Sued by McDonalds

Sarah Michelle Gellar was sued by McDonalds at the age of four. She appeared in a Burger King advert where she said, “Do I look 20 per cent smaller to you? I must have at McDonalds because their hamburgers are 20 per cent smaller than Burger King’s.” It was the first time a company used another company’s name in an advert so McDonald’s sued Burger King, the advertising agency, and Sarah herself.

Related Trivia:
  • McDonalds
  • Ken Lerner
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 23rd August 2004
    Updated: › 1st June, 2005
    Hits: › 770  

    19 Comments about “Sued by McDonalds”

    1. Sunnydalehigh says:

      Don’t leave us hanging! What happened? Did McDonald’s win any of the cases? Maybe Doublemeat Palace was sweet revenge….

    2. Angel242 says:

      Poor Sarah, how can you sue a four year old girl??
      what a w0orld!

    3. Sunnydalehigh says:

      I agree! And that was, what, 20+ years ago? Makes me not want to eat at McDonald’s ever again. Oh wait, I already don’t ever eat there. Damn! I feel so helpless….

    4. MagicBone says:

      I like Burger King better anyway. Except for the Burger King in the commercials. He’s creepy. He’s always there, looking in people’s windows and stuff. And he tries to push that one guy with the coffee off of the metal bar thing.

    5. beagle says:

      YES, that giant burger king goober is CREEPY, If I had kids I wouldn’t let them watch those commercials. I’m afraid I’ll have bad dreams. It activates my gag reflex just thinking about him. What Madison Ave. exec thought that was cool? Probably has some perverse subliminal effect on your mind making you want burgers or chicken fries or something.

    6. Abby M. says:

      Yeah! I saw the commercial where the king rubs the other guys ass: Creepy…I didn’t want to be the first one to notice.

    7. beagle says:

      If I was really, really mad at my wife I would get one of those masks and put it on so she would wake up with the king, and omg that would be funny/mean. She hates the king even more than I.

    8. beagle says:

      She has a gun by her side of the bed. I think not.

    9. beagle says:


    10. MagicBone says:

      I watching some cartoon with this little girl I was babysitting and that commercial was on for some reason and she goes “I don’t like that man” and I started laughing so hard. Buger King guy = very scary. The thing with Steve Cross pissed of my dad too, beags. lol

    11. somethingblue says:

      Ok, new BK commercial during the super bowl, women dancing as pieces of a whopper, then being thrown on to each other in a big pile to make a whopper while the plastic head king (incredibly disturbing)! What is wrong with these people? As an advertising professional, I can honestly say that I can not imagine that someone would think that plastic head man would promote selling any food, especially hamburgers. And the women/food pile, very strange, could they breathe under there (that’s all I could think, I hope they can breathe!)

    12. MagicBone says:

      Usually the Super Bowl produces good commercials but every year you get a couple lame and stupid ones (and in this case, frightening).

      My favorite commercial isn’t on anymore. It was with the spongemonkeys (that’s what they’re called, I looked it up) that sang about Quizno’s Subs. One had a guitar and the other one had an eyepatch. They creeped my sister out but I thought they were awesome.

    13. somethingblue says:

      I don’t know of said Quizno’s Monkeys, but I did notice the FedEx commercial tonight with the guy getting stomped by the dinosaur - very funny violence in this year’s spots!

    14. beagle says:

      If you like the Quiznos creatures I believe this is the guy’s website that created them. Lot’s of “Creature Features”. Warning, this site contains some adult language etc…

    15. Sunnydalehigh says:

      Not that I mind the topic digression (really, your comments have been cracking me up!), but back to the original trivia…. I did a little internet research and found out that McDonald’s cases against everyone were settled out of court. I’m not sure if this next part is true or not, but I read that SMG was later invited to a friend’s birthday party at McD’s, but she thought she was bound by the “truth in advertising” act, so she wore a disguise (a big hat and glasses). Also, McD’s doesn’t seem to be holding a grudge since they were a big sponsor for Buffy.

      Quizno’s spongemonkeys: majorly annoying, with a side of creepy thrown in.

      BK’s “King”: multi-leveled, super-sized creepy meal. The King is just…wrong.

    16. MagicBone says:

      On so many levels.

    17. Comfortador says:

      I went to this and watched “sumo florist” and am just wondering why the sumo florist is jamie lee curtis?

      Oh and for those who don’t live in Philadelphia check this out- Howard Eskin, a local sports radio guy or inspiration for the creepy Burger King?

    18. MagicBone says:

      I went to and just started watching all of the songs and they the funniest things ever! And at the same time, incredibly incredibly strange ….

      And the Spongemonkeys? They kick ass.

    19. Kevmaster2000 says:

      I suppose I’d be in the minority in my approval of the Burger King guy…

      I find him disturbing, and humorous.

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