buffy episode.

    6. Jess says:

      The best place online to check things like this is buffyology which has all the scripts for Buffy, and is searchable.

    7. Dawn says:

      Dawn never received a phone call from Angel in the show…
      I know for sure

    8. Jess says:

      I know this, but if you read the trivia it says: “This event is never mentioned in Buffy.” It’s basically saying the event happened sometime during that episode - but not on-screen.

    9. Angel242 says:

      buffyology is a great site I used to check out. But I’ve found something way better: this site.

    10. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      The corresponding air dates and episode numbers don’t matter for this subject, since the entire season of Angel seems to last only a couple of months or so, as well as that the great Eliza Dushku episodes of Angel were postponed until March on the WB. There is no reason to assume that this call took place during The Killer in Me because of this, or in Storyteller for that matter. Since Willow recieved that call for L.A. in episode 17, Angel’s call did not take place in this one. The writers were smart to make it so that the call happened off-screen, so we don’t need to know when exactly it occurred.

    11. Dawn says:

      yeah this site is MUCH better

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