
The Halloween 2005 episode of the TV show Smallville entitled ‘Thirst’ references Buffy the Vampire Slayer several times. In the episode, a form of rabies spreads in a number of sorority girls that its side-effects resemble the characteristics of being a vampire. The episode revolvs around a sorority girl named Buffy Sanders who just happened to be a vampire. The episode also featured the character Professor Milton Fine (played by Buffy’s James Marsters) who said: “Clark, there’s no such thing as vampires.” When a girl holds a cross to a vampire, the vamp looks at it and says, “You’ve seen way to many movies!” and proceeds to bite her. Finally, the newspaper editor says, “I’m not interested in a story about slaying Buffy the vampire!”

Source:› Thanks also to The_Slayer
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  • Suggested by: Abby M.
    Added: › 21st November 2005
    Updated: › 23rd November, 2005
    Hits: › 1073  

    21 Comments about “Smallville”

    1. mairceridwen says:

      Smallville. Quite possibly the most annoying, least creative show since Dawson’s Creek. Except that Smallville never made me physically angry when I watched it.

    2. slightlyembarrased says:

      mairce…I was loooking at the DVD box set of a show called “Veronica Mars”, and it made the claim to be “a little bit Buffy”….have you (or anyone for that matter) seen the show? Is it any good?

    3. mairceridwen says:

      I’ve heard good things about Veronica Mars; it has a little bit of a following. Aside from House, I don’t really watch too many new televisions shows. I’m waiting for the ones I am interested in to come out on DVD.

    4. slightlyembarrased says:

      Thank you, m. I am in complete understanding re TV, as I do not count a single network show among things I watch. (Though my son swears by House…he’s 11…and has a keen sense of irony. I watched it a couple times, and enjoyed it, though I have a job that has a tendency to ignore the fact that free time might be fun for me.) The Veronica Mars collection I saw was rather steeply priced for a show I’ve never seen ($60 at Virgin), so I passed for now. Thanks again for the 411.

    5. NotFadeAway says:

      I’ve got to respond to the question about Veronica Mars. In my opinion, it is without a doubt the best show on television right now and is worth every bit that of that rather steep price for the DVD. If anyone wants to see this great show they should get the DVD, as this would be better than just starting to watch it on T.V. (as it is in the middle of season two right now.) Also, the show has had appearances by Allyson Hannigan, Charisma Carpenter, and even Joss Whedon himself (for those of you who might want another reason to watch it.)

    6. Jess says:

      NotFadeAway - what’s the show about? I’m TV-free now but am enjoying watching TV shows on DVD (X Files is my life at the moment). Is it available in the UK/Ireland?

    7. mairceridwen says:

      Luckily here we have netflix and can get all the tv shows we want. I have red dwarf, which was once referenced on Buffy, in my queue.

    8. NotFadeAway says:

      Hey Jess, Veronica Mars is about a high school girl who is sort of a teen detective. While the premise may sound lame, the show itself is pretty dark and full of very thoughtful themes. Also, it is a great blend of genres, as it can be funny, suspensful, and dramatic (even all in the same episode.) The first season had a few great continuing mysteries (as does the second season.) Although I wouldn’t say that it is as good as Buffy the Vampire Slayer (since no show could be that good) it is pretty close. I feel sure that anyone watching it will enjoy it and be happy that they gave the show a chance.

    9. marvin21st says:

      Wow thanks I wasnt sure if I was going to watch veronica as it only starts here next week and we lost smallville for a while but thats back to. It definatly looks like they deserve a look in.

    10. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      Veronica Mars is the best show on television. It is the best thing to come on since BTVS went off the air, at least in my opinion.

    11. Abby M. says:

      Didn’t Joss have a cameo or small role on Veronica Mars?

    12. NotFadeAway says:

      Joss appeared in an episdoe entitled “Rat Saw God” earlier this season (and he did a good job in it.)

    13. Jess says:

      Plus Charisma and Alyson have parts in it too - I want to see this Buffy fest!

    14. epox_999 says:

      Veronica Mars is indeed one of the smartest, most well written shows currently on American TV. Season 1 of the show is out on Region 1 DVD. has it for $41.87 USD with free shipping.

      The Veronica Mars people have been trying to “fold-in the fanbases” of the Joss Whedon and Kevin Smith universes. Joss and Kevin both had short cameos this season on VM. Kevin Smith played a clerk at a gas station, and Joss played the manager of a rental-car agency. Alyson Hannigan has been in two season 1 episodes (she returns to the show this Wednesday night, episode 9 of season 2). Her character is a movie-of-the-week/b-movie actress, who is a sister to one of the main characters on the show. Charisma Carpenter plays a “former Laker Girl” (Profession Cheerleader) who is a trophy wife to a wealthy businessman. Her character “Kendall Casablancas” is the stepmom to two of Season two’s main characters.

      Buffy comparisons are due to the witty dialog, pop culture references, plucky yet strong female main character, serious themes, and strong episode-to-episode continuity. Season long arcs are also present on VM.

      Joss Whedon famously called the show “Best. Show. Ever” on his blog.

      A great synopsis of the show is at TVIV:

    15. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      This is an excellant post, Epox, and I just wanted to say that I agree with every word. Veronica Mars is by far the best show on television these days. Also, I was pleased to learn that Allyson Hannigan will be back this week. That is excellant news, and hopefully will get some more people to watch.

    16. MagicBone says:

      What channel is Veronica Mars on?

    17. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      To answer your question, Veronica Mars comes on UPN Wednesdays at 9:00.

    18. epox_999 says:

      For those outside of the USA, UPN is paramount movie studio’s network. UPN is the smallest of the six “major” networks in the US (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, the WB, UPN) UPN is the network Buffy moved to after 5 years on “the WB”.

      The official Veronica Mars site is located here:

    19. Abby M. says:

      Hmm…I am in a public high school and we don’t really have popular kids. We just have very blurred lines on what groups hang with. We have the band kids (Who actually arn’t made fun of, they are actually respected), goths, athletes, druggies and then the other kids. They consist of the kids that don’t really have a clique of their own so they form their own clique, but at my school you really don’t notice all the different cliques. Like, their isn’t anything like football players site that table and cheerleaders sit their. We alll just kind of do our own thing. It’s nice.

    20. slightlyembarrased says:

      Geez, Abby…let’s not get personal. I thought we were having a nice debate. I apologize if my upbringing did not instill in me the obvious character with which you are brimming and I am so sorely lacking.


    21. marvin21st says:

      Wow look what happens when you get sick and dont check you emails for a week. Would have loved to have been in that conversation but looks like I missed it.

      Oh well, but I will add, I dont have a number Im not on the list does this make me a social outcast, a nerd or am I popular for not commenting???

      And also cough cough name dropper cough

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