What, Who, and more

Please note: This trivia was suggested by Vickyvanryssel. It has not been approved.

I just would like to know a bit more about Tressa DiFiglia… Does anybody know: her birthdate, her hobbies, her height and so on. Thanks. You can put it on this site or e-mail it to me, or e-mail a site that actually contains the information, the correct information…Thank you very much. A fan.

Suggested by: Vickyvanryssel
Added: › 27th November 2005
Updated: › 2nd December, 2005
Hits: › 102  

3 Comments about “What, Who, and more”

  1. Jess says:

    Sorry, I don’t know anything about Tressa - but here’s a photo of her and Nick Brendon on their wedding day.

  2. mairceridwen says:

    There is no image there, just a flashing sign telling me to stop hotlinking her images.

  3. Jess says:

    Oops - apologies for my shortcut - and sorry also Dusk Til Dawn. Go to this link and find your way from there.

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